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August 20, 1974 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-20

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 20, 1974

Page Eight


Tuesday, August 20, 1974

Illini get
KANSAS CITY (R) - The University of Illinois bas-
ketball team was placed on probation for two years
by the National Collegiate Athletic Association yester-
Under the prsbation, the Illinois team will be unable
to participate in postseason competition for one year
and will not be eligible to appear on NCAA television
for one year.
THE NCAA also said the university would be allowed
to grant only three new basketball scholarships for the
1975-76 and 1976-77 academic years.
Head coach Gene Bartow, reached by telephone, said
the probation term was "disappointing."
"Any time you can't participate in post-season games
it's disappointing," Bartow said. "On the other hand,
Illinois has only qualified for one in over 20 years."
"It's really too early to evaluate how this will affect

two year
our program," he added. "We have to rebuild, regroup
and get to the point where we can build a program"
Bartow said he would meet with his staff and hold a
news conference Tuesday.
DURING THE probationary period, recruiting of bas-
ketball prospects will be limited to staff members of
the University of Illinois. Gary Golden, an assistant
football coach, was publicly reprimanded for his in-
volvement in the violations and is prohibited from
recruiting for one year.
The NCAA said that "several instances of violations
of the NCAA constitution and by-laws were uncovered
during the investigation, mostly connected to repre-
sentatives of the institution and former employees of
the institution."
"The sanctions imposed are for one year only," said
George Young, chairman of the NCAA committee on

infractions, "but the institution is on two years proba-
tion and limited in offering financial aid for two
"THE PENALTY also covers those individuals di-
rectly responsible as well as the institution itself for
not maintaining proper control over representatives of
its athletic interests."
The probation was effective Aug. 14.
The NCAA said the violations included providing
meals in private homes for athletes, the use of per-
sonal automobiles, providing dental service without
charge to an athlete and allowing basketball players
to gain free admission to movie theatres in the Cham-
pain-Urbana, Ill., area.
The NCA said the assistant football coach loaned
cash to an athlete to post bond to obtain his release
from jail and provided cash to several athletes for
other purposes.

Phillies bow to Reds'


Major League S

WL Pet. GB
Boston 67 54 .554 -
Cleveland 60 57 .513 5
Baltimore 61 59 .508 51/
New York 60 61 .496 7
Milwaukee 58 63 .479 9
Detroit 57 64 .471 10
Oakland 7052 .574 -
Kansas City 63 56 .529 5!
Texas 62 61 .504 8
Chicago 60 62 .492 10
Minnesota 6667.466 10'
Califoenla 46 74 .393 77
Yesterday's Results
Boston 6, Chicago I
Minnesota 6, New York 2
Detroit at California, Inc.
Milwaukee at Oakland, inc.
Today's Games
Kansas City (Fitzmorris 8-3) at
Cleveland (G. Perry 16-7), night.
Texas (Brown 9-9) at Baltimore
(Cuellar 14-9), night.
Chicago (Bahnsen 11-53) at Bos-
ton (Drago 5-7), night.
Minnesota (Blyleven 11-14) at
New York (Dobson 10-14), night.
Milwaukee (Rodrigez 7-2) at
Oakland (Hunter 17-10), night.
Detroit (Lolich 14-14) at Califor-
nia Ryan 16-12), night.

St. Lo
New Y
Los An
San Fe
San D01
Los An,
San Fre
Los A
cago (I
St. L
(P. Nie
7), nigh
7-6), ni
San I
areal (I
ton (Ri

:" <::::f .':;; By The Associated Press
" CINCINNATI -- Joe Mor-
ndins gan slammed two h o m e
NATIONAL LEAGUE runs, including a grand-
slam in a nine-run third
East inning, leading the Cincin-
6L P c GB nati Reds to a 15-2 rout of
'phia 62 60 .508 2y the Philadelphia Phillies
rgl, 67 66 .566 72% as
al 57 62 .479 6 night.
ork 52 66 .441 10% The Reds, staying within 2
o 50 69 .420 13 games of first-place Los Ange-
West les in the National League
teles 76 4. - West, pounced on Wayne Twit-
nlati 74 49 .7 2 f" chell for five runs in the first
65 56 .537 10! two innings, then blew it open
n 62 59 .512 13/ with their biggest inning of the
ancisco 55 61 .447 21 season.
lgo 4875.390 28/ Cincinnati pounded out 13 hits
Yesterday's Results en route to its highest scor-
geles 8, Chicago 7, 12 inn, ing output of the year.
at!i15, 5, Pltduethi2 14-I, who pitched the first seven
al 6, San Diego 4 innings, contributed a two-run
n 2, New York 1, 11 Inn, single in the wild third, in
Today's Games which the Reds sent 14 men to
ngeles (Sutton 10-9) at Chi- the plate and every batter in the
Kremmel 0-1). Cincinnati lineup scored a run.
outs (Foster 7-7) at Atlanta Dick Baney pitched the final
kro 13-10), night two innings, giving up a sacri-
Francsco (Williams 1-3) at fice fly to Bob Boone in the
xgh (Kison 6-7) or Brett 12- Y
ht. eighth.
delphia (Carlton 14-8) or *
r 7-11) at Cincinnati (Kirby
ght. C b cue
)iego (Freisleben 8-6 at Mon- CHICAGO - Bullpen ace
Rors (Apadara14- at H o- Mike Marshall pitched five inn-
ichard 0-0), night. . ings of shutout relief and sin-

Michigan Daily

gled to start Los Angeles' win-
ning rally as the Dodgers push-
ed over the winning run in the
12th inning for an 8-7 victory
over the Chicago Cubs.
The victory ended a six-game
losing streak for the Dodgers,
leaders in the National League
West Division.
12th with a single, moved to
second on a sacrifice, - and
scampered all the way home on
Rick Auerbach's infield out
when the Cubs left the plate un-
The Dodgers, tied it 7-7 in the
seventh inning on Steve Gar-
vey's 16th home run of the sea-
son after Jim Wynn had reach-
ed on an error.
Pirates bucked
man drilled a disputed, tie-

breaking double in the ninth
inning, then scored on pitcher
Ron Bryant's single to give the
San Francisco Giants a 5-2 vic-
tory over the Pittsburgh Pirates
last night.
Garry Maddox drew a leadoff
wilk from Jim Rooker, and
Chris Speier bunted him to
second. Then Kingman lined a
double down the third base line.
walked intentionally, B r y a n t
singled up the middle. Bryant
ended a personal eight-game
losing streak with his first vic-
tory since May 31.
Rooker, whose two-run triple
staked Pittsburgh to a 2-0 lead
in the second inning, also scored
a run to tie the score 3-3 in the
fifth on Manny Sanguillen's sac-
rifice fly.
DETROIT ( P)-The Pittsburgh
Triangles, paced by Ken Rose-
wall and Evonne Goolagong,
handed the Detroit Loves their
worst defeat of the World Team
tennis season, 31-10, last night.
The victory gave Pittsburgh
a commtanding 21-game lead in
the quarter - final p l a y o f f
Miss Goolagong handily whip-
ped Detroit's Rosie Casals 6-1
in women's singles while play-
er-coach Ken Rosewall dumped
Detroit's Phil Dent and sub-
stitute Butch Seewagen by the
same score in men's singles.
Dent, Ietroit's top male play-
er, pulled a back muscle in his
match against Rosewall and
was forced out of action for the
rest of the evening.
The Triangles won all five
NFL Exhibition
Miami 21, Minnesota 9
WTT Playoffs
Pittsburgh 31 roit 10
Philadelphia2 7, Cleveland 1
Denv'er 29,Goltden Gates 56

CINCINNATI'S John Bench does not score one of the Reds fiftee n runs in their 15-2 mauling of the Philadelphia Phillies last nig
Phil's catcher Bob Boone applied the tag to retire Bench, but te first inning putout had little bearing on the game's outcome.

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