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May 24, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-24

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Wednesday, May 24, 1972


Page Efeven

. Perry wins eighth;
Tigers brewed, 3-0

By The Asocited Pe
N EW Y O RK- Cleveland's
Gaylord Perry outdueled New
GPI,'York's Mel Stottlemyre 3-0 last
nght, limiting the Yankees to
four singles and igniting a three-
run uprising that broke a score-
less tie in the eighth inning with
a double.
It was the sixth consecutive
vsctory for Perry, 8-2, while
Stottlemyre, 4-4, had his four-
game winning streak come to an
end along with New York's
r three-game skein.
Perry's double to right-cooler
/ / ~,-was only the fourth hit off Stot-
tlemyre, who had pitched two
sight shutouts. Me moved to
D rd on Del Unser's sacrifice
5i~ / ,~.~s' .and raced home when a pitch to
Eddie Leon was in the dirt and
- f bounced away from catcher
Thurman Munson.
With two out and Leon aboard
via a single, Stottlemyre walked
-Associated Press ri Netsan To M-
ST. LOUIS CARDINAL, TED SIZEMORE, attempts to crash into Graig Nettles and Tom Mc-
attepts o cash nto Craw, loading the bases. Ray
Pirate shortstop Gene Alley to break up a first inning double Fosse, who struck out in the
play. However, the effort was in vain as was the case for the same situation in the fourth in-
entire Cardinal team, for rampaging Hues won 6-2 for their ning, then singled for two more
eighth straight victory, runs.
Cubs end Mets' streak

It was the 14th triumph in the
last IS games for the Indians,
leaders in the American League
Tigers whimper
DETROIT-Jim Lonberg hurl-
ed a four-hitter and John Briggs
smacked a home run inthe sev-
enth inning off Joe Coleman to
break a scoreless tie and carry
the Milwaukee Brewers to a 3-0
victory over the Detroit Tigers
last night.
Magic Number: 131
Hot dog! With the Tigers los-
ing to the Milwaukee Brewers
and the Cleveland Indians
blanking the New York Yan-
kees last night, the magic
number for the Tigers re-
mained at 131. And time is
beginning to run out.
Loan b erg, one-time 20-game
winner for the Boston Red Sax,
gave up three singles the first
two innings, then proceeded to
no-hit the Tigers until Ed Brink-
man's scratch single in the
eighth. It was his second com-
plete game in four starts as he
raised his record to 2-1.
Coleman fell to a 6-3 mark as
he had a three-game winning
streak snapped.
George Scott, batting .130 at
game time, opened the Brewers'
seventh with his third successive
single. Then Briggs lined a Cole-
man pitch into the lower deck
in right field for his second
homer of the season.
Billy Conigliaro's double and
Ellie Rodriguez' single off re-
liever Fred Scherman gave the
Brewers their final run in the
Orioles flop
BOSTON - Rico Petrocelli's
one-out single in the bottom of
the 10th inning caried Boston
to a 6-5 victory over the Balti-
more Orioles last night, snap-
ping the Red Sox' losing streak
at five games.
Reggie Smith drew a leadoff
walk off reliever Doyle Alexan-
der, 2-1, the fourth Baltimore
pitcher, and Duane Josephson
sacrificed him to second before
Petrocelli lined his game-winning
hit to center field that gave left-
hander Bill Lee, 3-1, Boston's
fourth hurler, the victory.
The Orioles, held to one hit

through six inning., scored three
runs in the seventh, then went
ahead 5-4 in the eighth befeore
Doug Griffin's single, a sacrifice
and Ben Oglivie's pinch-single
boosted Boston into a tie in the
Terry Harper's leadoff home
run in the first, Smith's run-
scoring grounder in the third
and Smith's two-run homer in the
fifth gave Boston a 4-0 lead
against Dave McNally before
Baltimore broke through againt
Sonny Siebert.
Terry Crowley doubled and
scoredon a pair of fly balls,
then Mark Belanger wslked and
Don Baylor, batting for McNally,
hit his third homer in his last
three at-bats.
The Orioles went ahead in 'the
eighth as Crowley homered, Dave
Johnson and Elie Hendricks
walked and Griffin, the Boston
second baseman, dropped Belan-
ger's routine two-out pop-up that
let Johnson score the go-ahead
Rangers nipped
ARLINGTON - The Chicago
White Sox pushed across two
runs in the first inning and Stan
Bahsen and two relievers made
them stand up for a 2-1 victory
over the Texas Rangers last
night for Chicago's fifth con-
secutive triumph and 11th in the
last 12 games.
Carlos May doubled in Pat
Kelly for the first run, then
scored on Bill Melton's single.
Kelly had opened the game with
a bunt single.
New vault
record set'
EL PASO, Tex. WP)-American
Bob Seagren and Sweden's Kjell
Issakson each set a world pole
-vault record of 18 feet, 4 inches
yesterday at an AAU-sanctioned
pole vault competition.
Seagren, vaulting f o r the
Southern California Striders, first
set an American record of 181/
in his competition with Issakson,
who set the previous world rec-
ord of 18-2 last month.
Seagren and Issakson reached
the world record height in their
second attempts at 18-4.

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Paul Popovich's
run-scoring double in the eighth
inning broke a tie and gave the
Chicago Cubs a 2-1 victory over
New York yesterday, snapping
the Mets' 11-game w i n n i n g
Popovich's decisive hit off los-
ing reliever Tug McGraw, 2-1,
scored Carmen Fanzone, who
had singled with one out in the
The Mets had tied the score
1-1 in the seventh on a walk to
Bud Harrelson, Ken Moswell's
sacrifice and consecutive singles
by Tommie Agee and Rusty
Staub had four of the six hits
off Ferguson Jenkins, 4-4. Staub's
fourth hit was a double with
two out in the ninth. But Jenk-
ins retired Cleon Jones on a
grounder for the final out.
The Cubs had nicked Mets'
starter Gary Gentry for a run in
the fourth. on a walk to Jim
Hickman and singles by Popov-
ich and Ken Rudolph.
The Cubs collected 11 hits off
Gentry and McGraw, and left
10 runners on base, including
two in the first, second and
fourth innings.
It was the Mets' first loss
since May 11, when they were
beaten by Los Angeles 6-4.
Bucs breeze
ST. LOUIS - The Pittsburgh
Pirates capitalized on St. Louis
errors for a pair of three-run
innings and beat the Cardinals
6-2 last night for their eighth
consecutive victory.

St. Louis shortstop Ed Crosby
opened the gates in the second
inning by booting Manny Sanguil-
len's potential d o u b e play
grounder, after which Pittsburgh
pushed across runs on singles
by Gene Alley, Dave Cash and
Yic Davalillo.
Braves scalp
CINCINNATI - Marty Perez
cracked a tie-breaking double off
relief pitcher Jim McGlothlin
with one out in the eighth in-
ning, giving Phil Niekro and the
Atlanta Braves a 2-1 victory
over the Cincinnati Reds last
Niekro, 6-4, aided his cause
with the sixth home run of his
career in the third, offsetting a
first-inning run by Cincinnati.
The Reds scored when Pete
Rose led off with a triple and
came home on Joe Morgan's sin-
gle. Niekro allowed only four
more hits.
McGlothlin, taking over from
Ross Grimlsey in the eighth,
was touched for three straight
hits with one out. Dusty Baker
started the winning rally with
his third hit of the game, moved
to second on Darrell Evans' sin-
gle and scored on Perez' double.
Phillies f lounder
MONTREAL-- Mike Jorgenson
drove in three runs with a
homer and a single and Ron
Fairly knocked in two more as
the Montreal Expos handed Phil-
adelphia its eighth straight de-
feat, beating the Phillies 6-2
last night.

The Phillies took a lead in the
top of the first when Tim Mc-
Carver reached on an error by
Bob Bailey and scored on a sin-
gle by Willie Montanez.
But the Expos came right
back as Boots Day singled with
one out and Jorgensen socked
his fifth homer of the year.
Philadelphia tied the game at
2-2 when a throwing error by
Bailey on an infield hit by Deron
Johnson permitted Greg Luzin-
ski to score.
Fairly put the Expos ahead 3-2
in the bottom of the fourth with
his third homer of the year.
The Expos added three runs
in the bottom of the fifth and
knocked Dick Selma, 1-5, out of
the game.
Hector Torres, who started at
shortstop in place of the sus-
pended Tim Foli, led off with a
triple and scored on Selma's
second wild pitch of the game.
Bill Stoneman, 4-4, walked and
eventually scored on Jorgensen's
single. Jorgensen then stole sec-
ond and came in on Fairly's

ProfessionaI League Standings
American League National Leagne
East East
v i Ps. GLx w L It. G
CL Pcti 8 0 . 3 -New York :_'S 8 .758 -
Ctvlnt 10 .64 3 2-tittsbo-rgh 19 12 .613 5
De'trot16 13 .55? ' rhiato 16 1 516a
Baltimore 15 14 .5173 o to . o
Ne York 12 16 .429 6 I'hi Ul phi 15 18 .455 10
ioston 10 17 .370 7 rMontr ll5 19 .441 10x>
Milwaukee 9 17 ,346 8, t Loti;. 12 22 .353 13%N
Rest Houston 21 12 .636 -
Chicao 2 10 .667 - Los Angeles '0 14 .588 1t>
Oasikad 18 10 .643 1 C5incintati 18 16 .529 3
jaix,5ota 17 11 .607 2 San Diego 15 2 .429 7
T-ias 15 17 .469 6 Atlanta 13 20 .394 8
Kansas City 12 18 .400 8 San Frarcisco 12 25 .324 1
California 11 20 ,355 9 Yesterday's Results
Yesterday's Results Chicago 2, New York 1
Boston 6, Baltimore 5, 10 innings Montreal 6, Philadelphia 2
Cleveland 3, New York 0 Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 2
Milwaukeee3, Detroit 0 Atlanta 2, Cincinnati 1
Chicago2, TesasISanFracco at Los Angelesinc.
ins esota at Kansas City, postponed Hoston I, San Diego 5, ,st
California at Oakland, inc. Houston at san Diego 2nd, inc.

-Associated Press
IN ONE OF THE BRIGHTER MOMENTS for the titanic Tigers, second sacker, Dick McAuliffe finds
he has forced out the Brewers' Billy Conigliaro (9) in the first inning of last night's Milwaukee-
Detroit confrontation. But in the end, the lowly Brewers behind Jim Lomberg, blanked the power-
laden sluggers from Motown 3-0. Billy Martin, what's the excuse?

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