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May 23, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-23

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~rt6 £W1 43U AhUIt
SL a Ar iga Ma t
Vol. LXXXI I, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Tuesday, May 23, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve. Pages

--xon meets
B1rez nev in
summit talk
By The Associated Press
President Nixon landed in Moscow yesterday and began
a series of summit talks with Soviet leader Leonid Brezh-
Nixon's visit, which marked the first state visit ever
by an American president to the Soviet Union, finally
ended speculation that U.S. bombing of North Vietnam's
harbors might endanger the talks.
Nixon was greeted at the Moscow airport by a band,
Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny and Premier Alexei
Kosygin. U. S. officials had expected Brezhnev, the Com-
munist Party chief to be present.
The President sped in a motorcade to the Kremlin
along a wide boulevard lined with thousands-possibly
100,000 Muscovit e s- -- -
watching him go by.
The President met with
Brezhnev at the Kremlin for
over an hour and a half with
presidential advisor Henry Ris- "N-
singer sitting in.11 l f-
White House press secretary Uca i d aJt1 U
Ronald Ziegler declined to say
whether Vietnam was discussed
at yesterday's summit session.
The meeting was arranged very ~ ~ C1
quickly, Ziegler said, and came
at Brezhnev's suggestion. By JILL LAWRENCE
Before his journey, the Presi- A suit was filed yesterday in
dent had said a primary focus Detroit Federal District Court
of his talks with Brezhnev charging the Ann Arbor Biard
would be the "possibility of ini- of Education with age discrim-
tial limitation of strategic ination for dismissing the can-
arms." dida cy of a 15-year-old student
At a banquet following the ses- in the upcoming school board
See NIXON, Page 2 election.

AN ANTI-WAR protester is held and grasped by the hair in Washington, D.C., yesterday a. police.
prepare to load him onto a waiting bus.
D. C.protesters"storm
Pentagon, beaten back

Special To The Daly
ARLINGTON, Va.-Police used
horses and clubs to drive back
anti-war demonstrators trying to
enter the Pentagon yesterday
after their parade permit had
expired. Some 250 arrests cul-
minated a weekend of anti-war
actiivty in the nation's capital.
Yesterday's rally at the Penta-
gon began in the morning when
600 marchers, including Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock and Father James
already assembled on the Penta-
gon steps.
Waiting for the protesters
were about 80 riot-equipped
police. And inside the building
itself were 400 military police
who had been sent down from
Fort Beloir, Md. on alert.
The marchers assembled for
3 their rally soon after they ar-
rived at the Pentagon. Their
permit allowed them to be in
the area until early afternoon.
Members of the Vietnam Vet-
erans Against the. War moved
to the front of the group. Sev-
eral of them burned army jack-
ets and asked others to turn in
their draft cards. At least ten
draft cards were ignited with
flames from the blazing army

Speakers discussed what the
demonstrators should do after
their permit expired. The final
vote indicated an even split be-
tween those who wanted to sit
and await arrest and those who
wished to try to walk single file
into the building.
Demonstrators who attempted
to enter the building were ar-
rested, frisked, and placed into
army buses which transported
them to the Alexandria Jail.

At first there was little vio-
lence as guards blocked the for-
ward push and began hauling
off the demonstrators. But as
the effort continued, guards
clubbed protesters and dragged
them to waiting buses by the
Tear gas cannisters were
thrown at the crowd after half
an hour of confrontation. A
squad of 18 mounted police
See WAR, Page 2

a p

Jury votes need not
be unanimous in states
1ASHINGTON (A) - The Su- the 5-4 deciison said. Justices William Douglas, Wil-
me Court yesterday held that Unanimity still is necessary to liam Brennan Jr., Thurgood
erson on trial in state court convict or acquit for a ederal Marshall and Potter Stewart dis-
a noncapital crime may be crime, however. sented.
victed or acquitted by a "sub- Four states - Oregon, Louisi- Douglas said the ruling is "in
ntial majority" of the jury. ana, Oklahoma and Mantana -- the tradition of the Inquisition."
tates must follow the cen- already use less-than-unanimous Brennan said it could destroy
es-old custom of unanimous verdicts. The ruling may en- the right of racial and other
dicts only when the judgment courage other states to follow al- minorities to serve on juries.
id lead to the death sentence, though the court decision does
net make this mandatory.,
Justice Byron White, speakn
for the court, did not specify how
substantial the majority sote
must be. Evidently, 9-3 verdicts
are allowable because they are
authorized by the Louisiana 1aso
approved in the decision.=
The ruling, in cases from Lui-
siana and Oregon was prodsced
by White and President Nixon's
four appointees - Chief Justice.
Warren Burger, and Justices
Hairy Blackmun, Lewis P's'oel
Jr., and William Rehnquist.
All except Powell concluded
that the Sixth Amendment guar-
antee of trial by jury does not
carry with it the requirement
that the jory be unanimous.
Powell supplied the critical Lewis Powell
fifth vote with the view that the
14th Amendment, which chan- Mashail said it cut the heart
nels the Bill of Rights to the out of an important Bill of Rights
states, does not require .ani- safeguard.
mous juries. But White said the principal
Had Powell gone all the w.ay function of the jury is to inter-
with White, Burger, Blackmun pose "a group of laymen repre-
-Associated press and Rehnquist, the unanimous sentative of a cross section of
der Father James Groppi rule at the federal level also the community" between the
rday. could have been overturned. prosecutor and the defendant.

The student, Sonia Yaco, is a
Human Rights Party (HRP can-
didate. She attends Tappan Jun-
ior High School.
The board refused to p 1 a e e
Taco's name on the ballot be-
cause state law requires that a
candidate be 18 years of age.
The suit claims that the state,
by denying Yaco's right to run
for the school board, violates
the 14th amendment, which
guarantees equal protection un-
der the law to all citizens.
A three-judge panel will rule
on the case immediately. If the
panel rules against Yaco, the
case will be appealed immediate-
ly to the Supreme Court.
Because the school election
is only three weeks away, at-
torney Gabe Kaimowitz has re-
quested the issue of temporary
and permanent injunctians to al-
low Yaco's name to appear on
the ballot.
Yaco, a member of the Tap-
pan Junior High School S t u-
dent Union, the Ann Arbor Stu-
dent Union, Youth Liberation,
and the Student Advisory School
Board, said that the c a m -
paign "is not meant to threaten
or test" the Ann Arbor school
system, but to make it "face
the students' demand fhr power
over their lives."
The HRP platform calls for the
age of majority to be reduced to
14 years. This is based partly
on Gov. Milliken's Commission
on the Age of Majority, which
found last year that Jost rdult
characteristics are reachrd at
approximately age 14.
This is the second suit in
which HRP has challenged the
requirements of existiug state
Earlier this year a -uccessful
suit filed in federal court chal-
lenged a requirement that a
candidate had to live in a town
for one year before .'unning for
office there.

POLICE TAKE anti-war protest lea
into custody outside the Pentagon yeste

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