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July 22, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-22

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page three fJ 43f ktt

Continued hot and humid,
isolated thundershowers

Saturday, July 22, 1972


News Phone: 764-0552

Weather puts
industries on
By The Associated Press
Concern shifted from power shortages to air pollution
yesterday as the eastern third of the country continued to
swelter in a sooty steambath. Ohio officials warned 125
plants to prepare to shut down as the smog threat height-
Air pollution alerts were in force in Pittsburgh, Wash-
ington and Baltimore. Plants were voluntarily controlling
emissions in West Vkginia. In Ohio industrial managers
were waiting to see if they would have to close up shop.
The most acute pollution problem was in a four county
section of eastern Ohio in the steel-making region of the.

SMOKESTACKS FROM a steel mill in Steubenville, Ohio add to the Ohio River Valley pollution,
nearly obscuring the hilly background. Twenty- five county industries were enjoined to restrain
from soot blowing, open burning and incinerating until the pollution level drops.


Radical group caims credit
for recent bombing attempt
By CHRIS PARKS Arbor Police Department sec- A random check of local radi-
A group calling itself the Com- onds before it was set to go cals was no more revealing.
ittee. Against Genocide h as off. "I've never heard of them - it
aimed credit for Thursday State Police demolition ex- could be a new thing." one said,
orning's unsuccessful bombing perts estimate the bomb - had Another speculated that it may
tempt at the Army recruiting it exploded, could have demol- be just one person,
nter on S. Fourth St. ished the building and rocked the It is generally believed, how-
In a letter mailed to local entire block. ever, that some longtime local
ewspapers and radio stations, Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter activists may be involved. "Pro-
e group said the action was Krasny said yesterday that inves- bably," Krasny said, "the group
ken to "physically obstruct our tigation thus far has produced is new, but some of the faces
untry's genocidal powers and nothing. may be familiar."
olicies." When asked about the commit- Outside of the bomb itself, the
The explosive - an 18-inch tee, Krasny said, "I don't know letter provides the only physical
pebomb - was defused by who they are. I've never heard evidence in the case thus far.
gt. Daniel Cullin of the A n n of them."
"Last night," it begins, "a
y small group of revolutionaries
7 bombed an Armed Forces re-
[ul sel to m et e0 1 0 111 0 cruiting station."edThereceis ro
y spreference to the bombing at-
tempt as having been uunsuc-
n P entl r on1P a ers tria ceful, suggesting perhaps, that
the letter itself was written be-
LOS ANGELES {AP) -- A jury Two of ithe 12 jurors hold cu- fore the incident
eight women and four men rent security clearances, a n d Police investigations into the
d---------s-----------der tha El)s- bombing are continuing.

Ohio River Valley.
E. A. Schiele, control engineer
for the Steubenville. Ohio, Air
Quality Region said industrial
dust particles measured 906 mil-
ligrams per cubic meter. The
desired health level is 60.
With John Cashman, the Ohio
Health Department director, re-
porting that the pollution trend
"seems to be upward," 125 com-
panies were told to be ready to
cease operations should an
emergency be declared.
To the east along the Ohio
River, Gay. Arch Moore Jr. of
West Virginia said 10 industrial
firms, including three power
companies, had agreed to hold
emissions to a minimum.
The coal-burning power com-
panies, all in the state's north-
ern panhandle, delayed going to
peak load capacity until later
in the day, relying on power
transported from plants in
Michigan and Indiana to supply
extra wattage in the early hours.
Steel and chemical plants in
the parhandle around Wheeling
and Weirton also agreed to limit
operations where necessary to
curtail emissions of pollutants.
Formal alert status would be the
next step if the air quality
A pollution alert was still in
effect in Pittsburgh, requiring
some 30 plants to cut back pro-
duction to minimize emissions.
In nearby McKeesport, a hos-
pital official reported that 30
patients had been treated for
respiratory and heart conditions
in a 2 4-hour period, a "signifi-
cant" increase above normal.

M illiken 'says
Det. busing
is 'unlikely'
LANSING, Mich. (P) - Gov.
William Milliken said today he
believes it is "highly unlikely"
that any Detroit area students
will b bused to other distructs
now that a federal appeats court
has delayed a controversial de-
segregation order.
Milliken said he hopes the plan
remains in legal suspension "un-
til we go through all the ques-
tions. "
Meanwhile, he said, "Those of
us who believe in an integrated
society, educationally and soc-
ially, will continue to push en
these fronts. Those of us 'ho
want inte grated housing and an
integrated society had better do
Turning to a different subject,
the Republican governor said:
-President Nixon "looks to
Michigan with some optimism"
for picking up needed votes in
his fall election campaign
against Sen. George McGovern.
Nixon lost to Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey by some 200.000 votes in
this state in 1968.
-His own and the Republican
party's support from organized
labor is improving.

was sworn in yestera ay aL Me
Pentagon Papers trial despite
defense objections that the group
was not fairly chosen.
Attorneys for defendants Dan-
iel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo
maintained the entire panel of
100 prospective jurors did not re-
present a cross section of 'com-
munity opinion.
They also objected to the large
number of potential jurors hold-
ing security clearances and the
lack of young persons on t h e

105 appa mrLi~
berg, 41, and Russo, 35. The
youngest panel member is a
woman bank employe who is in
her late 20s.
The judge refused a defense
request earlier to reveal jurors'
exact ages. The judge questioned
prospective jurors himself rath-
er than allowing the defense and
prosecution to do so.
Ellsberg and Russo, both form-
er Rand Corp. researchers who
worked on government projects,
are charged with espionage, con-
spiracy and theft in connection
with the leak to news media of
the classified Pentagon Papers.
The documents revealed orig-
ins of U.S. involvement in the
Vietnam war.
U.S. District Court J u d g e
Matt Byre, refusing to grant any
last-minute motions by the de-
fense, ordered the jurors to take
their oath, telling the panel they
were about to perform "the high-
est duty asked of an American
Both Ellsberg and Russo said
later they still feel the jury is
not representative of the c o m-
munity, but added this does not
discourage them.
"It's a good jury ofbAmerican
citizens," said Ellsberg.
"I expect thens to listen fairly
and for their minds to be as in-
fluenced by the Pentagon Papers
as mine was."

of t
er is
job o
but k
are t
ers t

W ork agyency troubled
y MATTHEW GERSON says. "The response for the Pearse explains.
b-hunters, both old and many manual jobeopeningsI The total number of old(
g, who expect too much in have has been centered in the jb-hunters finding jobsf
business field have caused ,,ansunderegosa JFY is "a very small part"t
ems for Ann Arbor's new has been scattered. the total eligible, accordingt
For Youth tJF'Y) organi- In fact, Pearse says, some of Pearse. She is pleased, howeve
n, the job applicants are so up- that a number of the your
u Ann Pearse, the director tight about the positions offer- adults contacted do take som
he agency, describes the ed that they "give false num- kind of job.
cy as "strictly for job re- bers and play other games with Of the job-seekers betwe
1." The potential employ- us:htheyican't seem to over- the ages of 13 and 15, a larg(
left to set up meetings come their dislike of manual number of the 154 job appl
job hopefuls, whose ages jobs. cations have been employe
e from 14 to 23. The agency has 387 appli- "Squeamishness is a proble
mmunity personcs call in cations on file. It has placed 125 with the younger kids. They eh
fferings in different areas, of this number for a total in- pest better jobs than just rui
come from placed jobs of $20,- of-the-mill babysitting or law
babysitting and housework 000. Pearse notes that "a simi- and housekeeping jobs ," Pear
the most common. lar organization made only reports,
e of the problems, says $4,000 by this time last year. Jobs For Youth is located
se, is the "sophisticated Of 37 business jobs available the Salvation Army buildir
igs" of the older job-hunt- during the summer so far for basement in Ann Arbor.
oward the quality of the young adults aged 18 and over, Pearse hopes to see JFY b.
they want. 28 were actually filled. come a full-time agency in tt
hey emphasize jobs in sales "We lost 9 jobs in this area near future. She strongly b.
stores as desirable, and due to the inability to find quali- lieves the work will teach youth
gly dislike 'ordinary' man- fied people or non-showing up and young adults "a senset
and babysitting jobs," she of applicants for interviews," responsibility."

n -

Daniel Ellsberg

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