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August 13, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-13

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Tuesday, August 13, 1974


Page Nine

Ford csks Congress for
drive to fight inflation

(Continued from Page 1)
Nixon from office and made
hhn President last Friday.
"THERE WILL be no illegal
tapings, eavesdroppings, bug-
gings or break-ins by my ad-
ministration," he said. "There
will be hot pursuit of tough
laws to prevent illegal invasions
of privacy in both government
and private activities."
In a statement aimed at re-
assuring allies overseas and
cautioning potential adversa-
ries, Ford pledged to continue
the Nixon foreign policy and
then added:
"Let there be no doubt
or mis'nderstanding anywhere.
There are no opportunities to
exnloit, should anyone so desire.
There will be no change of
course, no relaxation of vigil-
ance, no abandonment of the
helm of our Shin of State as the
watch changes."
THE NEW President made
clear that he would support
maintenance of the nation's
military strength.
"We cannot rely on the fore-
bearance of others to protect
this nation," he said.
"The power and diversity of
the armed forces, the resolve
of our fellow citizens, the flex-
ibility in our command to navi-
gate international waters that
remain troubled-all are vital
to our national security."
"A strong defense is the
srest way to peace," he said.
"Strength makes detente attain-
able. Weakness invites war, as
my generation know from four
bitter experiences."
FORD SAID he has instruct-
ed officials of his administra-
tion "to make fiscal restraint
their first order of business,
and to save every taxpayer's
dollar the safety and genuine
welfare of the country will per-
He urged Congress to follssv
suit and warned that he would
use his veto power to fight
sending he considers exces-
"Tonight is no time to threat-
en you with vetoes," Ford said.
"But I do have that last re-
course and am a veteran of
many a veto fight in this very
chamber. Can't we do the job
better by reasonable compro-
would sign the Elementary and
Secondary Education Bill pass-
ed last week by Congress but
added that "I will oppose ex-
cessive funding during this in-
flationary crisis.,
He also called on Congress to
act on a proposed national
health insurance plan before it
adjourns for the year.
Ford addressed himself also
to the diplomatic corps a som-
bled at the Capitol, promising
to deal openly with both allies
and adversaries, and to con-
tinue in support of "the out-
standing foreign policy of Pres-
ident Nixon."
"THERE WILL be no change
of course, no relaxation of vigil-
ance, no abandonment of the
helm of our ship of state as the
watch changes," the President
said. "We stand by our com-
mitments and will live up to
our responsibilities, in our or-
mal alliances, in our frine-d-
ships and in our improving re-
lations with any potential ad-
He said America's will for
peace will be second to none,
and "so will America's strength
be second to none."

While his principle focus was
on inflation and the economy,
Ford made these specific
points with regard to foreign
--To Western Hemisphere na-
tions he pledged "deepening
dialogue to define renewed re-
lationships of equality and jus-.
Tice." -
--To Asian allies, ad partic-

ularly South Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia, Ford pledged "a
continuity in our support for
their security, independence
and economic development."
-He vowed to continue the
policy of detente with the Soviet
Union saying "there can be no
alternative to a positive and
peaceful relationship between
our nations."
-To China he promised a con-
tinuation of the relationship
started by Nixon.
--He pledged ongoing nego-
tiations aimed at a lasting set-
tlement in the Middle East.
-"To all nations," he con-
cluded "I pledge continuity in
seeking a common global goal;
a stable international structure
of trade and finances which re-
flects the interdependence of all
FORD said there was no need
for him to preach public moral-
ity; that there are better
preachers and the Scriptures "to
guide us on the path of personal
right-living and exemplary of-
ficial conduct."
" . Frequently along the
tortorous road of recent
months, from this chamber to
the President's house, I pro-
tested that I was my own man,"
Ford said. "Now I realize that
I was wrong.
"I am your man, for it was
your carefully weighed confir-
mation that changed my occu-
pation," he said. "I am the
people's man for you acted in
their name, and I accepted and
began my new and solemn trust
with a promise to serve all the
people, and to do the best I can
for America."
Ford made no mention of his
coming appointment of a new
vice president, a choice that
will be subject to the confirma-
tion of the Democratic Con-
gress, as was his own nomina-
tion as No. 2 man.
"Fellow Americans, a final
word," he concluded. "1 want
to be a good President. I need
your help. We all need God's
sure guidance.
"With it, nothing can stop the
United States of America."
A $25-million convention cen-
ter under construction in Kan-
sas City will more than daable
that city's current $30-million
annual convention business vol-
time by 1976, says Mayor Char-
les Wheeler.

AP Photo
THE HANDWRITING was on the wall for former President Nixon. Nixon's signature, from the
time he took office in 1969, top, through the bottom one made recently, mirror the changes
Nixon underwent as the Watergate crisis engulfed his administration, finally forcing his resig-
nation. Graphologist Felix Lehman of New York says the disintergration handwriting shows "a
person sinking within himself."
Nixon's signature shows strain

(Continued from Page 3)
TURNING to the second sig-
nature, Lehmann contended:
"He goes from an appearance
NEW YORK (P1) -There are
more than 300 adult and junior
camps in the United States that
teach nothing but tennis, ac-
cording to Nick Bollettieri, di-
rector of the All American
Sports tennis camps. This sum-
mer nearly 200,000 Americans
will gladly risk blisters, muscle
pulls and bruised egos at these
camps to master the booming

of clarity to being wishy-washy.
He always has been hiding
things . . . But in this signature
there is still hope."
"There's nothing left," Leh-
mann continued, regardingthe
lost of the three signatures.
"Only a shadow. His ambitions
are over. A shapeless stroke,
ambiguity. A disintegration of
- .ag . ....u -

personality, a person sinking
within himself."
Summing up, Lehmann de-
scribed the first signature as
"ugly," the second as evincing
eaw power,' while the third
"has something of beauty in
it, a melancholy fluidity, a kind
of harmony, musical, letting it
go the way it wants."

Jean Genet's
''. . here is the complete and unshackled
expression of an utterly evil and decadent
mind .
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