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July 26, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-26

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£ tiy n ait
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted inoall reprints.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552


ROTC: An offer
u cant refuse
ROTC IS manning a large attack aimed at freshmen in
an attempt to swell the ranks of cadets on campus.
The weapons have been well chosen and prove a bit hard
for some to resist. The Department of Defense has pro-
vidd ROTC with ample funds to dole out to cadets. ROTC
also has a recreational program to provide cadets with
opportunities for extracurricular activity.
To sample some of ROTC's offerings, stop by North
Hall some weekday (except Friday) around 3:30 or 4 p.m.
Walk up the stairs to Room 200. There an officer
of the Army, Navy or Aair Force will greet you and
shake your hand. He'll introduce himself and ask you to
sign in-but you don't have to if you don't want to.
GO ON in and take a seat. Look around. An officer from
each branch of the Armed Forces will be there, as
well as freshmen interested in joining ROTC. (Plus, of
course, curious souls such as yourself will also be there).
If you're lucky, you can get a soft drink to help your-
self cool off.
The officers will be explaining the various programs
available to freshmen. Some of the bolder freshmen will
be asking questions about the programs.
The officers have a very nice manner and field the
questions adroitly, if somewhat militarily.
SOME OF the potential recruits are a little nervous,
however. Perhaps the slides on the wall of various
types of military hardware in action is a bit scary. Or
maybe the prospect of committing up to five years of
one's life to the military is a prospect some aren't too
keen on.
But the freshmen's anxieties are soon mollified when
they hear of the benefits offered by ROTC.
Being a cadet means good pay, they learn. One hun-
dred dollars a month in their junior and senor years.. And
a scholarship can mean that the Department of Defense
will pay tuition, books, lab fees and transportation for
four years.
But money is not the only good thing about being in
ROTC. Cadets can join any number of intramural sports
The Pershing Rifles, a crack drilling outfit, offers a
chance to blow off steam. The Scabbard and the Blade,
an honorary fraternity, is an opportunity for extra-
curricular activity. The Military Ball is a gala event
which all cadets can attend.

President Nixon, who by his si-
tence had encauraged rumors that
he might dump Spits Agnew tram
the 1972 Republicsan ticket, made
a sudden about-face Saturday and
announced his endorsement of Ag-
new as his running mate.
Pressures were building up both
inside and outside the White
House to dump Agnew. In the past
few weeks operatives for John
Connally, Nelson Rockefeller and
Ronald Reagan have been busy
wooing the White House inner cir-
In efforts to keep the Republi-
can Party united, the President
moved quickly before the Dump
Agnew Movement got out of con-
Before Saturday's dramatic an-
nouncement, the President delib-
erately hedged on his choice for
Vice President. We understand
that in private the President never
seriously considered choosing any-
one else for the ticket. He decided
to keep the American public guess-
ing only to stimulate interest in
the Republican Convention next
When Nixon learned that his si-
lence was seriously undermining
Agnew's prestige in the public and
the press, he decided to speak up
and endorse his loyal running
As a result ambitious Republi-
cans like Reagan and Rockefeller
are looking elsewhere for a spot in
N i x o n's 1 9 7 3 administration.
Rockefeller, for example, wants to
be Secretary of State. But as we
resorted in an earlier column,
President Nixon's favorite Demo-
crat, John Connally, is the- odds-
on favorite to replace Secretary
Bill Rogers.
All of this nrestmes, of course.
that Nixon will win in November.
Looking bak on past Nixon cam-
psi us. a Nixon victory this year
it hardly a foregone conclusion.
Flseathere on the campaign
scene. the president is working
hard to take votes away from
Geor.e McGovern among union
B-ouiful Vancouver boasts that
it is Canada's gateway to the Ori-
nt. St cortains one of the largest
Chinese nopulations of any city in
the world ontside of Asia. Now, a
aicret report prepared by federal
intctllifence and narcotics agents
reveals that Vancouver is rapidly
b-coining one of the ma'jor nar-
cotics centers of North America.
A-cording to the secret report.
Chirese heroin dealers are worm-
ing their way into Vancouver's

ethnic Chinese cotnununity.
We have learned that many of
these diug dealers are Chiese
seamen atlas tumpsoship, They strap
packets of lieioins around their
waists ad thtighas and slip into
Vancouver as sirtutal one-mni he-
tottn cetntetrs.
The heroin which is 90 per
cent pure - is then shipped fron
Vancouver across the border into
the state of Washington. F r o m
there, it goes to major cities in the

dissidents are trying to push Hoff-
tian and Robin aside.
Radicals in the new, so-called
Zippie movement are claimting that
Ribin and Hoffman are more in-
terested in digging tip material for
a forthcoming book abaut the con-
ventions than in heading a radi-
cal insurrection. The Zippies have
a point. Rubin and Hoffman are
among the highest paid ,orres-
pondents at the Democratic con-
vention. thanks to a $33,000 book
Even in Braille - We dropped by
the Library of Congress the other
day to check on the services of-
fered to blind Americans. We dis-
covered that the Library not only
translates books but also maga-
zines for the blind. The magazine
most frequently requested in broil-
to: Playboy.
Flag wavers - We are always
looking for those rare souls in
government who do more than
merely shuffle papers. We have
uncovered a number of ordinary
folks with extraordinary jobs. This
week, we salute James Reed, a
married man with three children.
Reed's job is to haul hundrads of
flags up and down flag poles on-
the roof of the U.S. Capitol. This
permits congressmen to send their
constituents flags that - at least
technically - have been flown over
the Capital. Reed and his col-
leagues flew 27,659 flags last year.
"When I get going," he told us,
"I'll be running them up and
down every three minutes."
And then there is David Dinius,
who works for the Agriculture De-
partment. For several manths,
David tried to raise cows by feed-
ing theta the Washington Post. The
idea was to see if newspapers
could be recycled as low grade
forage. David, however, found that
the animals liked the liberal Wash-
ington newspaper short as maics
as Spiro Agnea did.
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to M a r y
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michiga'n Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-

United States including Seattle,
Portland, San Francisco, Chicago
and New York.
fast week, we reported t h a t
Miami Beach police have been in
close contact with Yippie leaders
Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman
in an effort to avoid violence at
the Republicsan convention next
Now we learn that the authari-
ties stay be talking with the wrong
leaders. Younger, more radical

RUT IF the freshman decides to join,
able events soon come to an end.
After four years he or she must enter
do what he has been trained to do: assist
human beings.

all these enjoy-
'active duty and
in the killing of

Today's Staff .I
News: Alan Lenhoff, Chris Parks, Marilyn Riley
Editorial Page: Carla Rapoport
Photo Technician: Denny Gainer

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