Vol. LXXXI, No. 38-S Ann Arbor, Michgan-Friday Juy 2, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
NLF offers new
/ Wcompromise
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Institute for Social Research
ISH receives NSF
developmental grant
PARIS G - The Vietna-
mese Communists an-
nounced yesterday they are
ready to free all U.S. prison-
ers of war step by step by
the end of 1971-if all U.S.
troops are gone from Viet-
nam by then.
The United States promised to
study the plan, which on the
surface looked like the first
promising Communist initiative
in the Paris peace talks since
these began more than three
years ago.
The proposal was a significant
change of the old Communist
position that the release of the
hundreds of American prisoners
would be the subject of discus-
sions after the United States an-
nounced a withdrawal date.
The White House announced
it found the plan contains "po-
sitive as well as clearly unac-
ceptable elements." The seven
point plan, unveiled by Mrs.
Nguyen Thi Binh, the chief Viet
Cong negotiator, repeated old
demands previously rejected.
Among them was the ouster of
the Saigon government to be re-
placed by a coalition regime to
include the Viet Cong.
Ronald Ziegler, White
House press secretary, pointed
out that President Nixon has
said he will "accept no arrange-
ments that would turn the 17
million people of South Vietnam
over to the Communists."
Another point in the Viet
Cong plan probably unaccep U-
able is the maximum of six
months for withdrawing all U S.
troops from Vietnam. A U.S.
source in Saigon declared he
doubted all troops could be pull-
ed out this year.
The announcement by the
North Vietnamese comes i week
after passage of a Senate
amendment to the draft bill,
urging withdrawal of U.S. troops
in nine months if American
POWs are released.
Under Nixon's present plan of
withdrawal, 184,000 American
servicemen still will be in Viet-
nam by Dec. 1.
Binh's spokesman, Duong Dinh
Thao, told newsmen that uni-
lateral American commitment
for total withdrawal of U.S.
forces remained an absolute
prior condition for application
of any other stages of the plan.
The University's Institute for
Social Research tISRI has been
awarded a $3.1 million "develop-
mental grant" ,from the National
Science Foundation.
The grant, one of the largest
ever received by the renowned
social science research center, is
unique in that the funds will be
used to develop the center itself
-as opposed, to most grants
which are clearly earmarked for
specific research projects.
"Over the last 25 years we
have developed one of the na-
tion's major social observa-
tories," says Dr. Angus Camp-
bell, director of the institute.
"What this investment by NSF
means is that we will now be able
to expand and improve our abil-
ity to develop measures for
judging the quality of life as
Americans of all kinds experi-
ence it.
Specifically, the grant-which
will be provided to the center
over a three year period-will be
used to:
-Improve the institute's ar-
chives in order to store accumu-
lated data in a readily accessible
-Provide money for social
scientists to visit the institute to
help plan research projects;
--Study and attempt to im-
prove current research proce-
dures; and
-Increase the size of the insti-
tute's technical staff, including
the addition of a statistician and
a computer theorist.
Although ISR is a research unit
within the University, its main
financial support comes through
grants and contracts originating
from outside sources.
"It became apparent to us,"
Campbell says, "that we could
not fulfill the institute's poter
tial service to the nation unlee
we broadened the institute's ba-
sic support. That is why we
sought this assistance from NSF
which will enable us to strength-
en and exploit what has ber
"One of our major concerns is
with the community people live
in, their neighborhood, their city,
and the nation at large. What im-
pact do these communities have
on the quality of people's lives,
in what ways do they enhance or
detract from it?"
The ISR staff is currently com-
posed of 75 professional staff
members, spanning the spectrum
of the social sciences and aided
by additional representatives
from such fields as mathematics,
epidemiology, social work, educa-
tion, journalism, medicine, public
health and psychiatry.
Nguyen Thi Binh tells newsmen of the North Vietnamese pro-
posal to release all American prisoners of war providing all
U.S. troops are withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of the year.
U.S. threatens action
on Vietna-mstudy leak
By The Associated Press
Atty. Gen. John Mitchell threatened yesterday to prosecute
everyone who possibly violated federal law in the leak and publica-
tion of the Pentagon papers. And Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, who says he
leaked the papers, blamed government concealment of the study's
information for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Vietna-
mese and Americans.
Mitchell, in a three-paragraph written statement that he said
is the Justice Department's position pending further developments,
"The Department of Justice is continuing its investigation and
will prosecute all those who have violated federal criminal laws in
connection with this matter."
Ellsberg, 40, a senior researcher at the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology and a former employe of the Defense De-
Pot law goes unused
Despite passage in March of a
new city ordinance designed to
lower penalties for marijuana
possession, it's been "business as
usual" in terms of marijuana
prosecutions according to a locas
law enforcement officer.
Ann Arbor Chief of Police Wal-
ter Krasny said yesterday that
since the enactment of the city
marijuana ordinance, no offend-
ers had been prosecuted under
the city law.
Krasny said, however, that
there have been about half a doz-
en prosecutions since that time
using the state marijuana law.
The city ordinance makes pos-
session of marijuana a misde-
meanor in Ann Arbor' while the
state law labels possession as a
felony. The city can choose to
prosecute under either statute.
First offense penalties under
the city ordinance are 90 days in
jail or $100, while under state
circumstances involved in each
case, Krasny says. However, it
is a general policy to prosecute
using the state law if a "large
quantity" of marijuana is in the
possession of the defendant.
Krasny declined to define how
much a "large quantity" of mari-
juana is, but he did say that in
cases where the defendant haO
"a trivial amount in his pocket"
he would be prosecuted under
the city ordinance.
Mayor Robert Harris stated at
the first reading of the ordinance
that the law's major impact
would be in influencing the state
legislature to reduce the penal-
ties for marijuana offenses and
shifting the city's "priorities in
drug law enforcement from mari-
juana to heroin and hard drugs."
Harris said yesterday that he
"was not astonished" at the com-
plete lack of prosecutions under'
See NEW, Page 10
partment and the Rand Corp.,
is the only person to be charged
in the case.
The Supreme Court ruling
Wednesday allowing the New
York Times, Washington Post
and other newspapers to pub-
lish the documents does not af-
fect possible prosecutions, Mit-
chell said.
Explaining why he did release
most of the report, Ellsberg said:
"The concealment of this infor-
mation for 20 years has led to
the deaths of 50,000 Americans
and hundreds of thousands of
Vietnamese. Look where secrecy
in the executive branch has led
us. That's why I released the
The study was turned over to
the House and Senate for 'the
first time Monday and Defense
Secretary Melvin Laird agreed
yesterday to give copies of the
47-volume report to the Senate
Foreign Relations and House
Armed Services Committees.
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-
Mont.) said the study will re-
main top secret but the com-
mittees will have the opportu-
nity to use the copies to lay the
groundwork for joint hearings
Walter Krasny
law terms range up to 10 years of
fines to $5,000,.
Krasny noted that the city
police make the decision as to
whether a crime has been com-
mitted and then under which law
to prosecute the offender. The
second decision depends on the