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June 30, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-06-30

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420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author This must be noted in all reprints.
Wednesday, June 30, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552
Aiding repression
ALTHOUGH 200,000 East Pakistanis have been mas-
sacred in the civil conflict in that country, the U.S.
press - and consequently the people - have paid little
Some outcry was raised over the mass killing, and
recent reports have emphasized the plight of six million
East Pakistani refugees crowded into camps in India
without adequate facilities or much hope for relief in
the near future. India is sympathetic, but already has too
many people.
Yet very little attention has been given to the role
of the Nixon administration in supporting the suppression
of East Pakistan by West Pakistan.
Pakistan was created artificially out of British co-
lonial possessions. East and West are 1,000 miles apart;
they are culturally different, and it has always been an
uneasy marriage.
As a result, the separatist-leaning Awami League
swept the East in the first elections ever held in Pakistan
last December and gained control of the proposed repre-
sentative government for the entire nation.
NEGOTIATIONS over procedures to set up a government
broke down, and military dictator Agha Khan post-
poned the transfer of power. On March 25, West Pakistani
forces moved into East Pakistan to suppress the seces-
sionist movement. The massacre was the result.
The Awami League has been outlawed; its leader
is in prison. Martial law and military rule continue in
East Pakistan, supported by the U.S. In the past two
months, three ships loaded with arms have gone to
West Pakistan, and more are scheduled to depart soon.
The other nations that supply Pakistan with aid
plan to withhold all support in hopes of forcing a poli-
tical settlement which will guarantee East Pakistan the
wide measure of autonomy sought by the Awami League.
When Britain, Canada, Belgium and other countries
in the Aid to Pakistan Consortium announced this move
yesterday, the Nixon administration declared that the
U.S. will continue to back Khan and his military dictator-
A state department official justified this decision
Monday by explaining that to continue aid to Pakistan
would "be seen as sanctions and intrusion in internal
problems." Yet he also claimed that continued support
would give the U.S. "leverage" in persuading Khan to
grant a favorable, political settlement.
THE SPOKESMAN also expressed fear that Khan might
turn to those dangerous "other sources" of aid, like
Communist China. But the Senate Judiciary Subcommit-
tee on Refugees forced him to admit that China has been
supplying Khan with arms all along.
He was also forced to concede that since March 25,
when the U.S. made some noises about stopping future
support, not much "leverage" has been exercised. Khan
announced Monday that there would be no place for the
Awami League or for any other "local" party in future
The international plan has no chance of working
unless the U.S. participates in the withholding of aid,
since the U.S. is the source of more than half of what
Pakistan receives.
I TNFORTUNATELY, it appears that Nixon and his gov-
ernment are not about to contribute to any move
which might shake the power of Khan, who is conven-
iently filed under "pro-West" these days.
The loser will be, as always, the people who are in
the right. The East Pakistanis will continue to suffer, as
they did when they were forced into the union, as they
did in years of suffering colonial rule. Their future does
not look good, unless a massive campaign were to suc-
ceed in arousing U.S. public opinion. And that is un-

Siminier Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ROBERT CONROW ....k.. .ditorg
NOSORT cseow........... .. ................NosEte
JIM JUDKIS . ........... ....,....Potographsy, Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Anita Crone, Tanmmy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, James Irwin, Christopher
Parks. Zachary Schiller.
Simair Business Staff
JIM STOREY .. . . . . . ...N.o.. .......... .. Business Manager
JANET ENGL ... . . ..... . . ...... Display Advertising
PRANMHYMEN ............ ....... .......... Classified Adveertiaing
BECKY VAN DYKE.......................Circulation Departmsent
BILL ABBOTT . . . . ......... . . . .. . . .......General Office Assistant
Ssmmer Sports Staff
RICK CORNFELD... . ..... ......................Sports Editor
SANDI GENIS .......,....... ,.....,............ Associate Sports Editor

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:nd Tribune SyndiCAte Rai f." K %pn nh Lo Sacha rynlt PA.4b I i7a'aes"h"P a'^C a4 e y




To The Daily:
WE, the Ann Arbor Tenants
Union, are withholding payment
of $28 for an ad we took out in
The Daily in April. We are do-
ing this in support of Bern Pedit's
efforts to gain a fair wage and
decent working conditions for
pressmen's helpers and janitors--
none of whom are covered under
the AFSCME contract.
It is appalling to us that Bern
has been notified that if he per-
sists in pushing his demands he
will be fired again for his "in-
ability to maintain a good work-
ing relation with the others in
the shop".
Despite the fact that charges
of unfair labor practices are in
the process of being filed with
the State Labor Relations Board,
the Daily continues its self-im-
posed censorship of the facts in-
volved. Although some minor im-
provements have been made in.
the working conditions (such as
improved lighting and ventilation,
earphones, and providing a more
definite job description), l i t t 1 e
positive action has been t a k en
with regard to the following im-
portant issues, which still need to
be resolved:
1) THE PAY of a pressman's
helper should be commensurate
with the duties/skills of a press-
man's helper. If one compares the
pay/skill ratio of the pressman's
helper with that of other related
and non-related jobs, it is ob-
vious that the pressman's helpers
are underpaid with respect to the
level of their skill and the duties
of their jobs.
2) Bern should be reimbursed
for all work he missed (two
months as a janitor and four
days as a pressman's helper) on
account of his being fired. Bern's
unjust firing was a direct result
of his struggles to obtain decent
wages for printer's helpers and
janitors employed by the Daily,
and because of his unwillingness
to accept reclassification.
3) Definite steps should be
taken to insure that pressman's
helpers' and janitors' rights be
protected in the future. Either
the AFSCME contract should be
modified to include pressman's
helpers, janitors and all student
employees, or a separate c o n-
tradt should be made between
The Daily and its student em-
ployees. Either way will allow
students to continue to be em-
ployed by the University, under
some form of union contract. The
contract should specify:

?rs to The
a. definite job descriptions
b. wages
c. length of employment
d. benefits, e.g., shift prem-
iums, health insurance.
It is out hope that The Daily
will act responsibly in these mat-
ters and that other advertisers
will join us to put pressure on
The Daily to insure that it does
act responsibly. The Daily prints
a good line on corporate respon-
sibility and freedom of the press.
Let's see The Daily do something
to help its own workers for once.
-Ann Arbor Tenants Union
June 22
To The Daily:
I WOULD LIKE to offer some
comments on Rabbi Kahane and
the Jewish Defense League, whose
activities I have been following
with interest. One reason for my
concern is that my area of spec-
ialization as a history major is
minority groups in Eastern Eur-
ope and the USSR, particularly
settlements and colonies of Ger-
mans, who likewise have friends
in other countries who claim to
defend their interests.
In the West it is generally held
that the Soviet treatment of Volga
Germans and Crimean Tatars riv-
als that of the Jews. The Soviets
deny mistreatment and point to
various statistics and facts, as
do the westerners. Both have
vested interests in the matter,
and I don't feel qualified to say
who is right, not having been in
the USSR and not having devot-
ed long -hours to serious study of
the problems.
My purpose in writing is to urge
a more reasoned and less emo-
tional examination of strategy by
the JDL in light of history, poli-
tical realities and common sense.
As I realize, as polls have de-
monstrated, that only a tiny mi-
nority of U.S. Jews agree, with
JDL's tactics, I address myself
chiefly to those who do or who
remain undecided.
Nationalism, as people of o ur
century should realize, can be a
constructive and binding force
and can also cause or help to
cause terrible massacres and wars.
The line between healthful na-
tionalism and destructive chauv-
inism, however, is too often ex-
tremely thin. It was not too great
a step from rejuvenating national
pride in Germany after Versailles
by the Nazis to enslaving most
of Europe and causing incalcul-
able death and destruction-
I wonder how Rabbi Kahane's
followers would react if they were
to hear that a Lutheran minister
let's call him Mann) was head-

ing a League to Defend the Volga
Germans. Mann stresses that Ger-
mans all over the world are Ger-
mans first, and must help their
enslaved brothers. "Blood calls to
blood", he says. Germans help
others with their scholarship,
technology and other aid, but only
Germans will help Germans. "Our
great leaders," he goes on, "taught
us the concepts of violence, firm-
ness and unity. A German must
take pride in being German and
act accordingly. For the most part
here I have quoted or paraphrased
Rabbi Kahane himself. When the
word "Jew" is replaced with
"German," or the name of any
other nationality for that matter,
I doubt that he Rabbi or his aud-
ience would express anyhing short
of fear and rage. The minute that
pride and violence go to another
group, it becomes ghastly. But any
nationalism, no matter whose it
is, can be as evil as anybody
Unfortunately for the rest of
us, the dangers of the conflict are
not limited to a group of Jews and
the Soviet government. Violent
anti-Soviet demonstrations do not
help the cause of peace, even if
the USSR has done something
wrong to begin with. The Rabbi's
anti-Sovietism -is not unlike that
of many right-wingers, such as
Robert Welch of the John Birch
Kahane further holds with
Welch that Soviet cultural ex-
change is political and should be
ended until things are set right.
I do not deny that political im-
plications exist in his matter, but
I cannot understand the wisdom
of cutting off the flow of the
good aspects of each other's coun-
tries when suspicion and ignor-
ance dominate the minds of most
people. When the Rabbi calls on
Jews to help each other it is a
matter in which Jews alone must
decide. However, when he advo-
cates actions that are detrimental
to world peace and understanding,
I feel quite strongly involved.
I have no concrete alternatives
to suggest to Rabbi Kahane and
his followers. What I must and
do say is that their present course
is one of dangerous folly, both
for the Jews themselves and f or
the rest of the world.
--Patrick Moore LSA, '73
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.


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