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June 17, 1972 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-17

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Page Two


Saturday, June 17, 1972


Best Art Direction " Best Costume Design
JUNHd e! 17k 8 8P..M.

---theatre --
Mcircd Sade: Excellent!

Summer is the time when
things slow down, snd people
tend t take it essier than dur-
ing the normal acsdemic yesr.
Judging from the Residential
College Players' production of
Marat Sade they are an excep-
tion to this generally held prin-
From the minute you enter
the East Quad Aud. you are
swept into the Charenton asy-
lum. Nurses greet you at the
door and brusquely tell you to
sign in with your name and oc-
cupation. You wonder what will
happen if you fail to sign in, and
soon find out, as those same
nurses beat te inmates of te
asylum on stage. Or is the stage
the entire auditorium, and are
the members of the audience
the actors? If the audience is the
actors. then they have a long
way to go to surpass the per-
formances turned in by the en-
tire cast from eight until about
The Persecution and Assassi-
nation of Jean-Paul Marat as
Performed by .the Inmatea of
the Asylum of Charenton Under
the Direction of the Marquis de
Sade is the finest production this
reviewer has seen in a long
time. The asylum is the audi-
torium, and with a group of in-
mates each with different mental
malady, it is amazing that one
doss not see repetition of what-
ever it is that makes each in-

mate an inmate. The ticks and
quirks are different and inven-
tive, but most of all they are
The entire product'on is beau-
tifully choreographed by Wendie
Abend. With a 32 member cast
on a small stage, the actors did
not run into each other, either
in their movements, or in the
acting. This is no small feat, and
Ahead is to he congratulated.
The choral numbers, under the
direction of Fredric Goldstein
were well done, and one easily
heard some of the best singing
from a a no-professional group
that rivaled some of te musical
groups on campus that spend an
entire term working towards a
single performance. the singers,
Richard Goodwin, Brian Grant,
James Guthrie, and Wendie
Ahead, all lent special vocal
talenis to the already fine
Katie Reifman as Charlotte
Corday, ad d ed a srprising
strong singing voice to a splen-
did acting performance, perhaps
the best showing of her career
with the R.C. Players. Reifmans
managed to bring about striking
transitions between her scenes
with a rather exaggerated Du-
perret, as played by Mark
Tompkins, and the scenes with
Richard S a 1 e, as Jean-Paul
One cannot find the superla-
tives to describe the perform-
ances of Sale and Richard Leh-

If soeosdy telshyesdeug laws
overseas arerelaxed. that soebeody
is talking thr'ough his hat.
If somsehody tels you the eyeme
af justice gives you alt the righsosfa
Uinited States ctizen is tthe Ueited
States, that's a hanch orhbateney.
You shoatd get the racts straight.
Thte trath is theirdrug laws are tough.
And they estoece them tn the ltter.
Theresa girl frem the United
Stases sittine in a Roamejail right now,
She'll he there frsix to tee months
awcaitisg triat. With sohbait. Not eten
a chasce frrit. tt'she'esosvicted, its
a eminimusmtofthreetyears. Carrying
stuff'aceoss a herder, fresetore
reentry to another, in asking for
troahle. Andyou'lt get i.
That's stheir law. And ther's n
way aroend it.
Oveee900 United States ctizns
are doing tinmeondrog charges is
foreignejails righst nose. And nohody
can get them ot. Not famnily. Or
friends. Or the smtenstlawyerrin loots,
Plot the United States government.
fyou'ee plnning auvsit to
Euorope, she Middle 1lass orsouthlsof
our own Serder, check ot te
csontries. Get the facts. And gettem
straight before yo lean.
One fact wilt come thtrotgh.
Load ted ccar.
Wihe you'te'bsted for drugs
avrtee yu'e o t Chsseo
U. S. Frnets so
Strandvagent 101,
ci 63/05/20
Morocco. Poseso.3
monts to earad i
43Ave.AllalBenAbde it
' 1.30361/02

Mei4m s Posseson, 2 to 9 GMA ea Possestion, minimum S @d a Po session,
years plusbfie.Trafictking 3to 10 2 yeaessinjail. Trafickingstmamm maimunm 2yeas orfineaup to3.40
yearn pins Oine. Illegal importeor 10years pine fine, Francs. Tracking.,emaximums5 years.
esport of deugs, 6 to15 years pies U.S. Emhassy: U.S. Emhassy:
One. Peesns arrested on drug charges 91 Vasidissis Sophia's Blvd. 93/95 Jubilaumsstrase
can epent a minitmmnoh set 12 Athenis. Grece Bern. Switzerland
months pre-trial canfinement. Tel. 712951 Tel 43 00 11
U.S. PEmhassy:

feldt as the Marqu de Sade.
They are both tremendous; Sale
even is intene as he sraches
himself in the tub, sad Leh-
fedt's performance is best sum-
med up as he laughs in the back-
ground while the inmates reduce
the play, the stage and the
asylum to smithereens. Whatever
you do, don't miss that.
It is hard to single out indi-
vidual actors for the mention
that everyone in the cast so
richly deserves. Dennis Fo~n, as
the mad animal, is in rthe fare-
front of the inmates even when
his movemen take him 10 the
corners and back of the stage,
as 's Dale Ann Winne.
Leora Man'schewi is s con-
vincing Simonne Evrar1, ad
adds perhaps the only bit of
mad reality to the performance
Connie Williams and Nancy
Levy are to be commended for
maintaining their air of polite
detachment that the parts of
Mine. Coumlmer and Mile. Coul-
mier respectively' require,
There is so much action going
on in center, tge ttt it is
difficult t turn one's aittention
to the sides, and yet e'ch actor
maintained the vigor of iy r
her role with aplomb.
Director Pamela Seamon is
to e commended for bringing
this most difficult play to the
Ann Arbor s um m er theater
If anyone ha been left with-
out special mention who had
anything to do with the perform-
'ance, it is not inentional
Although tnight at eight i
the last performance of The
Persecution and Asssintio cf
Jean-Paul Marat as Performed
by the Inmates of the Asysisa of
Charenton under the Drection
of the Marquis de Sade, ~hee
are 350 sea available, and thy
should 1l be sold.
Resdetial College Summer Playes:
Peter Weiss' "Marat/Sade, Residential
College Aud., 8 pm.
TV Cene Flm: "Worlds etC Abraham
alan: Deah", WWJ-TV, Chanet 4,
Seeate Asemby Metntgt Relham
Ampithater, 315 pm.
The Mitchigan Daly, edted and man-
aged by sdents at 5the Uiestyot
Michingane. News phoeet 74-052. Seond-
Clams peeage paid anAmes Arbre, 1M-
ga. 420 Maynard St., Ann Abr,
Mihgan 48104. Publsed daly Tue-
day thoesgh Sunday mrnng Unsvee-
sity year. Subscripionetregen $10 by
carrter. $11 by mal.
Ssmmer Seetnon published Tuesday
throueb Sturday mrning. Subsrp-
ion raest $5.50 by arer (campus
sren; 0.51) oal melt(in Mih. or
Oh~n; $7.50nn-oclemi 51leher saes
ad oneign).
" Peprtion o tests reured o
admsston to grdtrend pro-
fessonnl schols
" Sand televe session roups
" Sml groups
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study prepared by epets in
ech fild
" Lesson schedue cnnhr tailored
to meet indtvdual needs
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305 Coonia Cuaanhsensn
Mn exco City, Mexico
Tl,5 511-7991
Span. Penalty depends on
qunantity of drts involved.
tess an 50'rams cannabis,.ftee
and expusion. More than 500 gramt.
sminimumt of 6 yearst in jail
U.S. tEmbassy:
Te 1270-3400
t51 Posssson: Mnim:
yeasoadlS0ttlire inen.,aimum:e
8 yeares ted 4,500,00 lirtitn
110 Romss Italy
United Kingdom.
10 yeasantdltheavyifines Possessiont or
small amountiforpes'onaltuercusutlly
24/3 Greoso Scorc
W0 . ,oo.fEgand
line or mnhsessin psritso.ittrtlleitng,
eaunisses ars.
1U.S. tisv:
1012 Lango 'e elots
Theltstt., oNelnsed
Tel. 52-49-11

GeiinMY. Pses
sentence oenfOne. Trafficking,
minsamm 3years pussfbee,
Mehlemer Avenne
53 Bonn-Bed Godeher&
ten, Germ any
Iel. 2229-1953
J a ossin rdetention. stspended senstec
expulsion. Trafficking, teatin
b years.
U.S. tEmbassy:
to's Akasaka I-Chrsome
Minaot-Ku. Tokyo
Tlt 583-7141
yein rison.sTafficking.
15 yesrs.
U.S. LEmbassy:
Corniche at RueAiv
Meish. Beiet, eb.non
tIel. 240800
Jamaica. Pcseso
sn en nd fien. Taffickitt
maxiumt3 yars at hard lat
ItS. Emso'sy:
43 Duke Street
Tel. 26341
Flrancem oseson
to 5years and fin. Cuos
will also lavy heasy fits. Mir
3 to 4 monthspre-trialctBonin
9. RSands Feanqosoilin
Paris. Fensor
T. Atjou 6440
aned exsone.Trafficking. n
10 yes an.d 5.000ttsrelihpoi
U..S. Emssay:
71 flsvsrkons Stsest
Tceliv, Is rael
Tlt. 50171

en. jail

months so I year.
U.S. Embassy:
Adderly Building
Niassau, Bahams
Tel. 21181

Canad. Possssio,otjai
se teneadepusn.Traffoking,
'-trial ilinietoss7 years, emaximust life,
cc and US.Embassy:
nuoss 100 Wellington Street
Ottawa,. Canada
Tel. 236-2341
Denmark. Psesofn
nIao 3 Dag ftesekjslds Alse 24
tio Copenhasgenenarks
'lt. T14505
n 'turkey. Posesstin, tS
earss. Teatiockieg.ill yeasetitt ife.
U.S. tEbassy:
ItO0 AAtscsk Bled,
3 pears. Fratickitg. Syears totdeath
ntttineito ,f 3./OS0 tials e rga
U.S. iEbassy:
251/;evs. Tati Suselid
mose l.8 01. 025091
nctctttL, DrugAbusc otiontt.
aising conetributed Iforopbslic good
tee fi/ne


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