Vol. LXXX, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 2, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
k Can di*dates for
School 'Board
r presentviews
Twelve candidates for the Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation - running the gamut of the political spectrum-
,f r X0presented their platforms last night before a crowd of over
220 people, at Huron High School.
Several radicals, moderates, and a conservative par-
ticipated in the discussion sponsored by the local Parent-
Teacher Organization-the first of several in an attempt
to publicize this year's school board elections.
Three of the 12 candi-
PSYCHOLOGY PROF. ROBERT HEFNER, Radical Independent Party candidate for the Ann Arbor
school board addresses a crowd of about 220 at Huron High School last night. All 12 school board can-
didates spoke at the meeting sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Organization.
Pan-AmSabena cut
dates will be elected in the
June 14 election.
The upcoming election is at-
tracting wide interest in the
area, contrary to past elections.
It represents the first major at-
tempt by political and educa-
tional radicals to gain positions
in the governing board of the
school system.
Issues discussed last night in-
cluded the problems of disrup-
tion in the public secondary
schools, student apathy toward
education, racial and sex dis-
crimination, budgetary problems,
and student input into the school
decision-making process.
Candidates seeking three year
terms include Ralph Bolhouse'
a local merchant; Nancy Brus-
solo, a member of the group
which formulated the 'Humane-
ness in Education' report; and
Marcia Federbush, head of the
Committee to Eliminate Sexual
Discrimination in the Public
Also running for board seats
are Robert Hefner, director of
the University's Center for Re-
search on Conflict Resolution and
R a d i c a l Independent (RIP)
member; Rebecca Vanderhorst,
suspended teacher in the Ann Ar-
bor public school system; and
Kay McCargar.
Robert Hefner, the RIP can-
didate, interjected a note of
innovation into the proceed-
ings by declaring party affilia-
tions in a race which had been
previously non-partisan.
The main issues raised by
Vanderhorst involved what she
termed the Ann Arbor School
System's "callous indifference
to begin
on Sunday
Summer rock concerts in Ann
Arbor will begin again this Sun-
day, despite a severe shortage of
Fund drives to date, organizers
report, have only totaled $2,500-
far short of the $20,000 goal. They
are optimistic, however, that the
necessary funds will eventually
be raised and the concerts will be
continued throughout the sum-
The concerts will be sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Tribal Council
- a coalition of community
For the first concert, at least,
the main impact of the fund
deficit will be a less advanced
communication system (mobile
radio units) than was hoped for.
Furthermore, a lot of workers
whom organizers had hoped to
pay will have to offer their serv-
ices voluntarily.
The city will be helping out for
the first two concerts by provid-
ing sanitation and maintenance
services - something which
they will not be able to do once
the new city budget goes into
effect July 1.
See CONCERTS, Page 6
youth fare to
Two trans - Atlantic airlines
yesterday instituted a reduced
youth fare plan for some Euro-
pean flights, possibly setting off
a new price war between sched-
uled airlines and charter firms.
Pan American World Airways
and Sabena Airlines of Belgium
yesterday introduced a $220
round-trip fare for students be-
tween New York and Brussels-
$376 less than the regular econo-
my fare.
The new youth fare is intended
primarily to compete with low-
cost charter flights which have
been luring increasing numbers
of trans-Atlantic travelers to the
supplemental, or non-scheduled,
The 24 scheduled airlines nor-
mally flying between the United,
States and Europe have long
held agreements to charge iden-
tical fares. Now, however, they
want to fight the growing com-
petition of the chartered flights,
but are sharply divided on how
to do it.
Meanwhile, American charter
flight companies are facing their
own problems. Their fares are
a rope,
being undercut increasingly by
European charter airlines, which
are expanding greatly because of
a growing' international supply
of relatively inexpensive second-
hand jetliners.
The competition is keeping
down the cost of airline tickets
to Europe, so the main bene-
ficiary for the time being is the
traveler, who enjoys charter
fares usually running about half
those on scheduled flights.
The scheduled airlines contend
that their service enables people
to fly whenever they want to, and
finances year-round maintenance
of airports and the development
of new planes used by the char-
ter firms.
The explosive popularity of the
charter flights is causing increas-
ed friction between the United
States, which generally favors
charter operations, and several
foreign nations, that restrict
them-largely to protect state-
owned airlines.
A showdown on the matter may
come shortly. The United States
Civil Aeronautics Board wants to
liberalize the charter laws to
allow, in effect, anybody to use
them, instead of restricting the
bargain flights to members of
unions, clubs, universities or
other groups that charter planes.
Among the nations that restrict
.or ban charter flights.*are West-
Germany, Italy, Belgium, Ire-
land, Great Britain, Israel, and
The United States has contend-
ed, however, that under most bi-
lateral agreements which au-
thorize reciprocal commercial
air service between two nations,
no restrictions can oe imposed
by one nation on the quantity or
type of landings.
Representatives of most West
European countrfes are scheduled
to discuss the situation at a meet-
ing' in Paris later this week.
Local radicals
Questioning begins today for Terry Taube (top) and Ken Kelly
(bottom), local radicals subpoenaed last Wednesday to appear be-
fore a secret grand jury investigation in Detroit. (See story, Page 2)
Seeking custody
John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono are surrounded by newsmen
after their arrival at New York's Kennedy Airport yesterday. The
trip to New York is part of a bid by the Lennons to gain~eustody of
Yoko's six-year-old daughter, Kyoko.