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May 14, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-14

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Tuesday, May 14, 1974


Page Nine

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pprapriate belied so completely the bulk of his prepared
ut to end. text and the tone of the ceremony itself. To
ad every- call for "freedom with discipline" may be con-
it was ex- ventional graduation rhetoric, but given the
icism and political climate, seemed especially inappropri-
hash yOU ate, particularly when offered by a politician
:ties were who has recently oscillated from obfuscation to
the Vice apology with only occasional bursts of candor.
Whatever his intention, Ford's address imparted
to the graduates an ironically timely message.
d s the The Vice President mentioned at the very
dstace of beginning of his remarks that 39. years later, he
ile bitted couldn't remember who had spoken at his own
pearanlce commencement. Despite his lackluster perform-
oerming ance, however, it is increasingly likely that Jer-
na n- ry Ford won't fade from the public conscious-
tes-turned ness all that easily. The tired exhortations of
Ier to the graduation day-to meet new and different
tisslessly challenges with honesty and diligence, etc. --
J i few were just as relevant to Ford himself as to any
ty s o of the graduates in Crisler Arena, and probably
sized for much more imminent. In any case, a goodly
ie. fosr number of University alumni, new and old, are
W Most uncomfortably facing the future.
remarks -David Margolick

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