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June 09, 1971 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-06-09

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budget cuts put pressure on police

(Continued from Poge it
4W perhaps a little slower and with not-quite-
so new equipment.
The real change will come vwith police
activities with the University snd with
special community events.
One major area of concern is the sum-
mer rock c o n c e r t s. Krasny had
0 pointed out that the concert organizers are
going to have to "take on the responsi-
bility to police themselves," since the de-
partment is limited to on duty manpower.
However, Krasny said Monday that the
open use of narcotics at the concerts "will
have to stop" or else "the role of police
will be re-examined."
At the University, police activities v'ill
also be curtailed.
As a result of anticipated budget cuts in
Lansing, the University is only planning
on giving the city $350,000 for police and

fire protection-a reduction of $800,000
from last year. Thus, police have been
forced to examine ways of operating within
their budget.
"We realize the University is part of the
city and for criminal activities we will
have to use the same amount of energy
to prevent crime and apprehend criminals
as we have in the past, regardless of the
amount of money we receive," says
"But," he adds, "special services will
be hurt, and many will be discontinued.
Although we will take care of the move-
ment of people and traffic as much as pos-
sible, patroling at events - inside the
Crisler Arena or Hill Aud., for example-
will have to be done by the University."
Further, "if the University requests any
special service, such as stationing two of-
ficers in the ROTC Bldg., these will have

to be negotiated with direct payment,"
Krasny says.
Within the police department, cuts will
be made administratively to save money
and manpower. "There will be s o m e
changes made in operational proce-
dures," says Krasny. "For example, some
people now on duty inside will be out on
the street patrolling. Also, much will be
cut in the area of training. Since we
are not going to have any new men,
we can easily cut out the training pro-
gram,' Krasny quips.
Individual departments w ill also be
receiving some cutbacks, but the over-
all results seem rather minimal.
The only real effect of the budget cuts
would be a decrease in some equipment,
Klinge says, but he added it would prob-
ably not be significant.
In the detective bureau, Sgt. Calvin

Hicks feels the overtime reduction will
have a serious effect on his depart-
ment more so than any other depart-
ment since the nature of their work is
investigative. "If one is in the middle
of a case," says Hicks, "it is difficult to
knock off and say I'll pick it up to-
The unit, however, received no cuts in
personnel, and the major cut was in
new equipment.
Larcom explains that the way the
cuts were made, the larger departments,
such as police and public works, received
personnel cuts, while the smaller de-
partments did not.
In the police department, seven em-
ployes will have to be dropped as of
July 1. Only two of these persons will
have to be laid-off however. Others eith-
er resigned or were placed in other po-

three aite Siiwn ti

Sunny and mild

Wednesday, June 9, 1971
N.Y. workers
agree to end
2-day strike
NEW YORK (U)-The muni-
cipal workers who opened the
city's drawbridges and closed
some of its sewage treatment
plants in strikes for an im-
proved pension plan agreed last
night on a plan to shelve the
dispute and end the walkouts.
The men accepted a plan by
the city's Office of Collective
A. Bargaining that would postpone
until next year action by the
state legislature on a proposed
new pension system. It was Al-
bany's refusal to approve this
system that touched off the
walkouts which snarled traffic
Monday and spread yesterday to
sewage treatment plants, gar-
bage disposal facilities and some
school lunchrooms.
Only about 1,000 of the city's
400,000 nonuniformed workers
were involved.
Meanwhile, the last of 29
drawbridges which had been
locked in open position by a
strike of 318 bridgetenders was
put back in operation last night
after a Teamster's union local
ordered the men back to work.
The settlement plan provides
that if the legislature should fail
to act favorably on the pension
plan in 1972, the issue will be
renegotiated by the city and the
Mayor John Lindsay called the
settlement "a sensible, rational,
orderly procedure for the next


News Phone: 764-0552

WHILE COMMUTERS were snarled in massive traffic jams caused by striking New York municipal
employes who locked open drawbridges, this small boat eases its way up the Harlem River through
the open spans. The employes have agreed to return to work today.
Complainlt cites Union sexism

A woman graduate student
who was denied life membership
in the Michigan Union has filed
a complaint on the matter,
charging the refusal constituted
"blantant sex discrimination."
Marcia Abramson, who holds
a bachelor's degree from t h e
University, filed a complaint

last week with Claire Rumel-
hart, the University's office
of student services women's ad-
Yesterday, Rumelhart said
that she had "been upset about
the life membership policies of
the Union for some time," but
added that she had been under
the impression that the r u I e

Action unlikely on abortion bill

(Continued from Page 1i
Upon referring the bill to
committee March 15, Ryan had
announced that the committee,
which was considered to be op-
posed to the bill by a two to
one margin, would be enlarged
specifically to give it a fairer
and more comprehensive hear-
ing. Ryan's action was unpre-
At that time, Allen had sought
to block sending the bill to
Ryan's committee choice, pre-
ferring to give it a Nearing be-
fore a less hostile group.
Last week, A ll e n told The
Daily that "Our best count leads
us to believe that we don't have
the votes to get it out (of com-
Allen expressed hope yester-
day that a citizens' petition drive
could force the issue onto a
state-wide ballot. He discounted
the probability of successfully
extracting the reform bill from
committee by House action.
However, he did say he

thought such action will be at-
tempted. It is necessary that a
majority vote of the full House
pass any motion to force a bill
from committee. This procedure
is little-used and seldom success-
In a related development, the
New York state Assembly voted
Monday to prohibit commercial,
profit - making abortion referral
organizations f r o m operating
within the state. Governor Nel-
son Rockefeller must now ap-
prove the bills, already passed by
the Senate, which also call for
stricter regulation of abortion
Since the enactment last July
of New York's liberalized abor-
tion law, numerous referral ag-
encies have been established.
These agencies serve primarily
out of state women, directing
them, for a fee, to physicians
and hospitals for abortions.
The three bills passed yester-

day had been soughtiby Attorney
General Louis Lefkowitz, who
has opposed the commercial ag-
encies since their inception last
If the bills are enacted, no
person, firm, partnership or cor-
poration would be allowed to earn
a profit by referring a pregnant
woman to health facilities for an
abortion. Violators could receive
maximum jail sentences of five
years and fines up to $5,000.
Thus, if Governor Rockefeller
signs the bill, abortion referral
will be limited to such non-profit
agencies as Planned Parenthood.
A second bill included in the
package prohibits "group dis-
counts" which were allegedly
given by some hospitals to agen-
cies that had referred large num-
bers of patients for abortions.
And the third bill bars all re-
ferral services from providing
information on clients to anyone
other than a law enforcement

barring women from holding life
membership had been changed.
Stanfield Wells, the manager
of the Union, said however that
under the 1904 Constitution of
the Union, women can not be-
come life members although
they were entitled to all privi-
leges extended to men at the
Miss Abramson denied this
however, stating, "How can wo-
men be entitled to all privileges
when they are not entitled to
the privilege of 1i f e member-
A life membership at the Un-
ion entitles men to cash checks
and use Union facilities after
ceasing to be students at the
Rumelhart is to write a letter
to Wells, asking him to clarify
the situation before further ac-
tion is taken.
Abramson however, said that
unless she is permitted to be-
come a life member, unspecified
"pressure" will be applied on the
Men are entitled to life mem-
bership of the Michigan League,
originally the womens' only
equivalent of the Union.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man,
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Unoiver-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mai
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mailt,

Army pay
Washington (") - The Sen-
ate reversed itself yesterday
and approved a $2.7-billion pay
increase for the armed forces,
brushing aside a Nixon admin-
istration request to hold it to
$1 billion.
It also took two steps to end
the month-long debate over a
house-passed bill to extend the
draft law for two years, agreed
to vote June 16 on the Hat-
field-McGovern amendment to
cut off funds for the Indochina
war on Dec. 31, and to decide
a week later whether to end
over-all debate on t h e draft
The agreements-plus adop-
tion of a pay provision close to
that voted earlier by the House
- strengthened chances that
Congress will pass a two-year
draft extension before the Se-
lective Service law expires June
It could mean that the meas-
ure approved by the Senate
could be accepted in the House
without it having to go to con-
A conference report resolving
differences between House and
Senate bills could be subjected
to a filibuster that would drag
consideration out past June 30.
Draft officials have said,
however, they could c a 11 on
more than a million previously
deferred men, including college
students, if necessary to keep
the flow of military, manpower
going after June 30.
The pay provision approved
yesterday was offered by Sen.
Gordon Allott (R-Colo.) and
was passed 51 to 27.
The $1-billion figure asked by
the administration was backed
by the Senate Armed Services
Committee and was upheld by
the Senate on a May 26 roll call.
At that time, the Senate re-
jected 42 to 31 a proposal by
Sen. Harold E. Hughes (D-Iowa)
to add $1.7 billion in pay and
allowances and bring the figure
in the Senate bill in line with
that voted by the House.
That amendment was pushed
by senators favoring an immedi-
ate switch to an all-volunteer
force or limitation of draft ex-
tension to one year.
Both of those proposals were
beaten in separate votes last
Friday, and some senators said
that this enabled senators favor-
ing higher pay, but opposing
anything short of a two year
extension, to vote for the Allott

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