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Vol. LXXXII, No. 50-S
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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 27, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Doily Photo by JIM WALLACE
CITY SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS listen to opinions of a community member on the controversial
transfer of Fred Leonard, former black principal of Forsythe Junior High School. A letter signed by
55 city residents criticized the board for its "grossly arbitrary and capricious handling" of the Leon-
ard case.
Protestant workers strike as
death toll rises in iN. Ireland
Black principal's
transfer debated
by school board
Over 100 people jammed last night's Ann Arbor Board
of Education meeting to hear discussion on a controversial
motion to reinstate the principal of Forsythe Junior High
The motion by board member Henry Johnson sought to
reverse a previous board decision to transfer Fred Leonard,
the black principal of Forsythe, to a position as director
of field services for the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Johnson, who is University vice president for student
services, criticized the board for its "differential consider-
ation" of Leonard.
He cited racial considerations as the motivating force
behind Leonard's transfer,
as w h ite principals of i.
equally troubled schools, T rial halted
according to Johnson, were
not considered for removal
from their positions. inPentagon
Audience emotions ran high
as concerned parents and com-
munity m e m b e r s presented perso nare
opinions both supportive and
critical of the board's action. LOS ANGELES (P} - The
The board voted to place the Pentagon Papers trial was halt-
motion on next week's agenda. ed yesterday by the 9th Circuit
Heated debate centered' on the Court of Appeals to give it time
issue of due process in Leon- to review the trial judge's rul-
ard's transfer. Johnson claimed ing on government wiretapping
the board was "tampering with of a member of the defense
dangerous precedents" by initi- team.
ating and carrying out the deci- Defense attorneys, who chal-
sion in executve session to lenged the legality of the ruling
transfer Leonard, without the by U.S. District Court Judge
recommendation of the superin- Matt Byrne, rushed to nearby
tendent. Pasadena to obtain the 11th-
The board's action was taken hour stay from the appeal
without consulting Leonard, the judges.
Principal Selection Committee, The Circuit's presiding judge,
or the members of the com- Walter Ely, Circuit Judge James
munity. Critics of the board's Browning and U.S. Supreme
action also claimed there was Court Justice William Douglas,
"no evidence of just and proper who presides over the 9th Cir-
cause" for Leonard's removal, cuit issued the order staying
according to Johnson. "further proceedings" in the
Board president Ted Huesel trial pending the Circuit's re-
called the action "a transfer like view of the issue.
any other transfer of princi- The defense wants the court
pals." When asked why it was to order the government to re-
done in executive session, he re- veal which member of the de-
plied, "You don't bring your fense team was "overheard" on
dirty linen out into the public, a wiretap.
You discuss it in executive ses- The government has refused
sion." to tell the defense.
While it had been- previously Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony
believed Leonard would accept Russo, both former Rand Corp.
the transfer, last night an at- researchers on government pro-
torney told the board that his jects, are charged with espion-
law firm had been retained to age, conspiracy and theft in
represent Leonard in his efforts connection with the leak to
to obtain a -fair hearing and to news media of top-secret docu-
respond to any charges which ments detailing origins of the
prompted the board's action. Vietnam War.
BELFAST (kP) - British
troops and guerrilla gunmen
battled near Belfast's city cen-
ter yesterday, and Protestant
workers virtually closed down
Northern Ireland's industry
and commerce, mourning the
dead of last week's bombing.
A Royal Marine commando
was killed by sniper fire in Un-
ity Flats, a modern Roman
Catholic housing development
in Belfast. He was the 473rd
person to die since violence
erupted in Ulster three years
Three young men. identified
by the British army as gunmen,
were hospitalized with bullet
wounds. The, army claimed at
least two others were hit.
Earlier a rope factory and a
fashion store were badly dam-
aged by fires believed set by ar-
sonists. Bombs wrecked two sup-
ermarkets in the Protestant
Waterside area of Londonderry
and 10 buses in a depot at Bal-
lynohinch, a small town south
of Belfast.
Strikes called by Protestant
militants affected nearly all the
province's industry. including
Belfast's giant shipyards and
aircraft factories.
Workers streamed off their
jobs at 11 a.m. in answer to
calls by the Ulster Defense As-
sociation and the Loyalist Asso-
ciation of Workers. The action
was a gesture of mourning for
the dead of Friday's Irish Re-
publican Army (IRA) bomb
blitz on Belfast.
Industrialists said few men
answered appeals by employers
and union leaders to stay at
work 'and donate a day's pay
to relatives of bomb victims.
The walkout was, however,
less disruptive than a two-day
stoppage which the same or-
ganizations called three months
ago in protest against Britain's
dissolution of the provincial
Power supplies were unaffect-
ed this time and Belfast still
had buses. But the main rail-
road to Dublin was closed.
In the afternoon thousands of
the strikers walked to parks
throughout the province for ser-
vices in memory of the dead.
Onithe political front, the
Catholic - based Social Demo-
cratic and Labor party-ended
a two-day caucus by agreeing
to talk with William Whitelaw,
Britain's administrator in Nor-
thern Ireland, on plans for a
new administrative system in
the province.
The party, Ulster's largest op-
position group, has for the past
year refused to engage in any
negotiations with the British or
with other Northern Ireland
political groups. It abandoned
this boycott as a direct conse-
quence of the IRA's bombing
campaign against civilian tar-
The party said it will meet
not only Whitelaw but repre-
sentatives of other groups, in-
cluding the Protestant - based
Unionist party, to set up a Nor-
thern conference at which
all political groups would be
From this conference White-
law hopes to obtain agreement
on a new democratic structure
to replace the dissolved Parlia-
ment and give the Catholic mi-
nority a guaranteed share in
decision - making.
Save those tickets for a while
Your dream of unloading the wads of
overdue parking tickets which are sitting
in your car's glove compartment may never
come to pass.
Despite a City Council resolution urging
a two-month parking ticket amnesty period,
no real action has been taken by the
city- or the judges to implement the idea.
The resolution urges the Fifteenth Dis-
trict Court to declare "a least a two-
month" period during which citizens may
pay the original fineso n their overdue pyrk-
ing tickets without the late penalties. The
resolution was introduced by Councilmem-
bers Nancy Wechsler (HRP-2nd ward) and
Jerry DeGrieck (HRP-1st ward) and pass-
ed by council on July 17.
The decision to institute an amnesty per-
iod rests with District Court Judges Sandorf
Elden and Pieter Thomassen. According to
Elden. however, in the ten days since the
resolution was passed "We haven't been
contacted by anyone about it, we haven't
seen the resolution."
The job of contacting the judges was
assigned by the City Council to the City
Administrator Guy Larcom. According to
Larcom's secretary, "Mr. Larcom has as-
signed it to one of his assistants. It
may take another week to ten days before
anything is done on it."
The resolution's chance of becoming
policy is not good, however. Judge Elden
says that he has "serious reservations"
about the resolution.
"We have already lots of phone calls
from people asking for refunds for the
fines they have already paid," said Elden.