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July 22, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-22

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A protest...
Despite the Regents' refusal to disclose full Uni-
versity salary information, The Daily is still strong-
lv committed to obtaining the information, even if

Say hello to a new life

we must go to court for it. By RALPH VARTABEDIAN
The "Brown Book" which Fleming and the Re- SHE IS perhaps most like a song-
writer hopelessly unable to give
gents saw fit to telease yesterday tells us little life to her own lyrics. She has
more than we already knew. been an inspiration to many vision-
We believe that full disclosure of the Univer- ary artists. She is the quiet type
sity salary information is in the public interest and on -her job, taking little credit for
would be the first step toward making our campus the completed work, but giving
so much.
a more open academic community. Paula works as a nude model,
We feel it is the public's right to know the com- one of those fields which leaves
plete University salary listings by name, rank, sex, the casual onlooker agasp.
minority code and years of service, and we have She claims she first became in-
decided to print salary information in protest. terested in the job at the age of
eighteen when "I felt a compell-
-ALAN LENHOFF ing urge to throw off my clothes,
-CARLA RAPOPORT and say hello to a new world."
The following appointments and salary levels were ap- Six years and countless portraits
proved by the Regents yesterday: later, Paula is more utilitarian in
Robert Angell, professor emeritus in sociology. University year her professional attitudes. "Peo-
salary: $24,000 ple are always giving raps about
Eugene Arden, dean of academic affairs at Dearborn and pro- how its important not to be hung
fessor of English. University year salary: $23,727 up. Hell, most penple I k no w
Flori an artosic, visiting professorat the Law school, Univer-
sity year salary: $26,400 can't even wear white suede shoes
Peter Clarke, professor of journalism. University year salary: without looking at their feet all
$2x,000 day. What I do is a job, and I
David V. Ragone, dean o1 the engineeringeallegea nd pro- don't think it's fair to say it's any
fssor of naterial engineering. University yesr salary: $33,545
Jane waterson, assistant dean and admissions officer for the different than modeling clothes."
Law School. University year salary: $12,272 Her face lights up as she speaks.
John Witte rassistant professor in the natural resources school. Her features are sharp, yet gen-
University salary: $13,909
(We regret that this information is not complete, but we rea- tle; he has blue eyes and long
lize that no disclosure will be complete until all the University's curly auburn hair. Her cheeks are
salary information is released.) set high in face and with her large
oval eyes she is very attractive.
Displaying pickled fetus...

At five feet and eight inches, she
is a bit short for modeling. How-
ever she makes up for it with
long, slender legs.
"The artists I model for are
like anybody else. Some of them
are perverted scoundrels and oth-
ers are just artists.
"There's always some f o o l
who's propositioning you or ask-
ing you to go out for a drink. The
ones that think you have no life
of your own are no more intelli-
gent or sensitive than the slobs
who say "Don't you have any self
respect or integrity?
"IT'S FUN sometimes too. You
get to see yourself as an artist
conceives you abstractly. One fel-
low painted my head on a snake's
body. I don't know what t h a t
"Somebody booed me as I walk-
ed in from the dressing room one
night. At first I thought he was
being a rude child. But he said
later that he wanted to study the
reactions of everybody in the
room. You know these psych maj-

"Professors are pretty good
about watching out for the models.
I mean the doors are always kept
locked. Kids are always trying to
get in, not to mention their fath-
ers. I don't know what they ex-
pect to see and all."
"SOME OF THE other models are
looking for other things, but for
me the pay is good, the hours con-
venient, and the work easy. I'm al-
ways being asked stupid questions
like What was I like when I was a
kid? They think I had to have some
horrendous trauma like seeing my
father without clothes on beating
my mother. I know it sounds ri-
diculous but it's all very true."
Paula smiles as she talks of her
work. She not only likes it, but is
amused by it. She is adjusted in
a way most people never begin to
"I don't honestly know how much
longer I'll nude model. I don't
have any other ambitions. I guess
when all the nuts stop asking me
questions Ill begin to worry. And
once you lose your self-confidence
vou can never so batk."

An abortion protest

WHILE OTHER art fair booths
are displaying colorfully glaz-
ed pottery and hand-blown glass,
the Right To Life Committee of
Washtenaw County is showing full-
color portraits of pickeled and
suction-aborted fetuses.
One photograph mounted on a
panel of the booth at N. Uni-
versity and State shows a 19 week-
old fetus red with salt wounds
from the abortive saline injection
into the womb. Another pictures
a pile of fetuses in a garbage can

with the caption, "Human Gar-
The anti-abortion booth also has
graphic picture postcards for sale.
The postcards show an adult hand
holding the smaller than thumb-
size feet of a fetus.
One young female booth worker
said the cards were 'to attract
people's attention."
opposes abortion on the assump-
tion that new life begins at the
time of conception, and it has
gathered supportive evidence from


Letters to
To The Daily:
AS A PUBLIC institution, first
and foremost, the University is
responsible to its constituents. Tax-
payers' indisputable right toan
account of University expendi-
tures is incomplete unless all sal-
aries are open for public scrutiny.
Secondly, the University now has
an unmistakeable legal require-
ment to publish employee salaries.
The decision in "Hay City Times
v. Saginaw Valley College" leaves
no room for compromise -the
salaries must be made public.
Publication of salaries is neces-
sary to remove inequities that
exist in the University's w a g e
structure. The dangers inherent in
a closed decision-making process
are clearly prevalent tinder t he
current procedures. We must re-
move the possibilities for arbitr-
ary and discriminatory wage pol-
icies made by a one-man decision-
making process.
The recently released salaries of
'Michigan State University e m-
ployees indicate the over-riding im-
portance of opening up the wage
structure to public scrutiny. A
great deal of discrimination by
sex and within departments was
revealed by the M.S.U. disclosures.
Publication of salaries would al-
low the University to openly face
the issue of equal pay for equal
Without publication of salaries
many employees are left in an un-
tenable position; for they in u s t
risk their good relationships with
their supervisors in charging wage
discrimination in oi'der to find out
if there are in fact, such inequities.

The Daily
This process unduly stifles legi-
timate grievances in some cases,
while encouraging militancy in
For all the above reasons we be-
lieve that it is necessary for the
pronpt publication of University
-Women Law Students Assoc.
-Student Government Council
July 21
To The Daily:
LAST NIGHT July 20) a small
group of revolutionaries bombed an
Armed Forces Recruiting station.
This was not an act of wanton or
random destruction. We did so in
order to attack the U.S. military.
The U.S. Armed Forces in Indo-
china are killing the people of
that area atunprecedented levels.
For the Indochinese. the war is
sot "winding down" but killing
more of their people than ever be-
fore. With the U.S.'s bombing of
dikes in northern Vietnam tens of
thousands will die from drowning
We can no longer sit passively
and watch this terror and anguts'i
inflicted on a tiny country by the
strongest, most expensive Armed
Forces ever assembled in history.
People who have not yet been
numbed by the endless lies of our
government and the endless de-
struction in Vietnam must do all in
their power to physically obstruct
and destroy our country's geno-
cidal powers and policies.
Bring the war home!
-Committee Against
July 21, 1972

doctors who back this controver-
sial contention.
However, the other volunteer
didn't even know if her organiza-
tion supported abortion if t h e
mother's life was in danger.
Along with bumper stickers that
proclaim "Adoption - not abor-
tion," the booth features such
pamphlets as "I speak for the
Apparently feminists had n ot
yet launched any full-scale attack
on the anti-abortion group. A n d
several young people just passed
the booth with looks of disgust.
Whispers of "That's gross," and
"Do you believe that?" were aud-
Perhaps it was the heat that de-
terred people from arguing with
the Right To Life Group - or
maybe it was aborrence that the
group had dragged the issue down
to such an emotional level.
Strangely absent from the booth's
collection of fetus photos were
pictures of children not aborted
but unwanted who are the victims
of beatings or hunger.
ON THE OTHER side of the
of the Diag was another anti-abor-
tion group called "Students in De-
fense of Life," whose illustration
collection was designed to prove
the fetus is a living being.
To this group, also, abortion is
murder, but as one of its volun-
teers, John Madura, says "We're
trying to present our arguments
on a rational basis to take the
emotionalism out of it."
Students In Defense of Life, a
three-week-old campus organization
with a very small membership
thus far, says it believes a woman
has the right to control her own
body - "She has a right to de-
cide whether to conceive and she
has a right to decide to raise a
child or give it up for adoption."
But, its pamphlet continues,
"Once a baby is conceived, it is
not part of her body."
Tell that to a woman who is
stuck with an unwanted pregnancy
for nine months.
MEANWHILE, Paul Ramsey, a
black student with the g r o u p.
opposes abortion on a totally dif-
ferent basis. "When I hear Zero
Population, what I hear is black
people," he says.
He calls abortion "potential gen-
ocide" in the hands of "The white
power structure." He fears t h a t
someday black women on welfare
will be forced to have abortions
if they want to collect their checks.
As art fair visitors wander
throughsuch paranoia and glaring
emotionalism, let's hope they buy
'deas on abortion as carefully as
they buy art work.

Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author This must be noted in all reprints.
SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552
Defending private salaries
The following is President Robben Fleming's response to
The Daily's request for disclosure of the University's salary
JT MUST BE obvious that there are conflicting rights - involved
here. On the one hand, there is the right of the public to know
how a university is using its money. And on the other hand,
there is the right of the individual to his privacy.
If one examines the question of the public's right to know
about monies supplied to the University, it seems to me one
comes up with the following:
1. The public certainly has a right to know that the money
is being properly expended. This interest is presently well satis-
fied by three different kinds of audits which we undergo. One
is by the State Auditor. A second is by a private, outside audit-
ing firm which the Regents employ each year. The third is by
federal authorities where federal funds are involved.
2. The public is entitled to know that all laws, e.g., affirma-
tive action laws, are being obeyed. This is satisfied by furnishing
to enforcement agencies salary information which they want.
tIN FURTHER examination, the argument that salaries ought to
be disclosed for Affirmative Action purposes does not stand analy-
sis. A single example will illustrate the point.
There is presently pending an argument to Chapter 60 of
Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adding a new part
60-30, which includes further guidelines against discrimination on
grounds or religion or national origin. This proposed amendment
has been published in the Federal Register and is currently
under revision before being codified.
If the argument that public employee salaries must be dis-
closed to insure that Affirmative Action laws are being en-
forced is valid, it folows that public agencies must also publish a
list which will show the religious faiths and national origins of all
of their employees. Surely this would be perceived by all as an
invasion of privacy, yet it is not distinguishable from the matter
of one's salary so far as the above argument is concerned.
Accordingly, it is my recommendation that the University de-
cline to release this information and prepare to defend against
any legal action.

Today's Staff ... .
News: Jim Kentch, Alan Lenhoff, Diane Levick
Editorial Page: Carla Rapoport
Photography Technician: Jim Wallace

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