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June 14, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-14

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Wednesday, June 14, 1972


Page Seven

Wednesday, June 14, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

McClellan receives narrow win
over challenger in Ark. race

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. ()P)-Sen.
John L. McClellan wdn nomina-
tion to a sixth term yesterday in
Arkansas' Democratic r u n o f f
election, defeating Rep. David
Pryor to survive the most serious
threat in his 30-year Senate
The 76-year-old McClellan, the
fourth senior member of the
Senate, defeated the three-term
congressman on the basis of al-
most complete but unofficial re-
Otter bites Yorty
Sam Yorty was bitten yesterday
by a sea otter called "Mayor
Slim Snorty" during the open-
ing of a new park section at
Busch Gardens
The mayor's wounds were de-
scribed as superficial, but he'll
get a tetanus shot.
Yorty was bitten on the hand
as he received the key to the
gardens from the otter.
"Slim Snorty," also called
"His Otter," acts in an animal
show in the new five-acre sec-
tion of the park.

With 2,412 of 2,590 precincts
reported, McClellan had 226,946
votes and the 37-year-old Pryor
had 212,377. The senator's vote
was about 52 per cent of the
Victory came to the senator in
a race in which he claimed he
was fighting _ "national labor
bosses" and "the Eastern wing
of the radical-liberal establish-
The senator will have a Re-
publican opponent for the No-
vember general election, but it
is expected to be only token op-
In winning, McClellan shatter-
ed Arkansas political tradition
that an A r k a n s a s incumbent
forced into a runoff always

Both McClellan and his aides
credited the victory to hard work
that turned out the McClellan
vote yesterday. The senator said
many of his supporters stayed
home during the May 30 prefer-
ential primary because they felt
he was not in any trouble.
McClellan led the ticket in the
first primary, two weeks ago,
but failed by more than five per
cent of the vote to obtain the
majority to escape the runoff.
In a runoff between two po-
litical newcomers for the Demo-
cratic nomination for Congress
in the 3rd District, Guy Hatfield,
65, of Rogers had 39,599 votes to
35,054 for Howard Guess Cain
Jr., 28, of Huntsville with 549
of 672 precincts reported in the
unofficial tabulation.

'U' refuses to
(Continued from Page1)
violated," he said, "we can bring
these kinds of situations to the
attention of the Regents or any-
one else."
Hack,. who argued that he al-
ready had informed President
Robben Fleming of the alleged
violation, hopes to present his
findings at the Regents' meet-.
ing tomorrow.
Roderick Daane, University
attorney, was also present at
yesterday's Administration Bldg.
meeting. He called the assem-
blage of bomb crater supporters
Nude bathing
California Supreme Court ruled
yesterday that a person may
sunbathe nude on an isolated
beach without being guilty of
criminal indecent exposure.
Such a secluded unveiling
does not° violate Section 314 of
the State Penal code which
prohibits indecent exposure if
"willfully and lewdly" com-
mitted for the purpose of sex-
ual arousal, the court said in a
unanimous decision.
The ruling struck down the
1970 conviction of Chad Mer-
rill Smith who was arrested
after he went sunbathing on an
isolated San Diego County

drop charges
a "kangaroo court."
Kennedy said that he did not
know if the police would try to
stop the digging planned for
Daane would not say whether
diggers would be arrested if they
willingly identified themselves.
"Identification of the people is
a police matter."
He warned, however, that
any proposed digging. on this
campus does not have the con-
currence of the University and
is prohibited."
and Hairstylists
- --- - ---- - ------

U. S. bombing continues

(Continued from Page]1)
An Loc on Highway 13. They are
thought to be members of the
North Vietnamese 7th Division
which is trained in road cutting

Brodsky leaves Russia
to aecept U' position

(Continued from Page -)
papers could be in order within
two weeks.
This was apparently the first
time Soviet officials have ac-
tively encouraged a Russian
writer or poet to accept an invi-
tation from Israel. University
Prof. Carl Proffer, who has just
returned from a week long
flurry of negotiation with Brod-
sky in Vienna, suggests that the
Soviets must have "considered
him an irritant" to so willing-
ly allow his departure.
After his meeting with the
Soviet officials, Brodsky con-
tacted his old friend, Carl Prof-
who was then in Russia.
Brodsky asked Proffer if the
Slavic languages and literature
professor could help him emi-
gate to the United States, rath-
er than Israel, and the wheels
began to turn.
Proffer immediately returned
to the United States. He
broached the possibility of hir-
ing Brodsky to University of-
ficials, including literary college
Dean Frank Rhodes, and main-
tained telephone contact with
The Soviets issued Brodsky an
exit visa for Israel on May 24,
his birthday, that was good un-
til June 5. He had to pay the
equivalent of $1000 to leave,
$500 -to forfeit his citizenship
and the rest to cover paper-
He was permitted to carry
only $104 and two suitcases out
of the country. He was not per-
mitted to take any of his manu-
When he left Russia, Brod-
sky flew to Vienna where he
again met Proffer. There the
two spent another week ironing
details for the move, finally an-
nounced last week.
According to Proffer, Brod-
sky's "culture is English, west-
ern and' he wanted to come
somewhere where Slavic studies
were developed. The Univrsity
has an excellent department."
"We also publish the Russian
Triquarterly Journal, which has
printed a great deal of Brod-

sky's poetry over the past few
years," he added.
Brodsky hasn't had much of
an official audience in the So-
viet Union, and much of his
work has circulated. in the un-
In 1964 he was convicted for
being an "idler and a parasite."
who had not "useful work." He
was sentenced to five years at a
labor camp.
"But he never went to pri-
son," Proffer said yesterday.
"He was at a state collective
labor farm and he was able to
leave after eighteen months.
He's not bitter about it at all...
He got a lot of work done."
Brodsky is flying to London
for a poetry festival sponsored
by W. H. Auden on June 24-25
and should arrive here shortly
before the end of the month.
Proffer says that Brodsky will
"probably vacation with my
family this summer and teach
a course in Russian and one in
English this fall."
He may also give a 'speaking
tour of college campuses this
"I think he would like to go
back to Russia to visit," Proffer
"He has no animosity toward
the Soviet Union," he added,
"and he hopes that his name
remains in Russian literature."
U' sets up
budget unit
(Continued from Page .)
Dunn, who was recently ap-
pointed chairman of the Budget
Priorities Committee, says the
committees should have a great
deal of influence, adding that
"if a committee decides on
something, there would have to
be pretty good reasons why it
isn't done. I can't believe that
it's a straw committee."

and ambush.
"If the South Vietnamese
would accept taking as many
casualties in an attack as they
do sitting here, they'd have been
through here long ago. They'd
probably take fewer losses," one
U.S. adviser said.
Meanwhile in Paris North
Vietnam and the Viet Cong de-
manded yesterday that the
United States and South Vietnam
resume the regular Thursday
sessions of the Vietnam peace
talks, broken off by the allies
May 4.
For the first time, the com-
munists did not name a specific
Thursday when they felt the
talks should resume. In four pre-
vious demands for a new start
of the conference the commu-
nists have named a specific
The significance of the com-
munist tactics was not immedi-
ately clear. It might mean that
the North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong were awaiting the return
of their delegation chiefs from
trips abroad before demanding a
specific new meeting date.

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