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July 07, 1972 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-07

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Page Two


Friday, July 7, 1972

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridoy, July 7, 1972

f Preparation for tests required for
admission to graduate and pro-
fessonal schools
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Success Through Education
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Portnoy: R'oth s novel violated

Directed by Ernes
play by Mr. Lehma
Philip Lathrop; Edit
and Gordon Scott;
novel by Philip Rot
201 min.Curenetlys
Alexander Portney.
The Monkey . .
Sophie Portnor.. .
and MA
We applauded
preme Court de
capital punishm
saeing Portn
we're having sect
seems that c
smashing the I
enough; now w
director Ernest
ing his own har
Roth's contemi
(and popular too

Complaint when Lehman, the pert
t Lehman; screen- of this crime, goes befo
n; Photography by bar, we suggest he be
ed by Sam O'stern with these questions: F
Adapted from the the world did you man
h; Running time- take Roth's hilarious no
howing at Fox Vii- make a movie without
not even ONE-stinking
Richard Benjamin How did you so complete
Roth's intentions (the le
of the book is a dead giv
.. Karen Black and find instead, with
cult seriousness, a Jewish
... Jack Somack How, in Heaven's name,
come up with that er
D GLATZER Michel Legrand's pure se
IURICE soundtrack swelling asI
.der and his ex-girlfrie:
the recent Su- Monkey pass each othe
cision banning crowded New York street
ent, but after pray tell, did you get e'
toy's Complaint, in the film to act as he1
Dnd thoughts. It a high hool product
one crazyman South Pacific? How-t
Pieta was not technical question -
e have writer- arrange the furniture s
Lehman wield- we see about two second
nmer on Philip TWO LOUSEY SECO
porary classic And how, given this s
, no less). And posed censorship, did y

setrator fashion such a disgustingly
re the dirty picture?-it's as if the di-
grilled alogue weren't typed on a script
How in but rather scrawled by some
age to nasty ten-year-old on a john
vel and wall. How, Mr. Lehman?
one- How???? Answer us, you damn
laugh? menace to humanity!
ly miss While we're suggesting sen-
at line tences, we might also recom-
eaay mend . . . twenty-five years at
mass- hard labor and a $10,000 fine to
dAlfie? Richard Benjamin for his op-
did you pressively repulsive performance
nding- in the Portnoy role. (Dustin
chmaltz Hoffman-where are you when
Alexan- we need you?) I personally had
nd the to avert my eyes from the
r on a screen every time Lehman
? How, treated us to a Benjamin close-
veryone up (My colleague bravely con-
were in tinued watching; that guy can
ion of take anything.) Yet we're still
1id isa humanitarians (we're both vot-
lid yo ing for George McGovern); and
so that even after The Steagle, Mar-
s of tit, riage of a Young Stockbroker,
NDS? !? and Diary of a Mad Housewife
elf-im- we're willing to give Benjamin
ousil a chance to go straight and do
su still social work in Puerto Rico.
Ten years banishment from
the K-Mart to the set designer
whoever he is) for his Cheapo-
EI-Sleazo sets. (We're asking
leniency in light of his imagin-
ative use of shirt cardboard.)
Five years psychiatric help to
editor Sam O'Steen (The Grad-
uate, Catch-22) for his strange
case of artistic schizophrenia;
and maybe an extra two years
in the cooler for attempting to
share the blame with a guy
named Gordon Scott. Who
he???? And to photographer
Philip Lathrop, a stiff sentence
for not only observing these

231 S. STATE ST. DIAL 662-6264

abominable proceedings (like
Hitler watching the conspira-
tors dangle at the end of piano
wire), but also for filming
them with artsy-craftsy tech-
niques that match Lehman's
hare - brained, artsy - craftsy
script. And that awful recur-
ring fantasy sequence of the
Monkey jumping off a sky-
scraper; is William Castle Ma-
cabre, The House on Haunted
Hill, Homicidal) suing on
grounds of plagiarism? (If only
they'd give you the 3-D glasses,
she could commit suicide right
in your lap.) One further re-
commendation . . that Karen
Black be awarded reparations
for being the only professional
in this covey of amateurs, and,
more, for having courageously
endured all those love scenes
with Richard Benjamin-wear-
ing a smile yet.
Being, as we've said, humani=
tarians, let us make a final
plea. This movie reeks so bad
that the court should enjoin
Warner Brothers to provide
viewers with clothespins, and
the. Surgeon General should re-
quire a warning: Portnoy's
Complaint may cause severe
nausea for anyone with an LQ.
above ten. Enter at your own
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the university o
Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, rlich-
ioan. 420 Baynard St., Ann Arhor,
Michigan 40104. Publshed datly Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscripttenfraesl;$tieby
carriee. $11 hy mailt.
Summee Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or
Oh'o); $7.50 non-local mail (other states
and foreign).
TV & Stereo Rentals
$10.00 per month


Being the adventures of a young man

whose principal interests are ra
ultra-violence and Beethoven


Patrick Magee
novel by

Do you want money, a draft
deferment, leadership and
management training,
If your answer is yes, then
invest 1/2 hour of your time
to find out how you obtain
the above by attending the
Army ROTC orientation at
Room 200 in North Hall at
3:30 p.m. every day.

A public hearing on the Maple Hills Apts. site plan will
be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Commission in the
Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth Avenue, Ann Ar-
bor on July 11, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. The property is located on
Maple Road south of Liberty Street and consists of 15.6 acres
to be developed as Residential. A copy of the site plan will be
displayed in the First Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Mi-
chigan, for seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.
This notice is to be published on July 7, 1972.
Authorized by
Planning Director
A public hearing on the Porcelain Building Products, Inc.,
site plan will be held by the Ann Arbor City Planning Commis-
sion in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 100 North Fifth Ave-
nue, Ann Arbor on July 11, 1972 at 7:30 p m,. The property is
located on S. Industrial Highway and consists of 5.8 acres to be
developed as light industrial. A copy of the site plan will be dis-
played in the First Floor lobby of City Hall, Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan for seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.
This notice is to be published on July 7, 1972.
Authorized by
Planning Director

A Stanley Kubrick Production"A CLOCKWORK ORANGE" Starring Malcolm McDowel - F
Adrienne Corri and Miriam Karlin Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick" Based on ther
Anthony Burgess - Produced and Directed by Stanley Kubrick - Executive Produce
Max L Raab and 5 LVno). From Warner Bros. oigind hack mcordN onWa

V~ l

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