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Friday, May 28, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
Union to file brief against '
By MARK DILLEN University o f f i c i a 1 s have treated McCracken claims the University has
Local 1583 of the American Federa- AFSCME complaints of contract viola- been selectively accepting grievances
tion of State, County and Municipal tions during the first five months of its on the basis of whether they are filed
Employes is scheduled to present a brief three year span. Of an estimated 50 by individual union members or groups
before the Michigan Enmployment Rela- griev nces already filed by AFSCME of workers. The reason. says McCracken.
tions Commission (MERC) this morn- members this year, McCracken claims is the University's inefficiency in han-
ing, charging that the University is nearly half have been refused by Uni- dling a rising number of complaints.
guilty of unfair labor practices. versity Manager of Employe and Union "Our contract says you may file group
The charges, contained in a brief to Relation Jame. Thiry. grievances but doesn't say you have to,"
be filed in Detroit this morning by Thiry and his superior, Vice President he contends. "Because the University
AFSCME attorney George Maurer, will and C h i e f Financial Officer Wilbur got such a flow of grievances from all
describe several alleged irregularities Pierpont declined comment last night gut sh Ufo ofrist e frm all
covered by the state "Unfair hor an AFSCME's complaints, Pierpont say- aver the Univerity, they claim they
Practices Act" and what AFSCME Pres- ing he knew nothing of the formal have the right to accept only group
ident Charles McCracken calls the Uni- charges and Thiry adding that although grievances."
versity's "bad faith bargaining." there "had been s o m e talk" of In addition, union members have ex-
McCracken and other union leaders AFSCME's move, no University response pressed dissatisfaction about delays in UNION janitors present grievances to
say the core of the problem is the way had been decided on. See UNION, Page 10 the Regents last week.
tMiodel Cities
Heroin in tle arlty
Rep. Morgan Murphy (D-Ill) and Rep. Robert Steele (R-Conn), authors of a study of heroin use by
troops in Vietnam, appear at a Capitol till news conference yesterday. The study recommends forc-
ible hospitalization for three years prior to discharge for troops who have been hooked on heroin. (See
story, page 7)
Local peace meeting apparent
focal point of federal probe
plan approved
by Council
Ann Arbor City Council last night approved five Model
Cities contracts despite some opposition from residents of
the Model Cities neighborhood.
Four of the five were approved unanimously. Council-
man John McCormick (R-fifth ward) cast the lone dissent-
ing vote-against a legal services program.
McCormick said the contract has legal and ethical pro-
blems that should be looked into by the Washtenaw County
Bar Association and the Michigan State Bar Association.
In addition to the legal services program, the con-
tracts included 'a bail-bond program and youth recreation
program, as well as a contract
setting up a community institute
and a contract between the city
and the Ann Arbor Community e D .C.
Action on the five contracts
was delayed from Monday night s
council meeting to allow local
residents a chance to discuss
their views on the contracts with dism issed
City Council.
Community response to the con- Washington, D.C. corporation
tracts seemed to be favorable, counsel decided yesterday to
although Ezra Rowry, chair- drop about 2,50t0 of the remainitig
man of the Model Cities Board, arrest cases resulting from the
and members of City Council Mayday anti-war demonstrations
came under heavy attack by -est- here without calling them .or
dents of the Model Cities neigh- trial.
Corporation Counsel C. Francis
Deborah Grubbs, a member of Murphy moved for the dismissals
the policy board who was sitting- following a Wednesday night
in at the Model Cities office pro- ruling by the U.S. Court :f Ap-
testing a "lack of community in- peals which temporarily blocked
volvement in the Model Cities
program," read a statement ac- prosecution unless there was evi-
cusing the policy board's Execu- dence to link the defendants to
tive committee of nepotism, and disorderly conduct charges.
controlling the boards set u to Police had suspended their nor-
administer the legal services,
bail bond, and youth recreation mal procedures in making many
programs. of the Mayday demonstrations at-
Paul Spann, spokesman for the rests and as a result are unable
Washtenaw County Black Cor- to testify where and when the
tractors and Trade Association alleged violations occurred.
renewed his complaint that Model Unofficial court estimates wer
Cities ignored the Association'
when bids went out for wort to be that after Murphy's decision,
done in the Model Cities Neigh- some 2.000 cases still could be
borhood. prosecuted. So far there have
Two black youths asked Corn- been about 10 convictions in cases
cil to approve the contracts and growing out of the 12,000 Mayday
find jobs for them, thus avoiding demonstrations arrests.
"one of the hottest summers this
town has seen.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man=
The contracts must retain to aged by students at the University o
the Model Cities policy board for MIchIgan. News phone: 764-0552. second
tlass postage paid at, Ann Arbor, Bich-
approval of changes. Although igan. 420 Maynard Street,. Ann Arbor,
the contracts retain the saiae Michigan 45104. Pubiished daily Tues-
day through Sunday mnorning OUniver-
goals as those approved by the sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
policy board, wording was Summer Session published Tuesday
changed to tighten up legal tOraugh Saturdayaorailg. Subsip-
structuretion rairo: $5 by carrier. $5 by malt,
(Continued from Page
N.W., in Washington. D.C., at
which time Jeff Liebling, Chris
Lamb, Stuart Albert, Judy Gum-
bo. Colin Neiberger, Michael
Tola, Terry Taube, Ken Kelley
and yourself," were present.
Albert and Gumbo were sub-
poenaed last week to appear be-
fore a Federal grand jury in
New York City.
At another stage in the ques-
tioning, Government investiga-
tors mentioned they believed a
group of nine persons to have
a been involved in the planning of
the bombing.
Leonard Weinglass, one of the
attorneys for those subpoenaed,
contacted in New Jersey last
night, said however that "the
government is way off base with
that list."
The group living in the M
Street house, he said, was not
responsible for the bombing, al-
though they may have discussed
it and "some of them may have
thought it was a good idea."
kelley said yesterday that
Leibling and Lamb were not even
present with the rest of the group
on the morning of March 1.
Kelley said yesterday the gov-
ernment was attempting to link
the conference with the capitol
bombing and that they are "so
full of shit I can't believe it."
Kelley said that on the morning
of the Capitol bombing, "Rennie
Davis called up and told me to
wake everybody u and get down
to Mayday headquarters"
He described the mood of the
house that mornin~g as "one of
Kelley has vowed not to -co-
operate with the giano jury,
whose hearings are schduled
to begin June 3.
Albert burnt his subtoena is-
sued by the New York grand ,;ry
when it was served to him at
New Haven, Conn., last week.
Weinglass is filing suit mean-
while to stop toe government
from carrying through its Ilans
to force testimony out of what he
terms, "innocent people."
The Conference on a Peoples
Peace, which provided the main
impetus for the Mayday demon-
strations in Washington, D.C.,
early this month, was attended
by about 2,000 leaders from all
parts of the country.
Conference organizers yester-
day described allegations that the
conference spawned the bomb-
ing of the Capitol as "insane ...
absurd . . . silly."
"This is simply a governnment
attempt to discredit the anti-wurx
movement," said one member of
the local Mayday collective.
Meantime, Leslie Bacon ha'
been transferred to the Seattle
City Jail where she. may be kept
until the completion of the gratid
jury's term in March 1972.
She was led fom the Scattle
courtroom denouncing the gov-
ernment's "paranoid fantasies."
U.S. Attorney Ralph Guy has
refused comment on the scope of
the Detroit grand jury's investi-
No official word has been re-
leased on the nature or scope of
the investigations underway at
the other grand juries in New
York or the District of Columbt.