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May 05, 1971 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-05

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Page Twenty


Wednesday, May 5, 19-71

PaeTenyTE IHGA AL-WdedaMyy,17


rallies set
for nation
(Coantinue frompage )
scheduled to speak. S t u d e nt
strikes are also planned at city
College and New York Unier-
Seattle's PCPJ group called
for a day of "mass civil disobed-
ience" and planned a "townj
meeting"aat the city's main i-
Students at West Virginia
University in Morgantown plan-
ned a protest at a campus Navy
installation followed by a rally
and march to the Selective 3erv-C
ice office.
An estimated 20,000 to 60,000
persons were expected at a rally
on Boston Common, organized
by Harvard students, and at the-
University of Massachusetts a
student strike was planned along
with a peace vigil on Amherst
In Madison, Wis., University
of Wisconsin students plan dis-
ruptive actions for today to in-
terfere with what they termed
"business as usual" in the com-
Start LSA unit
(Continued from Page 3)
selection of faculty and student
members at a future date.
Once organized, the committee
will meet at least once a month.
It will be headed by two co-
chairmen, one a student and
the other a faculty member.
- Commenting on the new
committee, Fran Hymeh, a
member of the LSA student
government said it was "a
"At least it's an indication of
faculty recognition of student
interest in literary college gov-
ernance," she said yesterday.
However, Assistant LSA Dean
James Shaw, who was co-chair-
man of the Committee on Gov-
ernance said yesterday, "M y
general feeling is that an ad-
visory committee will not work."
"My greatest disappointment,"
Shaw asserted, 'was that the
faculty did not examine and re-
spond to questions of repre-
sentativeness and the student
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