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July 01, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-01

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 37- Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 1, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Nation s 18-ear-ol get vote

States ratify
voting age in all elections
was lowered to 18 years last
night w h e n Ohio ratified
the 26th amendment to the
U.S. Constitution, fulfilling
the requirement t h a t 38
states do so to make it law.
The Ohio House, with 99 mem-
bers, ratified the amendment
81-9, one day after the Senate
passed it 30-2.
North Carolina and Alabama
legislatures approved the
amendment earlier in the day.
It took only three months-
record time-for 38 states to
ratify the amendment. The pro-
cess normally takes about 15
Congress had passed a law
last year lowering the voting
age to 18 but the Supreme
Court held it valid only for
federal elections. The new
amendment gives the vote to
18-year-olds in state elections as
The amendment reads: "The
right of citizens of the United
States, who are 18 years of age
or older, to vote shall not be
denied or abridged by the United
States or by any state on ac-
count of age."
These new voters, along with
others who are at least 21 but
who were too young to vote in
1968, mean more than 25 million
Americans under age 25 will be-
come potential voters for Presi-
dent for the first time in the
1972 election.
Democratic and Republican
leaders agree the new voters
could play a decisive role in na-
tional politics.
"It's almost a nuts-and-bolts
t h i n g," Democratic National
Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien
told an interviewer. "We're go-
ing to do everything we can to
register young people in goodly
numbers and our hope is that
they'll side with us."
"You've got to go after them,"
said his Republican counterpart,
Sen. Robert J. Dole of Kansas.
"We won't get them all, nor will
the Democrats, but we can't
afford to lose our share."
Public opinion polls have in-
dicated that moat college stu-
dents--which comprise part of
the new electorate-favor neith-
er party, but among those who
do the Democrats are preferred
by almost 2 to 1.
However, experience in the
four states that already permit
18 year olds to vote has not
been encouraging. Census Bu-
reau figures show that 55 per
cent of the voters in the four
statesa - Georgia, Kentucky,
Alaska and Hawaii-went to the
polls in the 1970 off-year elec-
tion, but only 26 per cent of
those between 18 and 20 voted.
The new amendment is the
fourth to enlarge the electorate
since the Constitution was orig-
inally adopted. The 14th Amend-
ment gave the vote to blacks,
the 19th to women and the 23rd
permits voting for residents is
the District of Columbia.
States which have not ratified
the amendment are Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky, N e v a d a.
North Dakota, New Mexico,
South Dakota, Utah, Virginia,
and Wyoming.


Supreme C o u r t yesterday
ruled that The New York
Times and The Washington
Post may resume publishing
articles on the origins of the
Vietnam war based on docu-
ments classified top secret
by the Pentagon.
The court voted 6-3 that the
government had not met the
burden of proving national se-
curity would be harmed by dis-
closure of the papers.
This morning The Times and
The Post resumed publication of
their interrupted Vietnam stu-
Also r e s u m i n g publication
were The Boston Globe and the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Neither
paper was directly involved in
the case before the Supreme
Court, but both were under fed-
eral court orders not to publish
further stories on the study.
The Times, which began its
series June 13, has been en-
joined since June 15 from print-
ing articles the government
considered sensitive. The Post
series, begun June 18, ran two
days before it was interrupted
by the U.S. Circuit Court for
the District of Columbia.
Hours before the Supreme
Court acted, Sen. Mike Gravel
(D-Alaska) concluded his re-
lease of secret Pentagon papers,
using an impromptu subcommit-
tee hearing as a vehicle for giv-
ing the material to newsmen.
Gravel dropped out of sight
later yesterday afternoon. Talk-
ing to newsmen yesterday, Re-
publican Leader Hugh Scott of
Pennsylvania said Gravel may
have violated a Senate rule on
secrecy that could make him
liable to expulsion.
In the high court's decision,
the key votes were cast by Jus-
tices Potter Stewart and Byron
R. White. Last week they sided
with the government and per-
mitted temporary court restraint
on publication of the series.
However, having- heard argu-
ments and examined secret doc-
uments filed by the Justice De-
partment, they concluded they
could not say "that disclosure
of any of them will surely result
in direct, immediate and irre-
parable damage to our nation or
its people'-the core of the gov-
ernment's argument for perma-
nent restraint.
"To sustain the government
in these cases would start the
courts down a long and hazard-
ous road that I ani not willing
to travel at least without Con-
gressional guidance and direc-
tion," White wrote with Ste-
wart's concurrence.
Supporting the newspapers as
they have from the start were
See HIGH, Page 7

REPRESENTATIVES of The New York Times (above) discuss the Supreme Court decision yesterday
to allow printing of secret Pentagon documents, as members of the Times composing room (below)
lock a page containing the documents.
Activistshi t with spy
charges in uy rb

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-One anti-war ac-
tivist was threatened with the
death penalty for espionage act
violations and another was ac-
cused of having sold microfilms
of secret government documents
to the People's Republic of
China during the second day of
the federal grand jury investi-
gation into the anti-war move-
ment here yesterday.
Also yesterday, three other
anti-war activists subpoenaed to
testify before the grand jury-
Ken Kelley, 20, Detroit; Cohn
Neiberger, 20, Boston and Char-
les Tolan, 20, Chapel Hill, N.C.-
refused to answer questions put
to them by the grand jury.
None of them were questioned
about the supposed sale of sec-
rets, however.
Kathy Canada told newsmen
that Asst. U.S. Atty. Gen.

Guy Goodwin "threatened" her
with the death penalty or life
imprisonment for espionage act
violations after she refused to
answer questions a b out her
knowledge of either the alleged
microfilms or her ex-husband's
alleged sale of microfilms to the
Larry Canada told newsmen
he refused to answer a total of
25 questions yesterday, "about
15" of which concerned his al-
leged microfilm sale to the Chi-
Canada described the insinua-
tion that he had sold the micro-
films as "a preposterous figment
of Guy Goodwin's imagination,"
while admitting he had visited
the Chinese embassy at Ottawa's
Savoy Hotel "for three days last
April to apply for a visa to visit.
Canada - who described the
Chinese as being "kind and gra-

cious"-said that although he
held "nothing but contempt for
the U.S. government and noth-
ing but love for the People's
Republic of China," he was a
patriotic American nonetheless.
"I categorically deny any im-
plication that I jeopardized the
security of the United States by
giving secret documents to the
Chinese," Canada said in an
"On the advice of President
Nixon-who said he wanted to
improve relations with China-
I took my ping-pong paddle in
my hand and headed to Ottawa
to arrange a game with Chou
En-Lai," said Canada.
He said the only documents
he took with him were photo-
graphs of his Indiana commune
and a set of about a dozen an-
cient Taoist Chinese paintings
See ACTIVIST, Page 6

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