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May 19, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-05-19

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'Naked Wrench' bares plans
for do-it-yourself bicyclists

Do your spokes wobble?
Are your tires not true?
Did your brakes break?
Maybe you should join the Naked Wrench.
a bike co-op formed in April as an alternative
to the high-priced local bike shops.
The co-op hopes to provide the community
with fast and comprehensive bike service to-
spread the use of bicycles for transportation
and sport.
"Members should not expect to drop off their
bicycles and return expecting to find them re-
paired," says Ray Lewis, an organizer.
"We're going to encourage people to work
on their own bicycles and teach them how if
they want to know. We'll send those who don't
want to work on their own bicycles to a bike
shop, Lewis added.

repairs--fixing flats, repairing cables and wobbly
fenders or greasing wheels. But members hope
to acquire more tools and a stock of spare parts.
To introduce area cyclists to the co-op. a free
bike clinic on the Diag is planned. Minor prob-
lems will be diagnosed and repaired when pos-
Co-op membership is $3 for four years. pay-
able in 50 cent installments at each visit. Mem-
bers may use the co-op's tools and other servicer.
and benefit also from advice of other members.
The co-op plans to set up a "buy-and-sell"
bulletin board for bikes and parts, and will work
with other clubs and shops to introduce more
persons to bikes as a serious mode of transpor-
As soon as a permanent work schedule is set
up. members will be expected to work an
occasional shift in the workshop when they have
T - e y p mb See iKE, Pag 7 - -

U, uvx uc. oeconae profIcient in bike repair.e
The co-op presently can perform only minor See BIKE, Page i -Daily-Rolfe Tiessem
page three Zg Lo-h
Sunny, warm
Friday, May 19, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552

Weekend whirlwind
If you have suggtstions for fusturoe coumsx-travel ideas, blosh
parties, music, fus and gamss Tease os-sd athem toR s Sue Berstein,
e o The Daily, 420 Maynard Stb y Wednesday each week. Happy
- Movies
Campus-The French Connection and the Magus
Michigan-The Godfather
State-The Nightcomers
Fifth Forum-One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Wayside-Slaughterhouse Five
Fox Village-Cabaret
Conspiracy-Monterey Pop
Cinema Guild---David Copperfield (Fri., Sat.)
Cinema II--Wizard of Oz (Fri.); 39 Steps (Sat.)
The Ark--Michael Cooney and Pat & Victoria Garvey
Golden Falcon-Opus IV
Lums-RFD Boys
Pretzel Bell-Cloudy Day (Fri.); Silver Wings (Sat.)
Mr. Flood's Party--Buddies in the Saddle
Cobo Hall-Lee Michaels, (Sun.)
Bimbo's-banjo band every night
The Del-Rio-jazz band on Sundays
Red Garter (downtown Detroit) Mother's Boys with
Kerry Price (Sun. 2-6)
Other Events
Insomniacs Association chess tournament, tonight, St.
Andrew's church
Hare Krishna vegetarian feast, Sunday in the arb, 2-5
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre-Once Upon a Mattress, Men-
delssohn Theatre, tonight, Saturday. Sunday (mati-
nee and evening) -
International Folk Dancing--Barbour Gym, Friday, 8-11
Graduate Outing Club-outside Rackham Hall, Sunday,
1:30 p.m.
Farmers Market open Saturday, 8-3
Community organic garden at North Campus open daily
Family Fun Day, Detroit Institute of Arts, tomorrow
Mushroom Picking Festival, Boyne City

Tellers try for union

Following over a month of ef-
fort by bank employes, Huron
Valley National Bank i Ann
Arbor may become the first
bank in the state to unionize.
After attending a recent
three-day hearing in Detroit
before the National Labor Re-
lations Board (NLRB), repre-
sentati xes of bank eployes
have expressed confidensee that
their attempt at union organiz-
ing will soon succeed.
The hearing was held to deter-
mine the size of the potential
usion's bargaining unit, but no
decisions were reached.
Lawyers from both sides now
have fourteen days to file briefs
with the NLRB. Then the NLRB
district board member makes the
final decision on the size of the
unit. Bank employes will then
vote on whether to recognize the
Bank attorneys argued during
the hearing that certain levels
of management, including as-
sistant managers, should be in-
cluded in the bargaining.
In reply, one union organizer
said, "The Bank owners are try-
ing to stack the bargaining unit
that way with votes to under-
mine the union's power."
Hank employes began union
org anizing last month. They cite
low salaries and alleged racial
and sex discrimination as mo-
tives for their efforts.
According to one organizer,
"The starting teller's salary is
only $70 to $80 per week. This
compares unfavorably with the
wages of other white-collar
clerical workers."
Another teller at Huron Valley
who intends to vote for the
uniorr said, "I like my job a lot.
Hut we're underpaid. It took a
couple of months to fully train
"It takes a couple of months
to fully train a secretary or a
bookkeeper. Yet we make con-
siderably less than any union
employee with a comparable job
and comparable training," he

Hospital visit
Cornelia Wallace, the wife of Alabama Gov. George Wallace,
arrives at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington yesterday
to visit the Secret Service man who was shot along with her
husband in Laurel, Md. on Monday. A Secret Service man ae-
companies her.
arison seeks Dem
seat in State House

Marvin Carlson, a graduate
student in political theory, has
announced his candidacy for the
Democratic party nomination for
the State House of Representa-
tives 53rd district.
Perry Bullard, a lawyer, is also
seeking the nomination.
According to a statement, Carl-
son supports 'the removal of all
criminal and civil penalties at-
tached to the private use or
sale of marijuana."
But, the statement continues,
"I do not advocate the use of
drugs of any kind and am per-
sonally opposed to the use of
those which are addictive. 'Highs'
can be obtained by free, loving
persons just as well, but I will

not preach in the form of law to
others to follow my choice.,
Carlson also supports the re-
peal of abortion laws, the in-
itiation of a guaranteed annual
income and free health care.

Seafood, Chop Steaks, Spaghetti
50 CENTS OFF on medium and large
pizzas after 5 p.m.


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