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June 17, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-17

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C14r tr4 t n ti l

Partly sunny,
chance of showers

VoILXXXII, No. 28-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 1,1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
SGC fun ingd
plan restricted
The Regents yesterday approved an increase in student fees for
Student Government Council. The regental statement stipulated that
none of the money could be used to sue the University
An asaessment at 511 cents an all students ta fund school and
college governments, and a plan wherehy students could voluntarily
cantribute one dollar towards the proposed SGC grocery coope ative
were also approved.
The Regents' action increased the tuition assessment for SGC
from 25 cents to one dollar per term. Students approved this plan
by a narrow margin in last March's SGC election.

oman eans
to head law
Jane Waterson yesterday be-
came the first woman to attain
a high ranking position in the
University Law School.
Waterson's appointment as
assistant dean and admissions
director was approved by the
Regents at yesterday's meeting.
She will oversee student re-
cruitment and admissions, fi-
nancial aids for first year stu-
dents and relations with under-
graduate institutions.
"We can encourage more
women and minority students
to apply to law school," she

The assessment also provided
for 30 cents on each dollar to
go to a legal advocate for SGC.
The Regents had objected to
the advocate proposal, saying it
could be using University money
to fund suits against the Uni-
Therefore, the proposal w a s'
amended to prohibit use of the
funds to finance legal action
against the University.
Regent Paul Brown (D-Peto-
sky) who proposed the -amend-
ment explained that he feared
"we could only have gotten two
votes for the motion (to ap-
prove the assessment) if we had
not included the amendment."
SGC President Bill Jacobs, an-
gry over the decision, told the
Regents they passed the amend-
ment because they "are afraid
we will sue them"
"There is some dirty laundry
or skeletons in the closet isoe-
where in the University ."Ja-
cobs warned. "If it takes a lal-
yer or even a private detective
we'll find that dirty laundryan-
spread it across the front pages
of every newspaper."
"There is no dirty laundy
here," President Robben Flem-
ing responded. "I have not the
slightest fear of a lawsuit and
that is why I supported toe mc-
tien without the amendment -'
Jacobs agreed to another com-
promise on the proposed grccery
cooperative. Rather than ap-
proving funding from the gen-
eral assessment, the Rgesnts
established a voluntary paymcsnt
system for the project. Under its
terms, students not wishing to
support the grocery could tad-
cate their opposition to it dur-
tag registration.
"The students approved a one
dollar increase with the under-
standing that 25 cents of that
dollar would go to forming a
grocery co-op," said Jacobs.
"Our constitution forbids us
from spending that 25 cents on
See SGC, Page 7

-Associated Press
DESTROYED North Vietnamese T-34 tanks clutter a street in An Loc yesterday as South Vietnamese
troops eye the situation from their rooftop position.
U.S. planes omb North;
siege stiillgrips An Loc

SAIGON (P)-U.S. warplanes
raked North Vietnam's southern
section yesterday after a record
350 air strikes hit three MIG
air bases, a naval base and an
army barracks, military sources
For the second successive day,
the U.S. fighter-bombers stayed
away from the Hanoi area as a
precaution against any incidents
while Soviet President Nikolai
Podgorny is visiting the North
Vietnamese capital. Details of
the latest raids were withheld.
A communique from the U.S.
Command reported that the
northernmost strike yesterday
was against the Ninh Binh rail-
road and highway bridge, about
60 miles south of Hanoi.
Meanwhile, reports from An
Loc indicated that the seige of
that provincial capital may yet
be far from over.
Although South Vietnamese

President Nguyen Van Thieu has
called for the siege to be lifted
by Armed Forces Day, Monday,
experts now doubt this will be
Although the South Viet-
namese army claimed progress
yesterday, strong pockets of
resistance remained four to six
miles south of the city blocking
a Saigon government relief
force. North Vietnamese en-
trenched there kept up a steady
rain of shells on the beleagured
Fire from the communists also
halted South Vietnamese at-
tempts to evacuate soldiers from
the city. Helicopter pilots re-
fused to land and instead hov-
ered above the pick-up point.
Wounded soldiers crawled and
hobbled out to the landing area
and attempted to jump to the
hovering craft. Few were suc-
According to American Broad-

Dean Waterson
According to Waterson, there
are no set goals for increased
admissions of women to law
school. However, the "increase
in women will become very
natural as more apply," she
Waterson graduated this year
from the law school.

New crater dig oni tody

casting Company reporter How-
ard Tuckner at least 800
wounded soldiers and 300
wounded civilians remain trap-
ped in the city.
Communist-led forces early
this morning shelled two big
U.S. installations in the north-
ern part of South Vietnam from
which American forces are being
redeployed, wounding nine ser-
vicemen and killing four Viet-
namese civilians and wounding
A half dozen Soviet-built 122
mm rockets hit the Da Nang
area, which has been under
shelling attack the week long.
The U.S. Command said one
American was wounded and two
buildings were damaged at the
U.S. airbase which is being
turned over to the Vietnamese.
Saigon headquarters reported
four Vietnamese civilians were
killed and three were wounded
when one of the rockets landed
in a populated area.
In Paris, North Vietnamese
delegates to the peace talks
charged that the U.S. is syste-
matically bombing its flood pro-
tection vstem of dikes.
The charge came iii the form
of a statr ment from North Viet-
nacs's minister of irrigation, dis-
tribited ia Paris by the peace
taltk dele'stes.
"The lives of thousands of
persons," would be lost and
"hundr-ds of thousands of hec-
tares of land would be sub-
meerted" if damaged sections of
the dikes broke during the
forthcomisg rairy season, the
minister said.
In Saigon, 'meanwhile, the
U S. command revealed that
falsified seports of supposed
"protective reaction" strikes-
later found to be unauthorized
offensive strikes-- were provided
to the upper command by Maj.
Gen. Alton Slay of the Air
A U.S. command spokesman
said Slay was the previously
unnamed officer referred to in
a letter to Sen. Harold Hughes
(D-Iowa) which revealed the
unauthorized strikes.

An anti-war group has planned
to re-enact the digging of simu-
lated bomb craters on the Diag
today. Leading the digging rod
accompanying celebration wItll be
four persons arrested followi
an earlier digging May 19. City
police have warned that diggere,
will be arrested at the craer
The "Bomb Crater Four"-
Genie Plamondon of Raiabo's'
People's Party, Jay Hack, Jin
Goldman, and Richard Englaosd
-were charged with malicious
destruction of property for al-
legedly digging at sites unauth-
orized by the University.
The University had approved
one site between Hill Aud. ansi
the Michigan League.
Judge Sandorf Elden released
the four on personal recogni-
zance to stand trial July 20.

They entered not guilty pleas.
Crater dig supporters will
gather on the Diag today at
noon. Bands including the Up,
Backside, Wild Bys, Stash, the
Knock Down Party Band, acid
the Cruisonic Jazz Ensemble will
lead off the activities
Speakers from local antiwr 's
groups which support thw 0 -
tions will address the crowd be
fore the digging begins.
Vietnam Veterans A.,nstAthe
War and Brain Mistr's't h-
planned workshops. Too other
workshops will focus on tals re-
sistance and student action. A
poetry reading will be 'sien in
the evening.
The first crater dig iast omuai
was staged as a protest of Pres-
ident Nixon's bombing escata-
tion and the mining of North
Vietnam's harbor.
See NEW, Page 7

Dig-in on the Diag

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