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July 15, 1972 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-15

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Saturday, July 15, 1972
Sex bias
(Continued from Page 1)
Since MSU disclosed its salary
information, Bay County Circuit
Judge Leon Dardas ruled that
state-supported universities must,
open their salary records to the
public. The judge's ruling came
on a suit filed by the Bay City
Times against Saginaw Valley
The decision, unless struck M
down by an appellate court will
force Saginaw Valley College to
" disclose heretofore secret salary
information and could as well
apply to all state colleges.
DAILY {: :
guaie School Charles Reineek, or-
gan, Bill Aud., a pm. 'Lat your $
TV Centee Film: "China: Perspec- and shut
lives," WWJ-TV, Channel 4, noon
Music School: William Ness, argae,
Hill Aud., 4:30 pm. said George McGo
MONDAY, JULY 17 waanodyiA
Audio-Visual Center Films: "But was a nobody in
What If The Dream Comes True?" and George ate his s
others, Aud. 4, LLB, 7 pm. those 15 years sinc
Carillon Concert: Frank Law, Caril was taken and look
lonneur of Washington National Chap-
el, Valley Forge, Penn., Burton Me- Sitting clockwise
morial Tower, 7 pm. Theresa, Ann, Po
Music School: J. Milik, "Music in Mary, Eleanor, an
the Age of Propaganda," Sch. of Mus.
Recital Scott, 8 pm.
Grand jury idic_/ts
(Continued from Page 1) raignment and bon
Patterson of El Paso, Tex., still fore U.S. Magis
were being sought, according to Dean.
assistant U.S. Atty. Jack Car- The indictments
routh. under the same a
The indictments were issued -law used by the J
following a week-long hearing by ment following the
the grand. jury, which has reces- cratic Convention
sed until Aug. t. prosecution which
Meanwhile, four other mcm- Chicago 7 conspir
bers of the antiwar group are Thursday night th
being held in Tallahassee on eon- National Conventio
tempt of court charges for al- the Nixon adminis
legedly refusing to testify before tempting to "intim
the grand jury after being offer- credit" the antiwa
ed immunity from prosecution by resolution adopted
the Justice Department, vote on the floor
An attorney for the veterans government's issua
immediately protested the ar- ordinates to "at le
rests and said motions would be war veterans who
filed to quash the indictments Democratic conve
and to lower the bonds. Tallahassee federa
Attorney Judy Peterson of and post office bu
Gainesville said a rare closed The indictment ft
door bond hearing yesterday in the six of plotting
which only lawyers were permit- "fire teams" arm
ted to enter the hearing r o o m matic weapons ar
"deprived the defendants of their devices that allege
right to a public hearing." rupt Miami Beac
U.S. marshals blocked news- Aug. 21-24 conventi
persons from attending the ar- sion.
AEC security official


Page Nine


t up' Regents to review plans

vern when he
Mitchell, S.D.
pinach during
e this picture
k at him now.
from left are
orgy Georgy,
d Steve.
nd hearing be-
trate Robert
were brought
ustice Depart-
e 1968 Demo-
in Chicago, a
resulted in the
racy trial.
he Democratic
on condemned
tration for at-
idate and -dis-
ar group. The
by a voice
protested the
ance of sub-
least 21" anti-
sat out the
ntion in t he
al courthouse
urther accused
g to organize
ed with auto-
nd incendiary
dly would dis-
h while t h e
on was in se:,,-

(Continued from Page 1)
the housing office. This proposal
calls for research personnel,
programming personnel, student
assistance and clerical staff.
"The research burdens include
the identification of racial prob-
lems, the monitoring of affirma-
tive action efforts, the identifi-
cation of staff training programs
and the development of an ef-
fective network of communica-
lion," according to the report.
-Afro - American c ulI t u r a I
lounges and libraries. This rec-
ommendation asks for "adequ-
ate funding for redecorating,
furnishing, equipment a n d
books" for the lounge in South
-Recognition of minority or-
ganizations, including the Coun-
cil on Black Concerns, a repre-
sentative group for black stu-
dents in the dorms. The collec-
tion of dues to provide services
for minority students is re-
-Expansion of academic coun-
seling. The committee recom-
mends the addition of full-time
counselors in all academic units
specifically for minority stu-
-Increased accessibility of fa-
cilities. Expansion of Trotter

House, availability of the Union,
Michigas League and North
Campus Commons to minority
students, and use of common
areas in dorms for group activi-
ties are recommended.
Fleming to discuss
salary disclosure
(Continued from Page 1)
This information has been
sought for many months by
women's groups who are at-
tempting to establish equitable
pay scales for men and women
at the University. In addition,
student groups have requested
this information in order to de-
termine the number of minor-
ity employes the University has
hired at each pay level.
All requests have thus far
been denied.
University secretary Richard
Kennedy said yesterday that the
question of salary disclosure
will be put before the Regents
at their July meetings this
Thursday and Friday, Kennedy
said that Fleming and the exec-
utive officers will decide this
week whether the Regents will
discuss the issue in closed or
open session.

See the WorIl at
420 Mayiiard?
Ever thought about becoming
.a juusralist?
Did yost'?watch Roger Mudd
covering the convention with
Or, maybe you just, like to
write. About anything. Bicycling,
satire, politics, movies, music,
Things are slow in the summer
and we're starved for interest-
ing, lively copy. We can't
promise to love anything that's
written on paper, but if it's triple
spaced and has a name on it,
well, the prospects are good.
Clippings from The Michigan
Daily are a good way to start
off your fledgling career. No less
than Arthur Miller, Thomas
Dewey, Tom Hayden, Walter
Shapiro (who?), and Howard
Kohn got their start here. We
promise to read whatever you
bring in. We promise to run any-
thing that strikes our fancy.
Or if you don't like to write,
but just know stuff, that's ok,
too. Like the behind-the-scenes
machinations of local hamburger
joints. Or maybe, you'd like to
discuss things, like dike bomb-
ings with Dan, or writing head-
lines with Jim the K, or how
the Tigers are doing with obo,
Whatever kind of person you
like, he or she is here nearly
anytime of the day or night.
Come over.
reteon ie Jlodern Gounc '
DIAL 5-6290
TECHNICOLOR®From Warner Bros..

suspended temporarily
WASHINGTON (/P) - The The job also encompasses
Atomic Energy Commission sponsibility for "personal
(AEC) reported yesterday i t s curity" - icluding clearat
$36,000-a-year director of secur- to work for AEC's thousands
ity has been "placed on leave employes and those employed
without pay" pending the out- contractors.
come of an investigation of al- The commission disclo,
legations he borrowed more than through a spokesperson, thai
$100,000 from other AEC employ- June 14. Riley was "placed
es and hasn't paid it back, leave without pay pending
The official, the AEC said, is solution of some allegations<
William Riley, an employe of the cerning his personal finan
commission since its inception affairs."
2.5 years ago, and since 1967
over-all chief of security for
AEC's farflung installations, in-
cluding protection of secret docu-
ments. He served as an Army
counter-intelligence man in World
War 1.
But an AEC spokesperson vol-
unteered the comment that
"there is no indication that any
security matters are involved" in shakespeare
the current situation involving * LOVE'S
As boss of security, Riley has
been directly or indirectly re- brendan behn s
sponsible for the physical secur- * THE HOSTAGE
ity of weapons-making and other
military and peaceful-uses atom-
ic installations of the AEC
stretching from its headquarters POWEF
in the nation's capital to its Box C
stand-by nuclear weapons test 12::30
facility at Fu.wetok in the Pa- Ph.


Election Workers Needed for August 8
and Future Elections
The City of Ann Arbor, due to the increased number of
election precincts, needs to hire approximately 150 addi-
tional election inspectors for the August 8 and future
elections. Applicants must be registered electors of the
City of Ann Arbor, must state their political party prefer-
ence, and must be willing to work as assigned.
Applications may be made at the City Clerk's office on
the second floor of City Hall between the hours of 8:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Persons appointed as election inspectors
will be required to attend at least one training session
before being permitted to work in an election.
The average election day requires approximately 16
hours of work, from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. or whenever
the work of the precinct is completed: Election inspectors
are paid at the rate of $1.90 per hour with time and a
half over eight hours.
For further information call 761-2400 extension 222,
223, 224, or 25. HAROLD R. SAUNDERS
City Clerk

edward clbee's
gelbert, shevelove, & sondheRm
July 18-29 *HAPPENED ON THE {Aug.8-12
ffice Open $7.00, $10.50
763-3333 $2.00, $3.00

Le Ga Savoir
Jea.P ffeLtm
7:30 & 9:00


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