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August 04, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-04

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0Friday, August 4, 1972


Page Eleven

Tigers, Orioles lose--
who's going to win?

Wire Service Reports
American League East base-
ball continued on its unpredict-
able path last night with the
Y Tigers again being bombed by
the 'insipid Milwaukee Brewers
6-3, the unimpressive Orioles
losing again to Cleveland, 4-3,
and Boston stopping a New York
hot streak 7-2.
The Tigers who were on a hot
streak before Milwaukee's non-
hitting, non-pitching contingent
came to Briggs Stadium found
losing to the Brewers very easy,
taking lacings of 9-0, and 13-1
before yesterday's comparatively
close game. Once again a young
Tiger pitcher got bombed out
AP Photo quickly, this time Fred Holds-
THE NEW BROOKS Robinson, a.k.a. Aurelio Rodriguez mimics worth, the springtime flash and
his mentor by diving into second base from the wrong side in an summer failure, getting blasted
attempt to fool Milwaukee second sacker Ron Theobald. But out in less than three frames.
Detroit's supposed-to-be-fear-
Ron is no Jake Wood and Aurelio barely escaped with his life. ed offense failed to produce suf-

ficiently once again but that has
been the tale of the Tigers all
year long.
The tale of the whole Eastern
Division for that matter. Every-
one knew at start of this season
that Baltimore and Detroit had
the most feared lineups in the
division. And those attacks,
naturally, relied primarily on
the bats of the teams' hard-
hitting outfielders.
Magie Number: 124
Even without Frank Robinson
the Oriole picketmen included
deadly hitters in Paul Blair,
Merv Rettenmund, Don Baylor
Don Buford, and Terry Crowley.
And the Tigers had Al Kaline,
Mickey Stanley, Jim Northrup,
Gates Brown, and Willie Horton.
Who would possibly have be-
lieved before the strike that
none of ' those ten would be
having a good year, that none
would have 15 home runs by
August 1? Well, none have and
that's why the punch went out
of those two lineups.
There has been a correspond-
ing improvement in pitching all
over but neither Detroit nor
Baltimore's pitching shows the
dominance needed for a run-
away champion, or even a good
PALMER, Cuellar, Dobson,
and McNally all are having good
seasons for the Birds, but not
good enough. Last night, for
example, Cuellar was bested by
Cleveland's 30 year-old rookie
southpaw Tom Hilgendorf after
the Indians had already beaten
Dave McNally twice in the past
Detroit's pitching is still only
sure of one man-the Mick-
"and past him there are at times
three or two, but right now no,
pitchers who can be depended
on. Apparently nobody deserves
to win, but unfortunately some-
body must.
There are also the Red Sox
and the Yankees but although
both have been able to keep
close to the low-flying Orioles
and Tigers, neither has been

able to mount enough of a
streak to catch up.
Yesterday it was the Sox' turn
to win with rookie sensation
Carlton Fisk blasting out his
17th homer and giving rookie
pitcher Lynn McGlothen his
fifth victory. With McGlothen
and another rookie, John Curtis,
the Red Sox may have enough
pitching to team with their
superior hitting to make first,
yet. Maybe.
New York almost looks like
the best team in the division
right now with a good four man
pitching staff, all are ten game
winners, and surprisingly one
of the best hitting outfields. If
they could just omit all those
games played with Rich Mc-
Kinney at third base back in
April and May the New Yorkers
would probably be in first right
Detroit is still the favorite for
the pennant even though pitch-
ers like Jim Colburn, last night,
can stymie their hitting. They
have a good one-man bullpen in
Fred Scherman, but he's not
quite a Sparky Lyle, good de-
fense and enough variety in de-
cent pitchers and hitters that
someone should always be hot.
But just as was the case in
April, the key to Detroit's pen-
nant chances is a continued
Oriole flop. Last night they man-
aged three runs, and even a
home run .by Brooks Robinson
off the veteran-rookie Hilgen-
dorf but Cuellar was touched by
run-producing hits by Roy Foster
and Graig Nettles to give Cleve-
land its win.
Cleveland and Milwaukee, in
this year of no powerhouse
teams, occasionally can make
their presence felt, and especial-
ly the Indians, every fourth day
at least, when Gaylord Perry
pitches. Cleveland is significant-
ly stronger than last season
when. the club set a new team
losing record (102 of them) but
suffers too from a case of un-
productive outfielders. Alex John-
son has been a miserable failure
and no one but Tom McCraw, on
occasion, has been able to pick
them up.

Special To The Daily
BIRMINGHAM - Forty-four
year old club professional Stan
Thirsk fired a two under par 68
to tie fellow unknown Bryan
"Buddy" Allin for the first round
lead in the 1972 PGA Champion-
ship Tournament yesterday,
Thirsk, finishing in the day's
final threesome, birdied Oakland
Hills' tough 202 yard 17th hole
with a seven foot putt and be-
came only the third player all
day to reach the 469 yard par 4
18th in two.
Thirsk narrowly cleared, a
blinker in front of the 18th green
with a three iron and left a 25
foot putt which would have given
him sole possession of the lead
one foot short
Allin, a third year pro from
Santa Barbara, Calif., fashioned
his 68 around three birdies, two
bogeys and five par-saving chip
shots which left him with short
The co-leaders, who incidently
have never heard of each other,
broke a five man log-jam at one
under, 69, which included Arnold
Palmer, former PGA champion
Ray Floyd, and Jerry Beard.
Sam Snead was another shot
back at even par 70; while Jack
Nicklaus and Lee Trevino shot
72 and 73 respectively.
Allin, a Vietnam veteran who
has been awarded both the
Bronze Star and the Air Medal,.
credited his recent improvement
to a session with his old pro
(Jim Judd, former pro at the
Santa Barbara Municipal course
and now a postal worker in
Escondido, Calif. '.

Thirsk's mood as he entered
the press tent was one of apol-
ogy, expressing his regret at
keeping the sportswriters from
meeting their early deadlines.
He assured reporters that he
would sleep well tonight and
when asked if he could hold on
to his lead, he replied, "We'll
see. Tomorrow is another day."
The club professional from
Kansas City, Kansas is compet-
ing in his seventh PGA, but he
rarely plays in any other tour
event. He qualified for this
year's PGA by virtue of his first
place finish in the Midwest Sec-
tional Tournament.
Birdie putts on numbers six,
twelve, fifteen and seventeen
more than made up for bogeys
on the fourth and eleventh
holes to give Thirsk his 68.
Elsewhere in the field Larry
Gilbert and Jim Jamieson also
shot one under par 69's, one
stroke off thenpace. Tied with
Snead at even par 70 were
Johnny Miller, Dan Sikes, Jim
Weichers, Rod Funseth, and
Rich Crawford. Bunched with
five others at 71 were Gary
Player, Gay Brewer, and Chi
Chi Rodriguez.
Nicklaus and Trevino took in
stride their disappointing first
round play. Trevino in his own
words, "didn't hit the ball all
that bad," but was foiled by in-
correct club selection on four
diffrent occasions.
The pre-tournament favorite
left his toe shot on the par
three third hole fiftsen yards
short and hit his first chip only
about halfway to the green.
A mediocre second chip cost

Trevino a double bogey five and
he saved par on the next hole
only by chipping in from eight
feet off the green. Trevino col-
lected birdies at six and seven
to scramble back 'to even par,
but took bogeys at 11, 13, and
18 to finish at 73.
When questioned as to the na-
ture of his repeatedly errant
club selection, the light hearted
Trevino replied, "I don't know,
I'm Mexican I guess. Homer
(Homero Blancas) was two un-
der on the front side and he
played a dumb round, too."
Nicklaus bogeyed the first
hole when he three putted from
thirty feet and never regained
even par. The Golden Bear bir-
died the par five twelfth hole
but bogeys at 11 and 18 placed
him four strokes back at 72.
"I hit some good irons today, I
thought," said Nicklaus, "but
I wasn't getting them close to
the hole. And I really didn't
make a good putt all day."


Professional League Standings
American League National League
East East -
W L Pet. G3 W L Pet. GB
Detroit 55 43 .561 - iittsburgll 61 37 .622 -
N York 53 44 .46 7'/
Bati kr 53 47 .5412 fiara 52 40 .520 10
NOsto 49 40 .510 5 St. Louis 48 48 495 12%/
Cleveland 45 53 .459 10 t 0 a
Milwaukee Pesl40 10 .408 Ws 17 ' 2 .374 24l
Oakland 4 58 .3 oa Cincinnati 53 38 .604
Chicago 55 43 .561 51 L5os An 5 45 .150 5
Minnesota 49 46 .516 10 is an s 4S 47 .56 0%
Kansas City 46 51 .474 14 Sanra 45 54 .400 14
California 44 45 .444a1 455.4005
Texas 40 59 404 21 San Diegos 40 .404 19 V
Yetray's kesults
SYesterday's Results Philadelphia 4, Nec York 1
Boston 7, New York 2 Montreal 2, Chicago 1, 1st, 13 innings
Minsota 9,Texso I Chcago atMontreal 2nd
a 4, ltiore 3 Sat tigo ,Atlant 5, 1 innings
M.ilwaukee 6, Detroit 3 Pittsubrgh 2, St. Louis 1, 10 innings
Chicago 4, California 2 San a 'rncisco at Los Angeles
Other clubs not schedul d Other clubs not Ghedue
'oday's (ames Tdy's Gains
Texas (Stanhouse 1-2) at Chicago Atlanta (Stone 3-8 and McLain 2-1)
(Bahnsen 13-11) at Cincinnati (Grimsley 9-4) 2
Detroit (Lolich 18-6) at Cleveland Chicago Jenkins 14-9 at New York
MTdrow 8-9) MAnidrew 0-3 0:05 p.m.
Oakland (Odom 9-3) at Minnesota Philadelphia (Reynolds 0-8) at St.
(Blyleven 9-14) Louis (Durham 0-3)
Baltimore (Dobson 12-10 at Boston San Diego (Caldwell 4-4) at Los
(Pattin 8-9) Angeles (John 8-5)
« New York (Peterson 11-11) at Mil- iioston (Reuss 7-8) at San Francisco
waukee (Stephenson 2-4) (Barr 4-4)
California (Ryan 12-9) at Kansas Pittsburgh (Kison 5-3) at Montreal
City (Dal Canton 5-4) (Stoneman 9-7)

REYKJAVIK, Iceland (/').-
Fischer adjourned the 10th game
in his title series against world
chess champion Boris Spassky
yesterday night and experts said
the American challenger was in
a winning position.
Fischer started the game yes-
terday with the white pieces and
a slight advantage, moving first.
After 40 plays, the American
handed in a sealed 41st move and
strolled offstage, leaving the
game in adjournment.
Grandmasters Bent Larsen of
Denmark and Svetozar Gligoric
of Yugoslavia said Fischer seem-
ed certain to jump into a three-
point lead, 06,-3, when play re-
But observers noted Spassky
did not appear concerned as he
walked off the stage following
Fischer used the Ruy Lopez
opening, characterized by deli-
cate maneuvering with little ob-
vious progress. Then Spassky
forced him into a rapid exchange
of pieces and a period of thrust
and parry.
Fischer began his mate at-
tack by edging his queen to
threaten first Spassky's kingside.
bishop pawn and then check.
But the champion wormed out
of danger by clever play with
a bishop. He forced one of Fis-
cher's rooks to keep guard over
his forward pawns, isolated from
the mate strike.
Then Fischer grabbed the bis-
hop with one rook, and with the

threatens again
other put Spassky in check. But working toward a win. But he
the champion wriggled out again. will have to keep Spassky's
The seesaw continued until the pawns constantly under surveil-
game adjourned. Fischer w a s lance.
left with three pawns and a pair Spassky, as usual, had a short-
of rooks, Spassky with four age of time near the end of yes-
pawns, a rook and a bishop. terday's play. The Russian used
In the last moves, Fischer had 146 of his 150 minutes alloted for
forced Spassky to advance his the first 40 moves. Fischer was
passed pawns onto black squares. not pressed for time, having
There they are protected by the used only 118 minutes.
bishop, but to make any pro- Both players were late for the
gress they have to press on to start of the game. Fischer kept
white squares which Fischer has his custom by coming in and
under control. So Spassky ap- making his first move seven
peared to be in a dead end. minutes after the appointed
Fischer may be able to ma- time. Spassky, though usually
neuver his king toward the cen- punctual, didn't show sap until
ter and adlvance his own pawns, just after Fischer's move.
Be fore the apocalypse

L P-K4 P-K4
2. Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3. l-Kt5 P-QR3
4. B-R4 Kt-B3
5. O-O B-K2
6. B-Kt3 P-QKt4
7. R-K1 P-Q3
8. P-n3 O-O
9. P-E Kl t-Ktl
10. P-Q4 QKt-Q2
Elapsedtimne: Fischer 14 minutes,
Spasky minues.
11. Q0Et-Q2 B-Kt2
12. B-B2 R-K1
13. P-QKt4 B-KB1
14. P-Qk4 Et-Et3
Elapsed time: Fischer 20 minutes,
Spassky 37 minutes.
15. P-R5 QKt-Q2
10. i-Kt2 Q-KtO
17. E-K tl P-in
10 KtPxP QPxP
19. PxKP Kt,Q2,xP
20. KtxKt QxKt
Elapsed time: Fischer 59 minutes,
Spassky 89 minutes.
21. P-QB4 Q-B5
22. BxKt QxB

23. PxP Ki-Ql
24. Q-l 1Q-QB6
Elapsed time: Fischer 69 minutes
Spas k y103 inutes.
25. Et-B3 0)x1
26. B-Kt3 PxP
27. Q-KB4 R-Q2
28. Kt-K5 Q-n2
Elapsed time: ischer 82 mitnutes,
29. R Ktl-Q1 R-K2
30. BxPch RxB
31. KxRch B Q
32. EltxQ BaP
Elapsed time: Fischer 102 minutes,
Spassky 1 3minutes
3:3. Eon Ex~t
34. R-Q7ch K-3
35. R-Kt7 R-R8ch
36. K-R2 B-Q3ch
37. P-Kt3 P-Kt5
3$. K-Kt2 P-Rt4
30. R-Kt6 E-Q8
40. K-B3 KlB2
Elapsed time: Fischer 118 minutes,
Spassky 146 minutes.

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