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July 07, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-07

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County charges
Ford factory ]in
polinion suit
DETROIT (e--Ford Motor Co. and its giant Rouge plant
have been named defendants in one of the most sweeping
anti-.pollution suits ever filed, according to officials of the
Air Pollution Control Division (APCP) of the Wayne County
Health Department.
Donald Campbell, an assistant prosecuting attorney,
said the county is asking the court to rule that Ford is a
polluter and to order the automaker to stop polluting.
He said it will probably be a year before the case ac-
tually goes to court.
Herb rt Misch. Ford v i c e
president for environmental and
safety matters. said the s t iit
.1 prsdetfo nvenuta nd 1 oza to
came as a complete surprise to
the industry which has been in
the past, held in favor by localfn
Misch contended that the com-
pany has done much in the area xacant s
of pollution control. He cited a eat
new plant built in Flat Rock
which will remove foundry open- By MARILYN RILEY
ations from the Rouge plant. Former Student Government
Mirsch said the suit, repre- Council member John Koza,
sents a complete disregard for grad, has announced that he will
our mai iycu gaccomplishments seekathe Democraic nomination
ad our continuing good f a i t li for a seat on the University's
efforts to correct a. very con- Board of Regents.
plex environmental situation." Although a previous attorney
Morton Sterling, APCD direct- general's ruling declared s t u-
or, said the air pollution con- dents ineligible to run for
trol systemgs currently in use e 1 e c t i o n to the board.
at the complex are either inade- Koza expects to receive his doe-
quate, unreliable, or poorly oeer- torate before the state nominat-
ated. ing convention in August, thus

A Cardboard O'Brien
A cut-out picture of Lawrence O'Brien, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, rests yester-
day with the convention's navel on the podium of the Miami Beach Convention Center as work pro-
ceeds for Monday night's gala opening.



Friday, July 7, 1972

News Pho se: 764-0552

Anti-Marxist Ie 'is ators vol
to suSpetid Citietti min11ste

Sterling said the plant pno-
duces emissions which are con-
tinually "obnoxious, offensive,
Page Three damaging and harmful."
Ford has carried out s o m e
imajor antipollution projects as
a result of paat APCD actions
Sterling said. However, he added
to achieve the Federal Ambient
Air Quality Standards by 197>
in all of Wayne Coun y, Foid
must beguintaking itive s e
County officials said they se-
lected the 1,200-acre Rouge auto
manufacturing complex because
of its size and try to force the
country's big- cleanup of the entire operation
y, which sup- at one time.
newsprint for The Michigan Environmental
gazines here, Protection act of 1970 under
neg chains re- which the suit was filed in Cir-
hands of the suit Court. Wednesday, does not
call for fines. Campbell said.
)el Canto's pre- A class action suit against Ford's
'oha, was im- by individuals was an additional
gress for tol- measure that Campbell suggest-
st actions. ed,

rendering himself eligible as a
Koza proposes to reform the
Regents by including representa-
tives of students and faculty in
the decision-making processes.
His long term plan for iniat-
ing thin reform in the forma tion
of a board of 12 regents, includ-
ing four students elected by stu-
dents, four faculty members
elected by the faculty, and four
public members elected on a
statewide basis. Until this plan
could be implemented, Koza ad-
vocates the inclusion of four
elected students and four elect-
ed faculty members to the board
on a non-voting basis.
The Regental board meets
monthly and has final authority
concerning University policies.
Koza claims that his propos-
als would "put the governing
body primarily into the hands of
persons within the constituency
being governed."
His platform also takes a stand
against decision-making in secret
Regent's meetings.
As well as serving on SGC,
Koza has been active in Demo-
cratic politics on the local and
state level.

SANTIAGO, Chile (Al - Her-
nan del Canto, Chile's interior
minister, faced possible' im-
peachment yesterday as Presi-
dent Salavador Allende's leftist
government and the anti-Marx-
ist opposition headed for a con-
frontation in the nation's Con-
Del Canto, a Socialist and
second in line to succession to
the presidency, was suspended
by the Chamber of Deputies late
Wednesday night in a vote for
The suspension is effective

Allende called an emergency
meeting of coalition leaders
yesterday morning to discuss
the suspension vote and other
matters pending in Congress
which threaten a confrontation
between government and oppo-
The opposition has accused
the interior minister, who is also
national police chief, of inac-
tion in the prosecution of ultra-
leftists who have been seizing
private farms and factories to
force 'Allende to accelerate the
pace of his program to trans-
form Chile into a Socialist state.
He also was suspected of in-
volvement in the mysterious ar-
rival of a score ofpackages
and crates from Cuba two
months ago.
The opposition has charged
that the shipment might have
contained illegal arms. The
government has said that it
contained gifts for Allende
from Fidel Castro.
Senators of the opposition
rejected Wednesday a last-min-
ute compromise offer by the
Allende government on its veto
of opposition - sponsored legis-
lation drastically limiting its
ability to bring private firms
under state control. The legis-
lation was approvedvmonths
ago by Congress but vetoed by
Allende returned the legisla-
tion to Congress with a number
of rewritten paragraphs which
were designed to restore many
of his powers.
Allende initiated talks with
the Christian Democrats, Chile's
largest opposition group, three
weeks ago to seek a compromise
on the veto voting. But the
Christian Democrats refused to
renew- the talks past a 15-day
deadline, which ended late last
They claimed the government
refused to accede to two key de-

mands: that the
gest paper factor
plies most of the
papers and ma
and four bankis
main out of the
Last January, D
decessor, Jose T
peached by Con
erating ultralefti
Foreign Minis
Aitteyda was ap
interior minister
Del Canto remain

ter Clodniro
pointed actin,
to serve while
is suspended.

The suit also claims the Rouge
plant has violated the county's
pollution limits at least 1 1
times since 1970.

Those $5 pot tic'ets..i.
Not one's been issued

Five dollars is all a person will be taxed if
found possessing marijuana in the city-no
more than if he was to block an alley with his
car. For two months now, one of the most lib-
eral pot laws in the nation theoretically shields
local residents from the stricter state law.
Yet, there has not been one prosecution un-
der this new ordinance. Since the law took
effect, fewer arrests for possession have been
made than ever before and not one "pot ticket"
has been issued.
The Michigan Marijuana Initiative (MMI)
is seeking signatures to get the marijuana leg-
alization question on the November ballot. 265,-
000 signatures are required and the deadline is
midnight Sunday. If you can't find one of the
numerous MMI petitions circulating around
town, go to the MMI office at 302 S. Thayer, or
call 668-7206.
When the ordinance was passed last spring,
critics anticipated the prosecuting attorneys to

disregard the local law and charge suspects
under the harsher state law, which calls for a
90 day jail sentence and $100 fine for pot
Police official Lt. Raymond Woodruff, how-
ever, reports only one arrest for possession of
marijuana in the past two months. The arrest,
he said, "involved a large quantity, and the
person was prosecuted under the state law."
Similar fears were expressed less than a year
ago when City Council then reduced the pen-
alty for possession from 20 years imprisonment
and/or $10,000 to 90 days in jail and/or $100.
Arrests under the 90 day law dropped markedly,
similar to the present drop.
Under the new ordinance, police are required
to refer all arrests to the city attorney who de-
cides whether to prosecute under the city or
state law. The quantity of pot in question is the
chief criteria for deciding which law to use, says
the city attorney.
While police officials are reluctant to at-
tribute the drop in marijuana arrests to any
particular reason, some city officials say that
with the new city ordinance, pot arrests simply
aren't worth a policeman's time anymore.

Allende -
immediately. The Senate, also
controlled by the opposition.
has 30 days in which to act on
the lower chamber's proposal. If
it also approves impeachment,
Del Canto would be automatic-
ally forced to resign.

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