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July 08, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-08

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 41-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 8, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Poges

Back to nature
# Senators Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Herman Talmadge (D-Ga.) co-sponsors of legislation aimed
at reversing the trend of rural migration to the big cities, discuss their program yesterday at the Capi-
tol. The legislation is designed they say, to make it "the right of every American to have a free choice
of where he shall live".

plans near
A new University grievance appeal procedure, being
drawn up j o i n t 1 y by representatives of the University
Women's Commission and the University executive officers,
stands to be finalized early next week, says Women's Com-
mission Chairman Barbara Newell.
The acceptance of the new procedure is subject to the
approval of both groups. If approved, it would be used for
one year in cases involving disputes between the Univer-
sity and its non-union staff.
"We are hopeful that the new
grievance procedures will be ac-
cepted by the Executive Com-A A
mittee at their meeting next
Tuesday," says Newell. "Not only
the Women's Commission and p lan UT
the grievants, but even the ad-
ministration realized the need
for a change."eg
Significant changes in the ttiI /
grievane pr*ocereinclu1de a: .EAJL L.1JL. VA S
change in the composition of
the committee which hears cases By ALAN LENHOFF
involving University-employe The Ann Arbor Police De-
disputes. Under the new provi- partment is sponsoring a pro-
sions, the committee would con- gram to help local residents
sist of a member selected by the mark their property in order to
employe, one chosen by the dean discourage burglaries and to aid
or administrative department in identifying stolen goods.
h e a d concerned. T h e s e two Officer Charles Ferguson says
members would select the third the program - named Oper-
member of thse group. ation Identification - makes
Under the grievance proced- available to the public electric
urea currently in effect, the re- "pencils," vibrating instruments
view committee conaiataof the than can be used to carve iden-
supervisor, and a representative tifying symbols on almost any
of the grievant. item.
ohrdin t.ewthr- The pencils are used to mark
According to Newell, the re- the owner's drivers' license
vised committee would 'be more number on his possessions. Sto-
impartial, and get around the len items can be traced back to
problem of having the decision their owners almost immed-
reviewed by precisely those peo- iately if they are so marked
ple who were responsible for a through the Law Enforcement
decision which was unacceptable Information Network a com-
to the grievant in the first tfrainNtok acm
place." h aputer center in Lansing that
place." h as records of all Michigan
Other changes will give the driver's licenses.
grievant the right to cross-ex-
amine the respondent in the If a resident does not have a
hearing, and the right to all in- Michigan driver's license, Fer-
formation used by the review guson explains, the police de-
committee in making their deci- partment will assign him a
sion. special number to mark on his
See COMPLAINT, Page 2 See ANTI-THEFT, Page 2

U.S., S4
of new
PARIS (I) - The United
States and South Vietnam, on the
eve of today's session of the
Vietnam talks, were preparing a
cautious approach to the new.
Viet Cong peace proposals.
Allied diplomats put aside any
speculation that a flat accept-
ance or rejection of the peach
package will be laid on the table
at the International Conftrnce
"We have to know fir }t whe-
ther the other aide is no. pre-
pared for serious negotiations,

. Viets cautious
peace proposal

pared to see Kissinger if he asked
for a meeting.
Tho said yesterday that the
Communist offer to return war
prisoners if American forces are
withdrawn by the end of 1971 was
not dependent on a political set-
tlement in South Vietnam.
Instead, he said that the ques-
tions of prisoners and withdraw-
al could now be negotiated sepa-
rately in the peace talks, with
political arrangements to be dis-
cussed afterward.
In Washington, Senate Demo-
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of
Montana noted that Tho and
Binh had indicated there was
flexibility in the Communist po-
sition and added that there ap-
peared to be "a lot of room for
give and take."
President Georges Pompidou
met with his Cabinet and a cabi-
net spokesman said that subjects
discussed included the Viet Cong
peace proposals. The Cabinet, he
added, pointed out "new ele-
ments favorable to peace" in
the proposals and noted interest
has been shown by the United
States in the plan.
Principal attention was being
directed at the first point in
Binh's proposal. She said in es-
sence that if the United States
withdraws its troops from South
Vietnam by the end of this year
that all prisoners of both sides
will be freed.
The U.S. is seeking clarifica-
tion on a number of points, in-
cluding the following:
-Binh said that before priso-
ners are released, the United
States must stop the policy of
"Vietnamization of the war." The
U.S. delegation wants to know
if this means that all training
and aid of South Vietnamese
forces must be halted;
-Binh said that all U.S. bases
in South Vietnam must be dis-
mantled. American advisors won-
der in this includes bases already
turned over to the South Vietna-
mese; and
-Binh spoke of freeing "the to-
tality of men of all parties and
of civilian captured in the war."
While North Vietnamese say they
only hold 339 American POW's,
the U.S. claims the figure is ac-
tually much higher.

Beyond seeking more explicit
terms from the Communists, the
possibility of presenting counter-
proposals was not excluded by
the American delegation.
Meanwhile, the U.S. cominand
in South Vietnam reported that
battlefield action dipped to one
of its lowest levels of the war
last week.
Some observers think the North
Vietnamese in the far north, the
latest active front, have pull
back after taking severe losses.
Some see no significance to the
drop off in fighting. Few think
the Viet Cong peace plan is a
While you can't read any sig-
nificance into it," said one mili-
tary source, "it is safe to say
that the activity at present is as
low as it has ever been."

Henry Kissinger
and so far we don't "cally know,"
said one official.
The 1,000-word peace plan put
forth by the Viet Cong's Nguyen
Thi Binh last Thursday wis be-
ing dissected by U.S. and South
Vietnamese officials fcr vari-
ances in interpretation.
A climate of strong suspicion
was evident on the allied side
that the Viet Cong plan. strong-
ly endorsed by toe North Vietna-
mese, was not what it appeared
to be at first glance, and instead
was a new thrust in a propaganda
war that has stalled most of the
119 sessions of the peace confer-
W Henry Kissinger, President
Nixon's national security advis-
er, told reporters in New Delhi
he had no plans to meet polit-
buro member Le Duc Tho of
North Vietnam when he reaches
Paris this weekend. The North
Vietnamese delegation said in
Paris last week Tho was pre-

Woman commander
Lt. Col. Dalla Rez, left in white uniform, commands her Israeli Army Unit during a march.
Dalla, a commander in the women's army will lead this mixed contingent on a good will trip to
Holland to march there.

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