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May 19, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-19

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cloudy, cooler.
probable thundershowers

Wednesday, May 19, 1971


News Phone: 764-0552

N.Viets still
deep in Laos;
U.S. hits sites
SAIGON WP - As North Vietnamese
troops continued to overwhelm all resist-
ance in their drive through southern Laos
yesterday, American fighter bombers at-
tacked four anti-aircraft sites inside North
Vietnam on "protective reaction" raids.
The North Vietnamese advance contin-
ued unabated for the third day in a row
along the area U.S.-supported South Viet-
namese troops invaded in February to halt
Communist activities.
American dependents yesterday were
taken out of Pakse, on the Mekong River
near Bolovens Plateau, which was over-
run Sunday by the North Vietnamese, giv-
ing them control of strategic roads.
On the eve of the 81st anniversary of
the birth of Ho Chi Minh, North Vietna-
mese troops appeared on the move in
much of the landlocked kingdom-possibly
in a drive to expand the Ho Chi Minh trail
of supply lines to the west.
Whatever the objective, North Vietna-
msese forces followed up their capture of
two government towns in the Bolovens
Plateau Sunday with attacks at several
points in other parts of Laos.
A heavy North Vietnamese rocket at-
tack nearly wiped out Monday the town
of Dong Hene on highway 9, about 20t
miles southeast of Vientiane, the capital
and 100 miles north of Bolovens Plateau.
Reports reaching Vientiane said the
North Vietnamese then ambushed a Lao-
tian military convoy as it was retreating
from Dong Hene and heading westward
to Seno, 2 miles away.
All six trucks in the convoy and two
105 mm howitzer artillery pieces were lost
to the North Vietnamese, reliable Vien-
tiane sources said.
A spokesman for the concurrent U.S. air
strikes, Capt. Jim Dentremont, said four
Air Force and Navy fighter bombers at-
tacked the sites Monday and Tuesday.
but the results were not known. None of
the U.S. planes was hit. The attacks raised
to 40 the number of so called protective
reaction strikes over North Vietnam this
year, which the U.S. Command says is
"the inherent right of self defense."
In the Bolovens Plateau in the south-
ern end of Laos, North Vietnamese troops
were consolidating t h e i r positions and
aerial observation indicated they may be
moving in a battalion of tanks,
The eastern side of the Bolovens Pla-
teau overlooks the Ho Chi Minh trail. The
North Vietnamese now are in a position
to expand the supply trail network to the

Dail-i Gary Vi ani
IN THEIR NEW LOCATION on William St., Mark (left) and Dan, the well-known directors of Canterbury House, reflect on the
recent mose from Maynard St.
Canterbury House moves on;
victim of financial squeeze

The building on Maynard St. that has
housed Canterbury House, the Episcopal
Chaplaincy on campus, has a "for rent"
1 sign near its entrance. As you walk in the
door, a girl washing the floor explains
that the building is closed.
But above Mark's Coffee House around
the corner on William St., a new Canter-
bury house is struggling, open even though
moving is not yet completed.
The closing of Canterbury House on
Maynard is a sign of the times. The
building's rising rental costs, the large
costs of getting good bands and well-
known groups, the thefts-all have led to
a curtailing of activities at Canterbury.
In November of 1970, the weekend music
programs ended. Yet Canterbury still was
a center of activity for the Ann Arbor and
University community. The Radical Film
series, the Ann 'Arbor Mime Troupe, and
the Ann Arbor Drama Festival, all used
Canterbury House facilities.
Canterbury House had things going all
the time. Area groups put on plays there,
and everyone-was generally given space
when they asked. But all too often, some
groups would not take care of the equip-
ment that they used, and on occasion cost-
ly repairs had to be made.
Often considerable financial loss was
incurred by a variety of practices of the
patrons of Canterbury House. People
who came for the special events at Cen-
terbury often refused to pay admittance,
which was necessary to cover overhead
and the expense of having bands or plays
performed there.
In addition, keys to the sequestered
building on Maynard were often loaned
to various people who frequented the
community gathering place. As time went
on, "rip-offs" became more prevalent,
adding to an already dire financial situa-
tion caused by a lack of community
financial support.
In the new quarters of Canterbury
House, however, space will be extremely
limited. The coffee house atmosphere is
lacking. Not more than 20 or thirty people
squeezed together will be able to sit on

the living room floor. There is no space for
a band. Instead, the apartment is a place
for contemplation, small group meetings.
and a chance for the directors of Can-
terbury House, Rev. Daniel Burke and
Rev. Mark Harris-who ask to be called
by their first names- to get to know peo-
ple, to talk, to council, and to make people
Dan and Mark like the new atmosphere.
"It (the old building) was a monkey on
our backs," Dan says. "People don't rea-
lize how hard it was to maintain the
weekend programs." We became building
managers and maintenance people," Mark
Even though the large building is gore,
the Sunday worship services will con-
tinue, as well as informal counseling. It's
still uncertain where services will be held.

There is a possibility that Canterbury
House will work in conjunction with rock
concert promoter Peter Andrews in spon-
soring some of the concerts that will be
brought to campus next fall, or get other
facilities for concerts.
This is the second move for uanteubury
House. The first was five years ago, ahen
Canterbury moved from Division Street
to the Maynard location. The reason for
the move then was to have more space to
expand the coffee house and to have more
room for community activities.
Thus, it appears the era of Canterbury
House as a campus community center
has ended. But the idea remains, perhaps
to return in a different location, or in a
joint sponsorship with another organiza-
tion. But until then, Canterbury House
is a victim of the changing times.

Rock concerts lack fu nd
Though initial planning for free weekly
rock concerts again this summer has started,
the project is in jeopardy due to a lack of
The Anns Arbor Tribal Council, a coalition
*f of community groups and the organizers of
the concerts, estimates the community park
program will cost about $29,000. Most of this
money must be raised through fund drives
the council is planning for the next few weeks.
While organizers say that the city has
given all possible support to the concerts, it
has been unable to give any monetary back-
ing. Due to the city's tight budget situation
and a proposed cutback in city services, Ann
Arbor will not even be able to provide the
police and sanitation services they supplied
last year.
The organizers of the program are plan-
ning 13 weekly concerts, to be held on Sun-
day afternoons beginning June 6, Mostly local
- groups will be featured although no final
arrangements have been made.
YOUNG PEOPLE of the Ann Arbor community gather last year for a Community Parks Program organizer Matt
free rock concert at Gallup Park, See LACK. Page 10

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