Thursday, May 16, 1974
Page Three
Ypsi HRP Baby lippo takes hold
By DAVID WHITING vote majority needed to pass a resolu- they were only able to capture one cottn- Gainer, who feels that virtually all to-
During a harsh, bleak winter two years tion. cil seat - and this a narrow victory cal radicals support IIRP, comments,
ago members of Ann Arbor's Human In the spring of 1972, an emerging, in- against one of the weaker Democratic "We have to get more liberal elements."
Rights Party (HRP) drove to Ypsilanti in spired Ann Arbor HRP was able to win candidates. Gainer attributes Ann Arbor's HRP
hopes of expanding their party's base two council seats with the help of the Meanwhile, the Ypsilanti electorate difficulties to "warring (leftist) fac-
and possibly getting some candidates recently adopted 18-year-old vote, granted a surprising victory to two HRP tions." Another HRP spokesperson
elected-eventually. At the same time, the Ypsilanti HRP candidates and approved a five dollar claims, "We're much more unified than
in April, Ypsilanti's HP, often char- scrambled to get its candidates on the marijuana penalty nearly identical to Ann Arbor."
acterized as a coalition of "hippies and ballot and suffered a sound defeat. Ann Arbor's.
hillbillies," clearly established roots in POINTING OUT that Ypsilanti, unlike
the city by electing two people to con- LAST YEAR Ann Arbor's HRP ran 'JERRY GAINER, an HRP spokesman Ann Arbor, has no research facilities,
ci candidates for both mayor and council, and organizer in Ypsilanti, believes that Gainer said IIRP "has more effect be-
but failed to capture any office and with this kind of election results, the cause there are less people and less eco-
HRP MEMBERS Harold Baize (Third were greeted by cries of "vote splitting" "myth" about Ypsilanti being a "red- nomic diversity."
Ward) and Eric Jackson (Fourth Ward) by city Democrats, as Republicans took neck town" will be shattered. He also sees the party as a "coalition
constitute the swing votes on the Ypsi- the majority position on council. Councilman - elect Jackson agrees, of leftist ideas" and "less structured"
lanti council since neither the Repub- After last April's election, Ann Arbor's "There's a big difference between a than Ann Arbor's HRP.
licans nor the Democrats have the six HRP professes to be optimistic although hillbilly and a redneck." See YPSI, Page 10
Electronic guards
I nab UGLI thieves
The Undergraduate Library is serving
notice on light-fingered students with a
penchant for filching University books.
From now on, automation will turn the
rip-off game into real work.
Gone are the dour guards who searched
knapsacks, laundry bags, and some of the
other places incorrigible students have
found to hide books they wish to borrow
without troubling the check-out desk
NOW INSTEAD, electronic eyes scan
the steady stream of bodies leaving the
library and no hiding place escapes the
mechanical sentries.
The security system is modeled after
-and looks remarkably like-the metal
detectors currently used in most air-
ports. But rather than finding guns, the
sensors react to electromagnetic strips
unobstrusively placed in all the books.
When a book is officially checked
out the strip is de-magnetized and the
borrower can leave, volume in hand,
without any problems.
BUT WOE to the person who tries to
slip away before having his library books
desensitized. As he passes through the
detector, a metal gate blocking the path
to the main exit refuses to budge and a
loud buzzer begins to ring - imme-
diately drawing library personnel to the
AP Photo By next fall, the system, now installed
in the UGLI, will also be operational in
Sm oke-filled room the graduate library, thereby protecting
Firemen clean up House Speaker Carl Albert's Washington apartment after a nearly 2.5 million books and other print-
blaze damaged the house early yesterday morning. The Oklahoma Democrat ed materials.
was in New York City making a speech when the blaze broke out, but his wife In addition, the new system should
suffered a minor head injury. make leaving the libraries a much quick-
Pizz Bobs Upown A
'fvor'ite'tadition lives
er operation by reducing the long lines
of people waiting to be cleared.
BOOK 'THEFT has been a recurring
problem for the University. At a given
nioment, "missing" books account for
about 50,000 volumes in the libraries' in-
ventory and a good deal of staff time
spent trying to locate them.
See UGLI, Page 10
'U' fil1m polic
tops Regents'
agenda today
At a public discussion session this
afternoon, the Board of Regents will re-
ceive from the University a draft pro-
posal governing the type of motion pic-
tures on-campus film groups may show.
The proposal, written by University
President Robben Fleming, stiggests that
the movie groups exercise "mature
judgment in offering films" as a solution
to a recent controversy surrounding the
screening of pornographic motion pic-
tures on campus.
ALTHOUGH THE Regents will discuss
the recommendation at the 2 p.m. meet-
ing in the Administration Bldg., they
have scheduled no formal action on the
measure for this month's session.
T st month, the board mandated the
administration to establish some kind of
regulations concerning movies shown in
University facilities because several Re-
gents and Fleming contended that the
showing of hard-core pornographic films
has injured the University's public
The Regents' action was sparked by
a student group's decision early last
month to show Deep Threat In an on-
campus auditorium.-
BECAUSE the organization planned to-
donate the proceeds from the movie to
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor)
who gave his seal of approval to the
screening, the decision drew national at-
Several campus film societies have as-
sailed Fleming's proposal as too vague
and thus difficult to administer fairly
and objectively.
Model CTies
voice sparks
S '
-See Story, Page 5
First of two parts
Pizza Bob died four years ago.
Every year on August 14, the normally
long line at Pizza Bob's reaches even
more humongous proportions as custo-
mers jam the restaurant to take advan-
tage of the one-day half-price bonanza
held to commemmorate his death.
Hopefully, however, the line will be
about half as long at this years memorial
dinner because a new Pizza Bob's has
opened two doors uptown from its parent.
"WE WERE JUST getting more busi-
ness than we could handle in one store,"
commented Pizza Cliff, who was man-
ning the counter at the uptown branch.
"During the school year at lunchtime,
dinnertime and late at night, we were
struggling to put out more food than the
ovens in one store can handle. People
often had to wait as long as an hour
and a half to get their orders. And dur-
ing the Ohio State weekend and theBlues
and Jazz Festival the crowding was just
crazy," he continued.
Cliff adjusted his metal rim glasses
and put a banana-strawberry milkshake
into the stirring machine for a customer.
The shake promptly squirted him in the
face. "Down, boy," he shouted at the
"Right now," he said, wiping the pink
liqtid from his visage, "this store is just
getting the overflow from the old store.
We hope that soon we'll be getting about
half the customers to come uptown
WHY DO SO MANY eaters patronize
Pizza Bob's, now owned by Fast Eddie
and Typical Tim? In order to answer this
question properly, it is necessary to
trace back in history to the restaurant's
In 1966, towards the end of his 22-year
tenure as a cabdriver, Bob Marsh was
picking up extra money by delivering piz-
zas in his cab for Pizza Loy, which was
owned by his friend Wilson Loy. Bob
earned $1.75 an hour.
The store that is now Pizza Bob's was
part of the Pizza Loy chain of two stores
in 1966.
IN OCTOBER of that year, the mana-
ger of the store was informed by his doc-
tor that his lungs were in bad shape.
They were saturated by the pizza dough
flour in the store's atmosphere that he
had been inhaling for years. The doctor
ordered that he either wear a surgeon's
mask at work or get out of the busi-
He got out of the business.
As a result, Wilson Loy neededa new
manager at his State' Street Pizza Loy.
He asked Bob Marsh if he would be will-
ing to take the job temporarily.
WHEN BOB accepted the manager-
ship, he had just returned from a vaca-
tion in New York City, where he had eat-
See PIZZA, Page 10