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May 05, 1971 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-05

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Wednesay, May 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nineteen
]la-tsmen dro tibil to CMU

,f Special to the Daily the second ranked small college
MT. PLEASANT - Michigan team in the nation.
twice jumped out to big leads Michigan was paced in the
yesterday only to succumb both first contest by Tom Ketting-
times to Central Michigan's ex- er's double and home run and
posive baseball machine yes- Leon Roberts two-run blast and
terday in a non-conference raced to a five run lead after
baseball doubleheader here two and a half innings.
Given the benefit of f o u r Tom Fleszar, who relieved ace
and five run leads, the Wolver- Jim Burton with one out in
ines lost 9-7 and 8-5 to CMU, the first inning, however, w a s
i It's how you finish that cOUntse
First Game Second Game
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Caewb 5 1 2 a Carrow 3b 3 1 2 0
Kcoloski 2b 5 1 3 2f
Kettinger if 4 2 2 3 Kettinger if 3 1 0 1
Roberts of 4 1 1 2 Sullivan 1b 4 1 1 4
Lonchare 3 0 0 0 Dekou rf 3 0 1 0
Sulivtsan 1b 4 0 2 0 Mulihill c 4 0 1 01
Crane ss 4 0 0 0 Ralferty ss 3 0 0
Hornyak rf 4 1 1 0 Roberts ph 1 0 9 0
Burton 0 0 0 0 Kocoloski 2b 3 0 0 0
Fleszar p 1 1 0 0 Fife p 2 1 1 0
Elwood p 1 0 0 0 Helt p 0 0 0 0
Bel p 0 0 0 Totals 25 5 8 a
Dekou ph 1 0 0 0 CMU
Bowen ph 1 0 0 0 Papes 2b 4 2 3 0
Totals 37 7 11 7 Watkins 3b 2 3 1 3
CUKanoza ss 2 1 1 0
r 4CMU s Cooperlb 4 0 5 2
Papes rt 4 1 1 0 Connel cf 3 0 1 2
Watkins 3b 4 2 2 3 Whitehead rf 4 0 0 1
Kanoza ss 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 0
Cooperslb 4 2 2 1 IlaynesC 3 5 5
Copr1 4 2 2 1 Williams c 3 0 1 0
Connell cf 4 0 1 1 Dalop e 0 1
Cassady 2b 3 1 1 0 Darin p 3 1 1 0
Machemer cI 3 0 1 0 Totals 28 8 10 8
Haynes if 3 l 1 0 E - Cooper, Kocoloski. 2B - Car-
Kanoza C 5 0 0 0 row Bowen. IR - Watkins, Sulli-
Weisler p 1 1 0 0 van.
Roclsky p 1 0 0 0 MICHIGAN 400 100 000-5
Hogue p 0 0 0 0 CMU 111 302 00x-8
Totals 32 10 10 7
-Associated Press E - Hornyak, Kettinger, Roberts,
THE PUBLIC WILL never know what Keith Magnuson was scream- Cooper. 2B - Kocoloski, Kettinger,
ing at the puck in this scene from last night's Stanley Cup finals, but Cooper, Maehemer. HR - Ketting-
the words seem to make teammate Danny O'Shea laugh. They did MICHIGAN 203 300 0-7
more laughing later when the Black Hawks won, 2-1. CMU 005 400 00x-9
BRIL IANTGOA -TEN ING UELGophers, shooting for a fourth
n straight Big Ten baseball title,
In Ms sudden death woal sinks Habs climbed thelOseekenfirs place
over the weekend on the
strength of four straight vic-

unable to hold the lead. CMU
got all five runs back in the
bottom of the third.
Four more runs the next in-
ning, which featured two Wol-
verine errors, assured the~ en-
tral victory.
In the second game, Michi-
gan got off to an even faster
start, scoring four runs on Pat
Sullivan's grand slam home run
with' nobody out.
Central's hurler Harv Darin
was able to hold the Wolverines
to only five hits the rest of the
way, however, and Central peck-
ed away at the lead until a
three run homer by Watty Wat-
kins put the Centrals in front
to stay.
Michigan got another run,
when Kettinger drove pitcher
Dan Fife across with a single
in the fifth.
Fife was the loser. He went
three and two-thirds innings
and allowed eight hits and six
earned runs.
Second baseman Jim Kocolo-
ski, who got three hits in t h e
first contest, equalled that total
in the second. This time t h e
total was in errors.
The Wolverines return to Big
Ten action this weekend with a
doubleheader at Indiana on Fri-
day and one at Ohio State on
rtr victories
or fourth title
then blanking Indiana 9-0 and
4-0 Saturday.
Bill Lange tossed a three-hit
shutout in the first game against
the Hoosiers and Ken Schultz
scattered seven hits in the

CHICAGO (k) - Jim Pappin's Game No. 2 in the best-of-seven
*sudden-death goal 71 seconds into championship series will be
the second overtime broke up a played in Chicago tomorrow
brilliant goaltending duel be- night.
tween Montreal's Ken Dryden Pappin's game winner came
and Chicago's Tony Esposito and on a goal-mouth pass from slick
gave the Black ,Hawks a 2-1 vic- Stan Mikita, who earned his
tory over the Canadiens in the 100th career-playoff point on the
opening game of their National play. It was the second shot of
'Bockey League Stanley Cup final the second overtime for the
series last night. Hawks and their 58th of the game
Kaline's dash tops A's;
Mets win; Hargan hurt
DETROIT (A') - Al Kaline The umpires first agreed with
roared home.. from first base him, then changed their minds
with two outs in the ninth in- and ruled it a foul ball. Hahn
ning when Jim Northrup's single then singled Jerry Grote to se-
to right field rolled t h r o u g h cond, and Grote later scored the
Reggie Jackson's legs, giving winning run.
he Detroit Tigers a 6-5 victory Steve Hargan not only lost his
over the Oakland Athletics last fifth straight game in a winless
night. season for Cleveland, but suf-
The Athletics had tied the fered a broken right ankle
game 5-5 in the ninth on Dick which will keep him out six
Green's run scoring double af- weeks. Lou Piniella also broke
ter Detroit had gone ahead with his thumb in Kansas City's 2-0
wo runs in an eighth inning win and the Royals' outfielder
ally. will miss three weeks.
Reliever Jim Roland, who wlmistreek.
ReliverJimRolndwho A pair of newcomers carried
walked Kaline with two outs,
was charged with the loss in the the day for Milwaukee in a 2-0
see-saw game. triumph over the skidding
Elsewhere, the New York Mets W a s h i n g t o n Senators. John
took advantage of a ru 11 n g Briggs, recently obtained in a
against them to defeat the Chi- trade, hit hiy first American
'ago Cubs, 2-1. Don Hahn, at-
temp'sing to bunt, claimed he League homer and rookie Bill
was hit. Parsons hurled a three-hitter.
¢h+"{:'. sl f " :}; .:"35 C} ..r . e .."""''.s s "'....... :". .

against Dryden, the former Cor-
nell All-American.
The Hawks toolt the opening
faceoff in the second extra period
and the puck never left Mon-
treal's zone. Dryden made an-
other scintillating save on a Den-
nis Hull shot but the Canadiens
were unable to clear and Mikita
grabbed the puck 10 feet in front
of the net.
He located Pappin at the cor-
ner and got the disc to him be-
fore Dryden could cover the
right side.

tories. nightcap to complete the sweep.
Michigan meanwhile enabled Michigan State, however, was
Michigan State to stay in the able to hold first place. The
top spot by dropping a pair Spartans defeated Michigan on
to the Spartans on Friday and Friday and the doubleheader
Saturday. The Wolverines fin- split Saturday did not impair
ally defeated State in the se- their league mark.
cond half of a doubleheader on MSU won the opener 2-0 on
Saturday, but the game did not the two-hit pitching of Larry
count toward the conference Ike, but the Wolverines came
title. back in the nightcap 6-5 in 11
Minnesota boosted its record innings.
to 6-2 in Big Ten play by sweep- Illinois and Iowa both enjoy-
tng a doubleheader from Ohio ed big weekends,'each chalking
State, 5-4 and 12-3, Friday and up four victories.

Cinderfellas overcome injuries, succeed

Since classes ended last semester the Michigan
track squad has been quite busy in three different
meets. These included the Dogwood Relays in
Knoxville, Tennessee, the Penn Relays in Phila-
delphia, and the Quantico Relays in Quantico, Vir-
ginia. This trip East proved rather successful ex-
cept for the number of key injuries which occurred
on the team.
At Penn Relays, the team was hardest hit as four
Michigan runners suffered injuries. These injuries
affected primarily the 440-yard and mile relay
squads as well as Michigan's top 120-yard high
hurdler, Godfrey Murray. After recording a school
record mile relay time of 3:08.5 at Dogwood, two
of the mile relay's four runners, Greg Syphax and
Kim Rowe, pulled muscles at Penn.
Previously at Dogwood, the 440-yard relay team
had suffered its first setback when it was dis-
covered that their anchorman, Gene Brown, was
running with a stress fracture in his left leg.
Brown will be a serious loss to the Michigan
squad since he is the only real sprinter left on the
team and his loss leaves no adequate replace-
ment in those events. Syphax is also a member of
the 440-yard relay squad as is Murray, so that
three-fourths of the 440-yard relay team is presently
out of action.
Despite these many disappointing injuries, the
Michigan team had many relatively successful per-
formances at all three meets. John Mann was the
most consistent performer in all the meets as he
took second at Dogwood, third at Penn, and second
at Quantico in the high jump with jumps of 6-10,
6-8, and 6-10 respectively.
Before injuring himself, Godfrey Murray had
finished second at Dogwood in the Invitational 120-
yard high hurdles race behind Tennessee's Bill
High, At Penn, Murray finlshed third in the Invi-

tational high hurdles with his best time being :13.7
The two mile relay had a trio of fine perform-
ances, placing third at Dogwood, fourth in a strong
field of teams at Penn, and second against some of
the same teams at Quantico. Their best time came
at Dogwood with a 7:29 split.?Despite the absence
of two of their key runners, the Michigan mile re-
lay team still finished fourth in the Invitational
event at Quantico in a time near 3:16 on a slow
After two disappointing performances in the dis-
tance medley at Dogwood and Penn, the team of
Eric Chapman, Lorenzo Montgomery, Mike Pierce
and Phil Pyatt captured a third place at Quantico
with a respectable time of 9:57.0 behind highly
rated Villanova and a relatively unknown but
strong Maryland team.
In individual hurdle events, freshman speedster,
Reggie Johnson, captured two fourth places in the
440-yard intermediate hurdles at Dogwood and
Quantico, recording a best time of :53.2 at Dog-
wood. Johnson is also one of the fleet members
of Michigan's 3.08.5 mile relay unit.
Another freshman, Mel Reeves, had just come
back from an injury and was running for the first
time at Quantico where he proceeded to win the
Open 120-yard high hurdles in a personal test time
of :13.9 seconds,
During the next three weeks, the Michigan squad
will have three dual meets which eventually lead
up to the Big Ten meet on May 2$ and 29. Most of
the injuries at this time should be healed by then
which would make Michigan a tougher team than
they have been in the past few years in Big Ten
But if injuries continue to occur at the record
rate which they have so far this season, the Michi-
gan team may have to look forward to next season

Professional League- Standings
East East
W L Pet. GB W L Pet. GB
I Boston 15 8 .052 - New York 15 8 .052 -
Baltimore 14 9 .69 1 Pittsburgh 14 10 .583 1
Detroit 11 12 .488 4 Montreal 9 7 .563 2}
Washington 12 13 .480 4 St. Louis 15 12 .556 2
New York 10 12 .455 4% Chicago 10 15 .400 6
Cleveland 8 16 .333 7Y Philadelphia 8 15 .348 7
West West
4akland I 11 .621 - an Francisco 1 - .700 -
alifornia 14 12 .538 21/ Los Angeles 14 13 .519 6
Kansas City 13 12 .520 3 Atlanta 12 12 .500 6%
Minnesota 11 14 .440 5 Houston 12 13 .480 7
Milwaukee 10 13 .455 5 Citoinati 9 14 .211 9
Chicago 10 14 .440 5 San Diego 6 18 .250 12
Results Results
Boston 4, Chicago 3 New York 2, Chicago 1
Minnesota 6, New York 5 Pittsburgh at San Francisco, Inc.
Milwaukee 2, Washington 0 St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 3
Baltimore 4, Califoria~ 5 San Diego 3, Atlanta 2
Kansas City I, Cleveland 0 Loo Angeles 2, Cincinnati 0
Detroit 6, Oakland 5 Houston at Montreal, ppd.

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