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August 20, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-20

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Tuesday, August 20, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page -even
R I R SS . lt s interests. feelings. Attending Med. 1. H. KAPLAN tutoring COUrist to a-dle-U-waltl MBL PRESS, 1217
School. Hobbles: Tennis, music. prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T.. Prospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFt
Jim, 994-5521, 10-12 p.m. best. 74F822 D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams.
-- -- Call (313) 354-6986 ame XEROX AND OFFSET
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ACADEMIC family, Burns Park area, --- a, low cost dupicatlng.
__ - ___------_----- needs sitter for girl. 5, MWF, 8:30- COPY UICK
COOKS-Apply in person. Ramada 1:30 minimum. Offer cash or room 1217 8. University 769-056
DELIVERY HELP WANTED. Apply Inn West. 2800 Jackson Rd. An and board. 769-0250. 891823
82H23 equal opportunity employer. 47H822 ------ - - --- ....RESPONSIBLE, capable typist des-
__22 ---- ---- - UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apt. for perately needs access to IBM selec-
ROOMMATES $175 per month. Pets allowed. AAA- trio typewriter for one or two days.
BABo ITTER nedod for 3 $r. old. 4. Call NASCO. 994-6103. $30 service Willing to compensate owner gen-
0100 and Dosed free or $1.10/hr SECOND PERSON needed to share fee. eFtc 1217 erously for the privilege. Call David,
Daily 11:30-6, weekends and e e large 2 bedroom apartment in house - -.---.- II 763-6416 persistently: leave message
nings flexible. 665-5702 after 6 p.m near Burns Park. Non-smoker grad THE HOTTEST GAME IN TOWN- if not home. dF526
84Ud I p preferred. $125/mo. Call 761-0953 eve- BILLIARD AT THE UNION. S. UN IVERS ITY . - . .AN
and inge. 764823 We get serious about your hair. ARBORINSTANT
UL commercT-Tl Mhotcpn ndd - UM STYLISTS AT THE UNION ° -- -- - _--PRIN T ING
in commeeclal photocopyIng FEMALE ROOMMATE for Fall, Win- F821 Scientology Works
offset printing store. Experience Offset Printing, Xerox, Typing,
helpful but not required. Must like te semester 2-man, 2 bedroom at AN ARTIST in Mexico, Original BE HAPPIER . Weddng and Social Announcemensa
cotc ihpbi.Apyi e- University Towers. $102/mon. 8 A RITi elo rgnl I~r edn
contact with public. Apply In pee month lease. Call Doreen, 264-4375. Drawings $2.00; Real Estate Racket 8eientology Is an applied 214 S. 4th Ave.-994-4664
son to the Copy Mill, 211 B, 8. -64822 and Bunco Game, $1.00; Row to Get religious philosophy -- - - - -
State. 701822 Oil Leases and Mining Claims with
WE NEED one woman starting fall Tax Money, $1.00; The Mexican WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY-Is is-
BABYSITTER term or two women starting winter Relatives of Lyndon B. Johnson and portant enough to hire a profes-
Teacher needs babysitter 8-to 5 p.m. to complete a huge 3-bdrm. apt. on the Biggest Foreign Aid Steal in Tont .nos roDas-
for an eight week old infant. Ref- S. University at Washtenaw. Fully History, $2.00. sional for. Weddings by David-
erences. Burns Park area. 663-9730. furnished. Only $85/mo. Debby, 769- Tom L. Lee, 3420 Idalia, El Paso, Tex8.pe190.g Call 94-5reative440 for aphy
78UN23 7812. dY821 62F820 se1. Cpt-
_____ _______________ ___ meont. olio
BABYSITTER-3 yr, old. 2 days, I GAMMA ALPHA Co-operative House ACTOR OR ACTRESS for Childrens PRAISE THE LORD from Kay Olson,
evenings. 662-8607. 571820 seeks graduate students in science Theatre Company. Call 781-3169. 98F821
TEMORRYJOS vaI"bl Hwof either sex, for Fall occupancy. SOFS20 ir C
TEMPORARY JOBS available nHw. Located In quiet neighborhood, ten WEDDING INVITATIONC-Mod. or
, .minutes walk to campus. Doubles MATCHMAKERS. Meet new compa- traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime.
ROOM AND BOARD and inpayn $30.00 a month Includes all utilities ible people through SATURDAY _
ROOMANDBOAD an inpayin 111 all761 NIGHT INSURANCE. Call 663-1392
return for part-time babysitting for and kitchen privileges. Call 761- NIGT S
2 girls. 2 and 4. Private suite of 9483 evenings and ask for Robin or evenings. eFteQDc
rooms and bath in house near cam- Phil 43Y23 HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, for $320 r ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE AUDITIONS
pus. Starting Sept. Call 66_2 HELP! HELP! HELP! Female needed month. In Howell. Kids and pets
8182 to complete two-person apt. Nice O.K. AAA-6. Call NASCO, 994-6103. G T 1
FFICE - Mature individual with location, reasonable rent. For Infor- $30 service fee. cFtc
typing skills and some bookkeeping matlon call Cheryl, 994-5872. 33Y520 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy
phone manner are essentials. Per- ROOM AND BOARD 1209 S. University, 663-7152. cFtEr e in L
abilty Ao na tuapearncpean Uniquality . diamond -sn Diamond,
fort fnr grad student spouse. ------ - - based on "The Importance of Being Ernest"
Geddes Lakes Townhouses, 761-0325. HOUSEKEEPER PART-TIME LIVE 15% DISCOUNT on all contact lens
64HS23 IN. I'm looking for someone who preparations at the Village Apothe-
--- loves children and who can take cary, 1112 S. University, eFte 11 ROLES AVAILABLE, ol singing
HELP WANTED -- Union Station charge of a household with two - -..-
Restaurant, Michigan Union, reli- school age youngsters. They're In ' GAY Liberation Front Open Meeting AUDITIONS BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CALL
able people wanted. 65H823 school from 9-3:30 and that time is Tues., Aug. 20, 8 p.m. Union, South PAT REILLY, 665-7476 or
- ---- --- -. yours. But I need someone who can Wing, 3rd-floor Conference Room.
INSIDE HELP and delivery person cook, clean, kiss away tears and be All welcome! Come out! Info 763- CAROL DENISTON, 761-2247
with car. Little Caesar's Pizza: firm about bedtime. I live two 4186, 761-2044 (Gay Hotline, 24 hrs.,
Carpenter at Packard, 1751 Ply- blocks from campus. You get room, 7 days), 662-9559 (Black Caucus). - ----- -.....- .
mouth, North Campus Apply after board, salary and weekends off. F
4 p.m. 67H823 Please call Gayle Moore 1-444-1111 - -.-.____ .- ----
- ---- Days, 662-4964 weekends. 42E820 EVERY DAY IS RING DAY at the
BARTENDERS. Apply in person. Ra- . - - Michigan Union. See our display
mada Inn West. 2800 Jackson Rd. SUBLET of clas ringa at the concession th e m stu d io
An equal opportunity employer. stand on the first floor. cFtc
H_22MKblets.R ASSOCIATES Summer OOMS in house with kitchen classroom and private instruction in
EITHE SEX Sublets. Rooms, plusc enctles 1 and
bdomopts., piso whole hue. rilgs.Campus ae.$1 e
E TH ER SEX d campus locations avail- month.ZZ-9 Call NASCO, 994-6103. electronic m usic
WANTED able. Please pick up our listing at 930 service fee. eFtc
811 Church St. cUte - -- -
Start over $850 gauaranteed wit WAIT TO RENT EARN $2.-/Hur COmposition
full benefits. Must be college grad-
uste and demonstrate ability to WANTED -- Efficiency (not base- Females needed for p i d theory
handle a challene. Call for Inter- mnt). Cheap, Beginning Sept. 003- psychology experiments.
2ew between 6 & 8 P.M. 434-574 4 after 9 p.m. persistently. dL816 Call 764-0309 or 764-1590. Partial list of subjects covered during our 12-week course in
PERSONABLE MALE interested in 77F822 electronic music:
WAITRESSES. Apply in person. Ra- the arts and sciences seeks single - " Sound properties and acoustical phenomena
mada Inn West. 2800 Jackson Rd. room for fall in friendly house or R 0 Theory and use of voltage-controlled equipment
An equal opportunity employee. ro o ali redyhueo
1O1522 apartment. Please call Joe, 769-3688. TENNIS INSTRUCTION 0 Electronic generation and modification of sound
dL821 Brian Eisner, U-M Tennis Coach 0 Tape recorder characteristics and operation
FRASER PUB - Part-time help ~RNA eng-neerng student - Mike Ware, U-M Asst. Tennis Coach " Studio recording, splicin and mixinq techniques
wanted. Call 668-9588 between 2-6 PI a e in n Amrka For more information, call 764-0163
p.m. 14H820 lgfoe a place in an AmerIca *e 55E WIteA 945
p~.1180Ifamily. Prefer a quiet ares. Call . . . . -555 E. W ILLIAM 994-544
BABY SITTER-We're looking for persistently, Yusef, 668-0014. 581820 L INDA!!!
an exceptional person to care for MALE STUDENT seeks basement Sitting around, busy as usual, the - - - - _ - -
our two-year-old daughter Wednes- room with bathroom privileges. staffers were talking and doing
days only. Referencen and own Dave, 769-7162. 68L820 nothing. And the same, the very -
transportation. 769-8725. 151820 _- same person (we won't mention any
---------- --- EMPLOYED MALE wants own room names) who disassembled Mark's Se Q C r
HOUSEK EEPER PART-TIME lIVE in apt. or house. Call 768-8555, 700- desk colendar moot unceremonious-C 15.8.e
IN. looking for someone who 6267. dL820 ly, cried out, "WHO'S LINDA?" You
doves children and who can take . - - - - -- - better get your bod back here
charge of a household with two FEMALE NEEDS own room in quick! Some people (namely Debby)
school age youngsters. They're In house on campus for fall. Call is losing sight of reality -(HUH?).
school from 9-3:30 and that time is Kathy at 663-3487. 02L820 dF r C
yours.nButlIned someone who can .-. _ - - ___- Iaa
cook, clean, kiss away tears and be FOR FALL & Winter Terms - WHY WALK FARTHER?
firm about bedtime. I live two Female Grad student seeking clean Get your Levi's cuffed !lairs at
blocks from campus. You get room, apartment in Medical Center area. WILD'S VARSITY SHOP
board, salary and weekends off. Will accept furnished or unfurnish- - --- ---~- -- """"-. P5M .
Please call Gayle Moore 1-444-1111 ed. Rent: $150-175. Call evenings
days, 662-4964 weekends. 41H820 (313) 644-6722. 04L
-I- - SHORT or LONG 611 Church St.
person. Ramada Inn West. 200 '' HAIRSTYLES TO PLEASE (CAMUUS ARCADE)
Jackson Rd. An equal opportunity RADIOS, RAEPAIRS ROOM 2029
employer. 49HB22 - ---.-- DASCOLA
PERFECT JOB for students and/or Class or private instructions - all BARBERS
moonlighters. Honest down-to-earth styles. Our studios also accommo-
people wanted. Plenty of income date banjo, flute & recorder, key- ARBORLAND--971-9975 Cut n M ip E
available in exchange for your board, bass drums, clarinet, obo, MAPLE VILLAGE-761-2733
energy. Call 994-0919. 18H1821 & sax. Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, E. LIBERTY-668-9329 TEUINFRPBI MLYE
- - - - 769-4900. eXto E. UNIVERSITY-662-0354 THE UNION FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES
DISHWASHERS - Apply in person.
Ramada Inn West, 2800 Jackson Rd. RENT A GUITAR. Why Buy? Lee-
An equal opportunity employer. sona available to-boot) Your quality
46H822 music store, Apollo Music Center,
769-14(10. 0et 24s nvri
COCKTAIL waitress or waiter. After 4 y
4 p.m., 769-5960. 061823 GUILD D 35, $330. Apollo Music
-- Center. 761-9430, eXte
person. Ramada- Inn West. 2800 USED UPRIGHT PIANO. $99.50.
Jackson Rd. An equal opportunity Dark finish, in good shape. Apollo r P
employer. 48H822 I MusIc Center, 761-9430. eXtcR
-------.- - _ . .- ---- - RATED PG RATED PG RAYED PG
Weekends at 2:45, BILL COSBY
G7 P 605 and 9:20PM .. . Boisterously funny SIDNEY POITIER
Man-Tues. 019 P.M. only oldtime force .. .HARR E LAOTE

Peugeot-Diesel A Vincent CHnEy UPTOWN
New York Times S DA
Michael Sarrazin in ~
Joanne Woodward "FOR
4-door, sunroof INTRODUCING: the only Die- Summer Wishes,
sel station wagon in Americo Winter Dreams PETE'S -
$NTRODUCING: The sedan that costs obout
$2,540 less than the other Diesel, it Rahmer'sFrench Classic
"CLAIRE'S KNEE" IEWeekend shows at
907 N. MAIN at DEPOT ST 769-7935 M 4:20 and 7:45 Shows cat-3--7-9 . M
Mand Tues. at 7:15 only Shw t13579~7 and 9 P.M. only

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