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June 20, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-20

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Page Eight


Tuesday, June 20, 1972

Pilots strike against hijacking,
ground U.S., foreign airlines

ByaThe Associated Press
Only, two major airlines
Eastern and Northeast - were
grounded yesterday by a one-
day pilots' strike. Many foreign
carriers were shut down or crip-
pled by the walkout seeking
stronger action against hijack-
Most airlines ip Western Eur-
ope, Israel, Turkey, India, and
Latin America were grounded.
Lod International Airport in
Israel. scene of two recent tvr-
rorists, was shut down.
The International Federation
of Airline Pilots Association -
(IFALPA) - said in L o n d o n
that about 75 per cent of Euro-
pean pilots answered its strike
call, and about 50 per cent in
the United States.
However, Eastern and North-
east together employ only qabos
4,100 of the 31,000 pilots in the
United States.
There wasno immediate ex-
planation from either the air-
lines or the Airline Pilots As-

sociation in Washington as to
why the two U.S. lines were -hut
down domestically. A third U.S.
line - Southern - was hit by
the strike when it started at 2
a.m. EDT, but its 300 pilots vot
ed to return to work, complying
with a court order upheld Sun-
day by the Supreme Court.
Before the courts acted over
the weekend, many U.S. pilot
groups - including those em-
ployed by United and American
airlines - had announced they
would ignore the strike.
The work stoppage went large-
ly unnoticed at O'Hare Interna-
tional Airport, the world's bus-
iest, except by reservation
agents who were assuring pas-
sengers that most planes were
flying on schedule.
United, the nation's largest
airline, said its weekend traffic
was phenomenal, possibly be-
cause people advanced resera-
tions because of the strike
threat. It carried nearly 110.-
000 passengers Sunday, a b o u t

30,000 above normal for this
Eastern canceled its flignis
yesterday after a meeting lat
Sunday between an Eastern vice
president, former astronaut
Frank Borman, and pilot lead-
ers failed to change the pilots'
decision to strike.
ALPA President John ODon-
nell is on leave from Eastern,
which has 3,645 flight officors
operating out of 90 airports in
the United States, Canada, l&x-
ico and the Caribbean.
Northeast Airlines said in Bos-
ton that it did not know why its
470 pilots decided Sunday night
to strike. Northeast operates in
the East from Montreal to
Miami and flies to the Bahamas
and Bermuda, and from Miami
to Los Angeles.
The Northeast shutdown elim-
inated commercial flights to
some cities in New England.
"We have a total of zero coin-
mercial flights," said Mike
Goodwin, airport manager at
Manchester, N.H.
All Air New Zealand planes
were grounded, but Australia's
Quantas operated normally.
Pakistan International Airlines
and South Africa Airways can-
celed international flights, but
domestic flights operated on
In Africa, Zambia Airways was
grounded and the government-
owned daily Zambia Mail said in
an editorial that "this is one
strike we will support to the
In London, the IFALPA said
it believed the pilots had made
their point and that "really ef-
fective measures against hijack-
ing" were on the way.
The association at pilot groups
from 64 nations said that since
its campaign for tougher meas-
ures began 10 days ago, seven
governments have agreed to
adopt an existing international
Sn.rAmanf. ngninc+ hiiniang

Twister damage
Hurricane smashes Fla.;
1dead, winds 80 mph

9:30 A.M. UNTIL 9:00 P.M.

Hurricane Agnes lashed t h e
Florida Panhandle with 80-mise-
an-hour winds, heavy rains and
raging seas yesterday, but its:
fury started to subside as t
churned inland.
At least 12 persons were left
dead in the wake of the 1972
hurricane season's first storm.
Forecasters said more deadly
tornadoes or flash floods were
The Naional Hurricane Center
in Miami said Agnes resumed
her northward track with bare
hurricane force of 75 m.p.h. after
stalling offshore for several hours
following her contact with land.
Agnes was expected to lose
more of its punch as it reached
the Panhandle's piney woods.
Storm tides flooded streets in
coastal towns along a 50-mile
ctrin from Aalioa, nto St.



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Marks in a popular fishing and
tourist area.
Five deaths. and injries to
more than 100 persons in Flor-
ida, were attributed to tornadoes
spawned by Agnes as it churn-
ed northward in the Gulf of Mex-
There were reports that two
Floridians had drowned in the
storm. but those reports could
not be confirmed immediately.
Coastal residents crowded in-
to schools, armories and other
sanctuaries prepared by civil
defense and Red Cross work(-.
They were urged to wait out
the stalled storm, but most resi-
dents who sought refuge return-
ed to their homes as the winds
Raging winds from Agnes rak-
ed cornfields miles inland, and
in several spots stalks were bent
almost parallel with the ground.
Dan Russell, mayor of Pan-
ama City Beach, said his coni-
munity was spared major dara-
age despite the high winds and
But damage to other parts of
the Panhandle and tornado-rav-
aged South Florida was expected
to climb into the millions.
At Merritt Island Airport near
Cape Kennedy, authorities said
damage there alone would ex-
ceed $2 million. In the Florida
Keys. hit by tornadoes Sunday,
damage was estimated at $2 mil-
Agnes was born as the 1972 At-
lantic hurricane season's first
storm late last week. After
meandering near Mexico's Yuca-
tan Peninsula, it started churn-
ing northward out of the Carib-
bean Sea and into the Gulf.
As it swept past Cuba's low-
lying western tip, seven per-
sons drowned and flooding re-
portedly caused masive crop

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Real values in summer separates,
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and short sleeves. Sizes 5 to 13.

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