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May 14, 1974 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-14

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Page Ten


Tuesday, May 14, 197

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 14, l97~

(Continued from Page 3)
Reinecke's attorneys t o I d
Parker that Reincke was mis-
led and trapped by agents of
the government.
CONNOLLY was questioned at
length about a number of con-
versations he had with Frank
Pagliaro Jr., at that time Rei-
necke's principal attorney. The
conversations began in mid-July
of last year.
Did Connolly tell the attorney
that Reinecke could surmount
his personal problems if he
would cooperate and if he dis-
played an excellent memory?
Cox asked.
"No, Idid not . . . I pointed
out one or two areas of Mr.
Reinecke's account as he gave
it to us that left me uneasy in
terms of hic credibility," said
like to be tried by his peers in
California - if he is to face
trial at all - where he believes
the political climate is different
than in Washington.

Trucker strike sparsely

By The Associated Press said Bill Clark, a Maryland
Independent truckers k e p t State Police spokesman.
their rigs rolling yesterday, gen- Militants who called for the
erally ignoring a call for a latest shutdown claimed it was
nationwide s t r i k e over fuel highly effective in several areas,
prices and speed limits. There but their estimates could not be
was scattered violence in a few confirmed.
areas, but authorities in most
places said truck traffic was JAMES COX, information of-
normal. ficer for the state police in
"We've got zero problems," Pennsylvania, w h e r e earlier
Taylor loins race

(Continued from Page 3)
The observers also seem to
feel that Taylor may be the
proper candidate-she has a
long record of activism coupled
with a relatively "down to
earth" image.
"PEOPLE VIND Perry erratic
at times and difficult to deal
with," one Democratic party
member said last night. "He is
just off in his own world." The
Democratic insider contended
that Bllard's involvement with
Deep Throat has made the rep-
resentative "look silly."
He went on to speculate that
Taylor would probably have to
be considered the front runner
as soon as she officially enters
the primary contest.
Taylor sees her strength in
hitting Bullard's image in Lan-
sing and his relative ineffective-

ness as a legislator that has re-
sulted from his presence at the
Hash Bash and support of the
pornographic movie, according
to the commissioner.
"HIS ANTICS have pissed off
people in Lansing," she said.
"Consequently they write him
and the issues he advocates off
as irrelevant, but those issues
by and large are very import-
She further charged that Bul-
lard has consistently failed to
establish a clear set of priori-
ties and as a result "his con-
stituents have not gotten a real
Nonetheless, Taylor concedes
that she and Bullard would prob-
ably vote the same way on most
measures but for what she said
would be "very different rea-

shutdowns sparked violence and
cut traffic, said at midafter-
noon: "Truck traffic is smooth
and normal in volume and
every other way. This is just
an ordinary Monday." He said
11 incidents of violence had been
reported, most minor and most
before daybreak.
Other violence was reported
in Georgia, Tennessee, Ken-
tucky and Oklahoma. Most of
the incidents involved wind-
shields smashed by rocks or
sniper fire, and no injuries were
Michael Parkhurst, editor of
Overdrive magazine, a Los An-
geles-based industry publication
that called for the shutdown,
s a i d state officials couldn't
prove their claim that truck
traffic was normal. 'He said
their reports were "pure guess-
HE SAID produce shipments
from Florida were "down to a
mere trickle" and claimed a
Colorado meat processing plant
had shut down because of the
work stoppage.
The manager of the Pompano
State Farmers' Market, one of
Florida's busiest shippers, con-
firmed that shipments were
down, but said the strike had
nothing to do with it.
"P r o d u c e shipments from
Florida are down . . . because
this is toward the end of the
season for us. We don't have

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that much to ship," he said.
"Everything's normal here."
Colorado authorities had no
report of strike activity. A
spokesperson for Montfort of
Colorado, the state's largest
meat packing plant, said offi-
cials were watching the situa-
tion, but reported that the shut-
down had had no effect so far.
THE PROTEST was the third
by independent driver-owners in
recent months. Many truckers
said they couldn't afford to shut
down again after the work sto-
pages in December and Feb-
"The feeling is we definitely
should shut down, but we can't
afford it," said John Pinchot,
president of the Connecticut
Independent Truckers Associa-
The February job action last-
ed 11 days, claimed two drivers'
lives and resulted in temporary
layoffs for thousands of work-
ers in affected industries. It
ended after negotiators for the
government and the estimated
100,000 truckers who own their
own rigs worked out an agree-
ment providing increased sup-
plies of diesel fueland permit-
ting the drivers to pass some uf
the fuel cost increases on to
their customers.
Leaders of yesterday's werk
stoppage said they wanted a
fuel price rollback, an increase
in the 55 mph. speed limt,
higher weight limits for truks
and an audit of the oil com-
Supreme Ct.
bug evidence
(Continued from Page 1)
tually been approved by Mit-
chell himself. This the court ap-
In other action yesterday, the
-Rejected International Busi-
ness Machines Corp.'s request
for Supreme Court review of a
lower court order that it turn
over some 700 documents to gov-
ernment anti-trust lawyers or
face a fine of $150,000 a day;
-Ruled 5-to-4 that the public
Chicago Transit Authority can
refuse to accept ads calling for
President Nixon's impeachment,
even though it accepts paid po-
litical advertisements for such
causes as election campaigns
and antiwar positions.
-Refused to hear a plea that
universities discrimi-
nate against women students
when they require them to obey
dormitory curfews not imposed
on men students.
Daily Official Bulletin
-- :amm..
Tuesday, May 14
Day Calendar
Dental Schan, Dental Reearch
tot.: Bangt Magnuson, University
of Gothenburg, Sweden. 'Hstoloegie
Evaluations of Popotomy in the
Primary Denaton":- A0 3elogg 1
Baseball: U-M vs. Central Michi-
gao (2 games): Fisher Stadium, 2
.Aerospace, App. Meeh., Tng. st.:
John Russett, "WhiriIng Cable wth
viscous Drag": 229 W. Engs., 4.
General Notices
MAY 23, 1974 (5:0( p.m.) is last
date Cr SprIng halC Term and
Sprng-Summer Term when Regis-
trar's OCfice will: a. Accept the
Student 10 per tent withdrawal
Notice for refund purposes. (Eclud-
ing a W50.00 dsenrollment fee. b.
Allow refund for the student who
reduces hours of course credit. May
30, 1974 (4:00 p.m.) is last date for
Spring HalC Term when Registrar's
Office will allow refund for a 5)

per cent Withdrawal.
Career Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, 764-7456
Interviewing on Campus. Tues.,
June 4: IBM (far Various locations).
BS/MS: All disciplines for Marketing
& System Engineering Trainees &
BS/Ms: Comp. Sei., Math, Physics.
Chem. or equiv. for System Analysis
& Programming. Dec. '73. May '14
and Spring - Summer grads are en-
couraged to sign up for interview at
CP&P. -

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