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May 16, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-05-16

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Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
Uaiversity of Michigan
Thursday May 16, 1974
News Phone: 764 0552
Letter from the editor:
Diamonds are forever
I just finished reading about your gift of jewelry
from the Saudi Arabian royal family in the New York
Times and, contemplating my $26 class ring and my
$3.50 gold plated chain from Bays Jewelers of Ann Arbor,
I decided that a $52,400 diamond and emerald ditty could
add a lot of class to my jewelry box.
Since I am a citizen of the United States, and the
jewels were given to my beloved country, I feel it only
Fair and Democratic that I get a crack at displaying
This matter is of special concern to me since I have
just been invited to a pledge formal and emerald green
and white will go with any corsage.
I have long been an admirer of your exquisite taste
and I can just hear the oohs and ahs and gollys of all
my sorority sisters when they find out that I am sporting
jewels which were once worn by you.
I figure that they could do the same job of dressing
up my Levis and tee shirts that they do for the Simplic-
ity patterns which I hear you, Trish, and Julie whip up
in the Oval Office after hours. I have often greatly ad-
mired you for that. It's hard to believe your clothes are
IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER gifts which you have left
undisclosed. I would greatly appreciate it if you would
send them along too.
I don't want to be setfish about this, of course. I can
just imagine how my mother's green eyes would twinkle
with that stunning brooch, and she could finally stop
bragging about that rhinestone nose ring she got from
an old neivhbor of ours, And then there is my kid sister
who has always dreamed of being a princess.
If you have too much trouble parting with the gems,
which seems likely since you kept them a secret for two
years, you could always rent them out on an hourly basis.
If you rent them out at a dollar an hour, in a mere
468,340,603,419 hours you will have paid off the national
public debt with 15c to spare.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I will
be waiting to hear from you shortly.

Welcome to the insect house:
Remember the birds and bees,'?

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Controversy over the
environmental impact of pesticides has stimulat-
ed a search for alternate ways of doing in in-
Toward that end, a recent news release from
the National Geographic Society may prove sign-
'The males of some species of moths and
butterflies gather in swarms around mud pud-
dles to sip water," the Geographic reports.
"After spending several days in such a 'drink-
ing society,' the males often fly off to look for
Does that remind you of anyone you know?
Uncle Harry, for instance?
I mean, here we have a behavior pattern that
appears ideally suited to pest control.
lOGIC TELLS us there must be many other
Uncle Flarrys in the insect world besides moths
and butterflies. Perhaps flies, mosquitos, horn-
worms, boll weevils and some of the other
more destructive or bothersome varieties.
Now that they know what to look for, entomolo-
gists can quickly determine which insects form
male drinking groups that wind i4p "'chasing
skirts," so to speak.
Then it is simply a matter of using that in-
formation against them. Do you see the potential
modus operandi?,
If their behavior pattern can be disrupted, mat-
ing will be impeded and reproduction will decline.

Thus achieving in the long run what DDT once
It seems to me an investigation of this nature
should begin with 'the assumption that there is
something about sipping muddy water with his
buddies that turns a male moth on. Ditto the
male butterfly. Two possibilities present them-
EITHER THE muddy water acts as a sort of
aphrodisiac, or it causes male moths and butter-
flies to lose their inhibitions. I suspect the latter.
Chances are those moths and butterflies you
see bellying up to a mudhole are too shy to seek
feminine companiesship under normal conditions.
But after a few sips with the boys, they are
boasting about their conquests and pretty soon
they work up enough Dutch courage to make
a pass at some female.
If I am ,on the right track here, the trick -vill
be to change insects from uncle Harys to Uncle
,Uncle Clyde, of course, can't spend even as
much as an hour in a "drinking society" without
getting into a fight. After which he is in no condi-
tion to make love.
WE NEED something to affect insects that
way. Rather than flying off to look for mates,
they would begin claiming "I can lick any moth
in this mad puddle."
Any good chemist should be able to devise
such a formula. Just spray on muddy water and
it starts a butterfly brawl.

Strns 'Slaft
tS(titriai Dirrctsr
Arts Editor

Letters to the Daily


DAVID wa3it"I\G

Night Editor
. . Night Editor
Night Editor
Night Editor
Night Editor
Asst. Night Editor
Asst. Night Editor
Asst. Night Editor
Ass't. Night Editor
... Ass't. Night Editor


To The Daily:
IN LIGHT of the current film
controversy I have written a
letter of support for the student
co-ops to President Fleming and
would like to urge other ftim
enthusiasts to do the same. Let's
show the co-ops that we tave
appreciated the opportunity to
see both contemporary a a d
classic films at low costs in con-
venient (though not always com-
fyl) locations. I for one can-
not afford, culturally or financ-°
ially, to see the student co-ops
forced into non-existence. Des-
pite our summertime numbers,
let's rally together in support of
the co-ops.
-Kimberly Allen
May 12
To The Daily:
IT APPEARS that Veterans of
the Vietnam Era are getting the
dirty end of the stick. The G.I.
Bill is inadequate in meeting the
costs of obtaining an education.
Try paying tuition and rent and
buying books, supplies; and gro-
ceries with $220.00 a month.
What is more, because the Fin-
ancial Aids Office views t h e
G.I Bill as a gift, most vet-
erans are ineligible for any
other assistance in financing
their educations.
On the job market many pros-
pective employers discount "mil-

itary experience" and no con-
sideration is given to time lost
because of military service.
As most veterans of the Viet-
nam Era did not freely choose
to serve in the Armed Services
they are victims of some very
unfavorable circumstances.
Some of the same countrymen
who a few years ago *vere tell-
ing young men to be "proud to
serve America" are, now, the
ones who do not want to provide
compensation for those who did
VETERANS OF the Vietnam
Era, we would like to see some
changes made. If you have sug-
gestions as to what should be
done or complaints about what
is being done, call Dan Fnrris-
ter, 971-8138 from 10:00 p s. 'til
12:00 midnight or Calvin Luk =r
at 426-4523 from 11:00 p.m. 'til
1:00 a.m.
-Calvin Luker
Daniel K. Forrister
April 14
To The Daily:
the mailbox and was overjoyed
to find the gold paper admitting
me to the U-M graduate school.
What an honor! After knowing
that so many others had been
turned down from this prestig-
ious University, where even the
freshman class is known to be
smarter, more success-oriented,
and more liberal than any school
in Michigan and almost a n y

school in the country (results of
a recent survey), I was in.
However, after reading ebaut
Michigan's disgusting reception
for one of their own, Vice-trcsi-
dent Gerald Ford, I seriously
question how smart, how suc-
cessful, and how liberal U-M
students actually are. Trying to
prevent a man from speaking
his piece sounds more like Fas-
cism to me than anything G',said
Ford has ever done, as sloes
condemning President i i x o n
without due process of law.
it upon themselves to do this
do not see their gross lack of
intellignce in this matter, I
would suggest that the Univer-
sity of Michigan revise its en-
trance exams and qualificaons
to keep the caliber of student
at the level it once was.
-Susan K. Maciak
May 5
Letters to The Dt, vhoe.tt
be mailed to the Editorial
D i r e c to r or delivered to
Mary Rafferty in the Student
Publications business office
in the Michigan Daily build-
ing. Letters should be typed,
double-spaced and normally
should not exceed 250 words.
The Editorial Directors re-
serve the right to edit all
letters -submnitted.

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