urban ca'
built here
Stdenats' design
for vehicle called
safe, ecological
While multi-millions dol-
lar auto companies com-
plain of the impossibility of
meeting federal safety and
pollution standards, a group
of University engineering
students has designed and
built their own version of an
ecologically sound and safe
Equipped with a Wankel ro-
tary engine, a "drunk tester.'
an impact absorbing front and
rear end, a crash cage and
numerous other items, the ve-
hicle-Urban Car One Thousand
-is now undergoing trial runs.
The automobile will be en-
tered in the Urban Vehicle De-
sign Compe ti ti on (UVDC),
which challenges engineering
students to design and build
from scratch a car that can
help solve the urban transpor-
tation crisis.
The contest stresses safety
and pollution control, but also
takes note of parkability, fuel
efficiency, handling, braking,
a celeration, visibility. The com-
*petition will culminate Aug. 6-
11 when all the entries will be
evaluated at the General Motors
Proving Grounds in Milford,
Urban Car One Thousand is
a two-passenger, rear-engie,
rear drive vehicle. Its 35 horse-
power Wankel engine-no larger
than a ripe watermelon-gives
it a top speed of about 50 miles
per hour.
A catalytic converter and
thermal reactor will reduce en-
gine emissions to levels accept-
able not only to 1975 Federal
Standards, but to the more
stringent 1976 standards.
On acceleration, the urban
car is no hot rod, but according
to several students participating
in the project "it would give a
Volkswagon a good race."
The vehicle is armed with
rubber bumpers that prevent
damage in low velocity crashes.
In addition, the front end has
bowed metal support members as
part of a unique system which
theoretically can sustain a 30
mile per hour collision.
It is a design totally unre-
lated to work done by "big
three" auto makers. Jim Meyer,
one of the builders said, "They
tthe big three) seem tothink if
you spend three million dollars,
you can do the job better. But
you can't."
Heading the University proj-
ect are engineering senior Chris
Theodore, team captain, and
Engineering Prof. David Cole,
faculty advisor.
The urban car contest is
sponsored by Student Competi-
tions on Relevant Engineering
(SCORE), a corporation formed
to encourage project oriented
education. UVDC and SCORE
grew out of Clean Air Car Race
of 1970.
Benefit set
for the Sun,
Commander Cody and his
Lost Planet Airmen will be back
in town Friday night to do a
benefit for the Ann Arbor Sun.
The concert is scheduled for
the Union Ballroom. Appearing
along with the Commander will
be the Boogie Brothers, and
Stone School Road.
Admission will be $2.00 with
all proceeds going towards keep-
ing the Sun shining on schedule
twice a month.
PaOcrefethree roI vq 1 1& iIaI&
Wednesday, July 26, 1972
News Phone: 764-0552
Ahealthy caiididate?
Democratic vice presidential candidate Thomas Eagleton talks
with newsmen yesterday at George McGovern's retreat at Sylvan
Lake Lodge in South Dakota. It was disclosed that Eagleton was
hospitalized in 1966 for nervous exhaustion and fatigue. ie said
yesterday, however, that he has enjoyed good health since then.
Republicans lead in
Council absenteeism
Qua ng 'Tn f 'it
rages, war foes
seek pullout bill
South Vietnamese paratroopers continted inching their
way towards Quang Tri's 19th century Citadel last night
facing fierce lesistance from remaining Communist units.
Heavy fighting also swirled on the edges of Quang Tri
City, farther south toward Hue behind the 20,000-man
South Vietnamese counteroffensive and in the Que Son
Valley south of Da Nang.
The U.S. Command sent 75 B-52 bombers into action,
Concentrating the entire strike force on the northern front,
they hit Communist positions with nearly 2,000 tons of
Three South Vietnamese positions guarding the west-
ern approaches to Hue were struck with 3,300 routids of
shellfire and by infantry
Thieti Saigon command claim-
ed in a communique that 229
North Vietnamese troops wern
killed in daylong fighting yes-
terday from Quang Tri to Que r i
Son. Preliminary reports from
the Saigon command said 15
gorniint troops were killed.
40 wounded and five missing.
MicLawhile. in Washington at-
t.ipts continued in both the
House and the Senate to gain By JAN ENEDETTI
passage for anti-war amend- Over the last decade or two
S directive for withdrawal of iUtroirwita nhae incacse
all U. S. forces from fIdo- while blacks have become less
chiiia by Oct. 1 in return for re- trusting in their attitude to-
lease of war prisoners and a wrdstwgiter
cease-fire was approved by the wards whites.
House Armed Services Commit- These trends, among others,
tee. are highlighted in the results of
The directive was written a recently completed study of
into a $2.1-billion foreign aid social change in the metropoli-
bill by a vote of 18 to 17. The tan Detroit area conducted by
committee previously had en- the University's Detroit Area
dorsed President Nixon's of- Study.
fer for U. S. withdrawal four The area study has surveyed
months after a total Indochina Detroit residents since 1951 on
cease-fire. racial attitudes, child rearing
The House committee's action practices, life style and atti-
came a day after the Senate tudes.
approved an end - the - war Sociology Prof. Otis Dudley
amendment and then killed it. Duncan, however, has shifted
Senate supporters vowed they the focus of the surveys last
would try again. year by asking over 1500 De-
Sen. Edward Brooke, R-Mass., troiters 200 questions from past
reoffered the amendment yes- studies.
terday to a bill authorizing "By comparing the 1971 re-
$20.5 billion for military wea- sponses with those of ten to
pons. But he did not indicate twenty years ago, the research-
when he and others would try to ers can discover the change-
get a vote on it. or lack of change -- occurring
The House panel cut $1.62 in American society," Duncan
million from President Nixon's says.
$2.29 billion request for mili- Though understanding of the
tary aid. implications of the findings will
The new war-halt language, take time, the raw data shows
introduced by Rep. Lee Hamil- some possibly significant shifts
ton, D-Ind., would direct a halt in behavior and attitudes.
of all U. S. military action in Since "the aim was to cover
and over Indochina by Oct. 1 many different topics, the num-
with three conditions, her of questions was limited. So
They are return of U. S. pri- the amount of information on
soners, and accounting by Ha- reasons behind the responses
not of GIs missing in action and will be limited," says Duncan.
"a cease-fire between the Unit- Some of the areas of investi-
ed States and North Vietnam gation and the findings include:
and those allied with North -Racial attitudes. A rising
Vietnam to the extent necessary level of acceptance by white
to achieve safe withdrawal of Detroiters of blacks is appar-
such remaining forces." ently reflected in three studies
On Monday night the Senate since 1956. The percentage of
tacked its amendment on a persons who approve of racially
$1.8 billion military foreign aid mixed schools increased from 63
authorization bill by a 50 to 45 to 80 per cent, while the pro-
vote and then defeated the portion who agreed that a
whole bill 48 to 42. See SOCIAL, Page 7
Ever wonder what goes on at
those long boring City Council
sessions? So does Council mem-
ber Lloyd Fairbanks (R-5th
Ward) who has missed nearly a
third of all Council sessions
since he was re-elected in April.
A Daily survey of Council at-
tendance in since April 'gives
Fairbanks the booby prize as
the most absent Council mem-
As leader of his party, Fair-
banks seems to have been some-
what of a trend setter as Re-
publicans swept the field in the
Hookey Sweepstakes taking
first, second, third and fourth
Although he managed to
make all but one of the 21 ses-
sions surveyed, Council mem-
ber Nelson Meade (D-3rd
Ward) had some trouble getting
there on time. Meade, the most
tardy of all Council members
was late 24 per cent of the
Although most consistently
late, Meade didn't miss nearly
as much as John McCormick
(R-5th Ward) who, although
late to only three meetings,
managed to rack up 142 tardy
minutes as opposed to 47 for
The most punctual party on
Council was the Human Rights
Party (HRP) whose two repre-
sentatives logged only one tar-
diness totalling nine minutes.
The GOP, the most absent
party, was also the latest, log-
ging 182 tardy minutes.
Best overall, in both attend-
ance and punctuality were
Council members Nancy Wesch-
ler (HRP-2nd Ward) Robert
Faber (D-2nd Ward), and Rich-
ard Hadler (R-4th Ward) who
had only one absence each and
no late appearances.
According to City Clerk Har-
old Saunders, who compiles
council minutes and records.
attendance at Council is "rath-
er high" in general.
Worst attendance tends to be
at special and working sessions
which are often devoted to long
technical hearings.
Attendance is also a seasonal
thing, according to Saunders.
In the late summer months, he
says, council attendance gen-
erally begins to drop as the
Council members head off for