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May 28, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-05-28

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Letters to The Daily

Colley Round the Flog, Boys
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints.
Friday, May 28, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552
Trials of Soviet Jews
A COURT IN Latvia has convicted four more Jews of
anti-Soviet activity.
As in last week's decision against nine Jews in Lenin-
grad, and as in other political trials throughout the
world, the predetermined verdict in this case says more
about the tensions of the society in which it was reached
than about the morality of the defendants' actions.
The four, charged with disseminating anti-Soviet
literature, committed the primary crime of pointing up
a crisis in Soviet society.
A government ostensibly dedicated to the common
progress of peoples of various nationalities, finds itself
appearing to suppress the identity of at least one of
these groups.
A look at the men who were sentenced last week in
Leningrad should dispel any notion that conflict between
Jews and the Soviet government is the province of a
lowly group of disgruntled malcontents. These were
men who had succeeded in Soviet society - engineers,
scientists, a doctor.
The real questions in these trials have not been
whether or not it is illegal to hijack a plane, or even
whether or not one should be able to actively instigate
against the foreign policy of one's own country.
iT SEEMS CLEAR that the Soviet government has sought
to discouraes Jewish relirious observance and ex-
pression of Jewish ethnic identity. While merely being a
Jew in the Soviet Union is certainly acceptable, there is
ample evidence that Jews who identify clearly as Jews
make themselves suspect, and that those who actively
resist pressure to assimilate may easily find themselves
past the pale of legality.
The argument that this conflict has been 'manu-
factured' by 'anti-Soviet' forces rings a familiar bell-
it is the kind of brief used freuently and powerfully
throughout history by ruling elites to paper over the com-
plaints of minorities.
The argument of the Soviet government, specifically
concerning emigration to Israel, correctly points out that
the USSR has a general poliev against emiration - but
It ignores the pressures felt by many Russian Jews to
leave what thev, particularly, have come to regard as an
intolerable situation.
There may be a comnlex of reasons as to why this
problem exists - the desire of the Soviet government
for the assimilation of minorities and the weakening
or elimination of conflictince group loyalties, an antipathy
toward Zionism and Israeli nolicy in the Mideast, ele-
ments of ponular anti-Semitism - all seem to be factors.
Whatever the reasons are, a significant segment of the
Russian Jewish community is aparently disenchanted
with the government's attitude toward them.
TF THE SOVIET government will not permit an environ-
ment where Jews who identify as Jews feel they
can live as Jews, it should let them leave. Such a solu-
tion would be preferable to the current state of tension,
certainly for those Jews who feel oppressed, and pro-
bably, for the Soviet government.

Pigeons aind disease or prod
To The Daily: seminat
AFTER READING Jonathan plained
Miller's article (Daily, May 25) pneumo
dealing with the Upiversity's pigeon or muc
control program, I feel that addi- larynx,;
tional information might be of type is
value to you in evaluating the pro- This fo
gram. tubercul
Originally, many years ago, the months
prime goal of pigeon control pro- quiescen
grams throughout the nation was Death m
to prevent the defacing of buildings. insuffici
Original efforts were intended to Epidet
kill pigeons. Such killing was ac- of man:
complished by using DDT mixed Camp G
with grain or grain coated with break ot
strychnine. Realizing that the use time a
of such poisons was inhumane as cases o
well as detrimental to the ecoiogy gaged it
of an area in general, research was tower in
initiated to control pigeons in other and nest
ways. Psychochemicals, reproduc- of the fu
tion depressants and repellants creta of
were developed to attempt to cope outbreak
with the problem at hand. N.Y.
From the public helth stand- 2. Psi
point, there are sound reasons why associat
it is highly desirable to control .viral dis
pigeon populations. These reasons tion of t
are related to the liseases and pings o
insects pigeons carry and their birds ca
(the pigeons) biological nature an acute
which allows them to live in close ease wi
proximity to man. Unfortunately, pneumor
the pigeon prefers to roost or nest relapses
in attics, barns under eaves of are mil
buildings and on window ledges, red.
This "closeness to man" provides 3.Cry
for easier transmission of the dis- mycy
eases carried by pigeons. Let me mycosis
outline some of the diseases pige- tog as a
ons carry and are known to trans- ingioenc
mit to man.kinyl
1. Histoplasmosis. This disease curs. Th
is a systemic mycosis with primary ulcers o
lesions occurring in the lungs. The masses.
disease is transmitted by the in- be isola
halation of spores in dust. pigeon n
There are five clinical forms of 4. Tox
the disease and symptoms vary is causet
greatly. The acute benign respisa- genital d
tory form may show itself as mild transmit
respiratory illness to temporary by an i
incapacity with weakness, fever cause bli
and chest pains-along with a dry in infan
sex information

luctive cough. Recovery is
y slow. The chronic dis-
ed form can cause unex-
fever, anemia, patchy
nia, hepatitis, meningitis
osal ulcers of the mouth,
stomach or bowel. A third
called chronic pulmonary.
rm resembles pulmonary
osis and can progress over
or years with periods of
tce or spontaneous rote.
say result from respiratory
amics can occur. The first
y occurred in soldiers at
iruber, Oklahoma. An out-
ocurred in Cincinnati some
go and involvod several
f pneumonitis in men cn-
n cleaning out on old water
which pigeons had roosted
ted for many years. Spores
ungus were found in the ex-
f the pigeons. A similar
k occurred in Plattsburgh,
ttacosis. Another disease
ed with pigeons. This is a
ease spread by the inhala-
the virus from dried drop-
f infected birds. Healthy
o be carriers. The illness is
generalized infectious dis-
ith fever, headache and
nia. There are occasional
. Most human infections
A, but deaths have occur-
ptococcosis. This is also a
(fungal disease) present-
subacute or chronic men-
ephalitis. Infection of lung,
prostate, bone 3r brain oc-
he skin may show lesions,
r subcutaneous tumor-like
The infectious agent can
ted consistently from old
ests and pigeon droppings.
oplasmosis. This disease
4 by a protozoan as a con-
disease. The disease can be
ted to a newborn infant
nfected mother and may
lindness and brain damage
its; however, infants who

contact the disease usually tlie
within a few weeks after birth.
5. Encephalitis. The virus is
known to be carried by pigeons.
In addition, pigeons harbor
pigeon mites which can affect peo-
ple. The mites produce trouble-
some skin lesions at the site where
they suck blood or tissue fluids.
ligation to provide safe and health-
ful living and working conditions
for all. Realizing this, it would be
difficult to justify discontinuing a
program to control pigeons. While
students are at risk in contracting
pigeon associated diseases-per-
haps those experiencing the great-
er risks, are our building custo-
dians, plumbers, masons, elec-
tricians, window washers, sheet
metal workers and others who must
work in and around areas where
pigeons prefer to roose and nest.
In some areas in which our men
h,'ve had to work, I have required
the use of Ultra-filter respirators
to prevent the possible inhalation
of infectious agents from the drop-
pings of pigeons and other birds.
The material used presently for
pigeon control is a psychochemical.
The use of this will result in a 5
to 10 per cent kill. As less toxic
and more efficient materials are
developed for pigeon control-the
least toxic would be used. Unfor-
tunately, repellants developed thus
far are not effective, and reproduc-
tive depressants h a v e serious
I hope that I have presented a
clearer idea of the nature of the
Robert G. Dennis
Senior Safety Coordinator
University Health Service
May 25
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.



eption for men


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This regular
question-and-answer column on
matters of sesual concern is being
published in co-operation with the
Office of student Services. Ques-
Clans should be sent to nox 15, The
naily, 420 Maynard.)
Q. Why doesn't somebody get to
work and come up with a contra-
ceptive pill for men?
A. Someone's trying.
Contraceptive technology hasn't
concentrated enough on male con-
traception in the past. The excuse
is that men don't have as many
physiological sites where the re-
productive process can be altered
as women do, so most of the re-
search has gone towards finding
an effective contraceptive for
Research labs are working on a
male pill right now (one which
showed some promise, by the way,
had the interesting side effect of
producing extreme nausea and
turning the eyes red when the man
drank alcoholic beverages.) When
they make one that works as well
for men- as the "Pill" works for
women, it's going to be a relief
to a whole lot of women-and men.
(Me take MY pill? I thought
YOU were taking the pill! . . )
Q. So what can a man do in the
A. Use a condom.
Better known as the rubber for,
in extreme cases, the prophylac-
tic) it's a latex rubber or sheep
caecum (look it up) skin sheath
which is placed over the erect
penis during intercourse. The
semen is blocked by the condom
from entering the vagina, thus
preventing pregnancy. Simple.
But it takes a little skill. There
are pregnancies which could have
been avoided' with proper use of
the condom. Briefly, the procedure
is this:
1-Buy a brand name (Trojan,
Ramses, Rourex, Shiek) at a phar-
macy or drug store.

2-Don't check it for defects-
you're more likely to tear it on a
fingernail or ring than to find any-
thing wrong.
3-The condom should be unrolled
onto the erect penis before it gets
near the vagina. Often the fluid
that comes out of the penis before
ejaculation contains enough fresh
sperm to cause pregnancy even
without insertion.
4-It should cover the entire penis
(less danger of slippage) with
some compressed space left at
the end to receive the semen. Some
condoms have a reservoir at the
end for this purpose. If yours does-
n't, the tip can be twisted slightly
before unrolling to provide the
needed space.
5-The reservoir should be com-
pressed to get the air out of it-
air takes up the room you're sav-
ing for the semen. If you're uncir-
cumcised the foreskin should be
completely retracted.
6-After ejaculation, the man
should hold firmly onto the top
of the condom and withdraw, mak-
ing sure that the condomsa doesn't
slip off before he's done. If he lin-
gers in the vagina the penis tttay
lost some erection and the semen
may slip- over the top and into
7-Throw it away. Some of the
more expensive brands can be
washed and used again, but,
well . . .
8-Don't use petroleum jelly,
Vaseline or otherwise. It tends to
rot the rubber. If you need a-lubri-
cant use a spermicidal jelly or
cream or shell out for the pre-
lubricated condoms.
And don't use the short condom
that fits over thd tip of the penis.
It has the disquieting habit of
slipping off during orgasm. And
don't carry them around in your
wallet or pocket like you did in
junior high. Moisture and body
heat can cause deterioration.
Q. OK, where do I get some?

A. All you have to do is march
into a drugstore and ask for "a
package of prophylactics, please."
You don't need a prescription, an
ID or an honest face. There is no
law in Michigan governing who can
buy or use prophylactics (the law
does make it illegal to display
them, but that shouldn't stop you.)
About the cheapest place in town
is the Health Service Pharmacy,
which is selling them for three for
fifty cents (Trojan latex lusbri-
cated). The lubricated lambskins
are three for $1.50.
Q. Why should I do all this stuff?
A. Condoms are easy to get and
use. They're cheap -and they have
no side effects. They enable many
men to prolong intercourse by de-
laying orgasm. They provide some
protection against venereal dis-
ease, especially gonorrhea.
They are 80-90 per cent effective
as a contraceptive. When used with
vaginal spermicidal foam they are
even more effective - perhaps as
effective as the pill (nearly 100
per cent.) But this has not been
fully documented.
Q. Why shouldn't I do it?
A. Some couples find that the
condom cuts down on sensation
enough to decrease their pleasure
(like taking a shower in a rain-
coat, they say). The skin type is
better than the latex type in this
respect-it's harder to tell ysu
have it on. Some women find the
rubber irritating to the inner walls
of the vagina. Use of a lubricating
jelly (preferably spermicidal) or a
lubricated condom may help with
There is often a fear of loss
of erection when putting the con-
dom on, but this can be reduced if
there is enough communication be-
tween the couple so that the 'so-
man can comfortably put the con-
dom on the penis.
An added disadvantage is that
there is a certain loss of sponta-
neity involved in their use.


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