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August 06, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-06

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Tuesday, August 6, 1974

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 6, 1974

In the news this morning

NICOSIA, Cyprus-A shootout last night be-
tween Greek and Turkish Cypriots in the
eastern port of Famagusta broke the tenuous
cease-fire in Cyprus. Earlier in the day, the
cease-fire appeared to be taking hold through-
out the island as a joint military commission
continued efforts to establish acceptable boun-
daries between Turkish and Greek Cypriot
troops. A spokesman for the United Nations
peacekeeping force reported heavy firing for
three hours around the medieval fort in old
Famagusta, overlooking the main port and
warehouse facilities on Cyprus. No casualty
figures were available.
MOSCOW - Ambassadors of the United
States, Britain and France made formal pro-
tests yesterday to the Soviet Union over recent
interference with Western access to Berlin.
Communist East Germany has been delaying
traffic on highways linking West Germany and
West Berlin following establishment of a West
German environment agency in West Berlin
two weeks ago. The Soviet bloc maintains that
West German creation of the agency in Berlin
runs counter to the four-power agreement for
the city.
WASHINGTON-The International Brother-
hood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) struck
Western Electric Co. plants in eight states

yesterday after rejecting a tentative nation-
wide settlement covering 700,000 other tele-
phone company employes. Negotiators repre-
senting IBEW members at Western Electric,
the manufacturing arm of the Bell System,
called the national agreement inadequate.
Picket lines went up at 10 plants, including
three in the Chicago area, and at Omaha,
Neb.; Columbus, Ohio; Shreveport, La.; Okla-
homa City; Indianapolis; Kearny, N.J.; and
Allentown, Pa. About 50,000 workers were in-
volved, the company said.
WASHINGTON-The House passed a drug-
control bill yesterday authorizing $480 million
for a three-year continuation of the 1970
Controlled Substances Act while repealing the
law's controversial no-knock provision. The
no-knock feature permits federal judges to
issue warrants authorizing Justice Department
agents to break into residences unannounced
for searches in cases where it is believed the
property being sought would be quickly de-
stroyed or the agents would be in danger if
they knocked before entering.
Contrary to popular opinion, autumn has not
come upon us, yet. Today's forecast-and
tomorrow's too for that matter-is mostly
sunny with highs in the low 80's. Tonight will
be fair with temperatures dropping to the mid
50's. Today's breeze is travelling southwesterly
at 10 to 15 miles, and there's less than a 20
per cent chance of rain.

6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News
9 Andy Griffith
20 Leave It To Beaver
74 ABC News--Smith/
310 Zoom
50 Avengers
56 Carrascolendas
C:30 4 13 NBC News-John
7 ABC News--Smith/
9 I Dream of Jeannie
11 CBS News-Walter
20 Nanny and the Professor
G 24 Dick Van Dyke
30 Lilias, Yoga and Von
56 The Session
7:00 2 CBS News--Walter
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
S Beverly Billhillies
11 To Tel the Troth
13 What's My Line?
20 Rifleman
24 Dealer's Choice
30 Impressions
50 Untouchables
56 Evening at Pops
57 Electric Company
7:30 2 13 Teuth or Consequiences
4 Auduhon Wildiife Theatre
7 New Price is Right
S News -
11 'olywood Squares
20 Burke's Law
24 Wait Till Your Father
Gets Home
30 Zoo
57 Lilias, Yoga and You
8:00 2 it Maude
7 24 Happy Days
9 CFL Football
30 57 Man Builds, Man
50 McHale's Navy
56 Pete Seeger
8:30 2 11 Hawaii Five-0
4 13 Tenafly
7 24 Movie
20 Judd for the Defense
30 57 Eye to Eye
50 Merv Griffin
56 Introducing Roy
9:00 30 57 Jeanne Wolf With ...
9:30 2 11 Shaft
20 Seven Hundred Club
30 57 Performance
10:00 4 13 Police Story
7 24 Marcus Welby, M.D.
30 Washington Debate
for the '70s
50 Perry Mason
56 Our Street
57 Ohio This Week
10:30 9 Target The impossible
56 Fossil Affair
57 Day At Night
11:00 2 4 7,11 13 24 News
9 CBC News-Lloyd
Ab Sixth sense
11:20 0 News
11:30 2 11 Movie
"The Fare of Fu Manchu"
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 Wide World Mystery
20 Manna
So Movie
"Bumsoresque." (19M6)
12:00 9 Saint

Bullard uses
more money
for mailing
During the first half of 1974,
State Representative P e r r y
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) mailed
ut letters at a greater cost to
taxpayers than any other area
House member.
Although the postage is used
to send legislative documents,
which is perfectly legal, the ma-
terial greatly increases a legis-
taors visability around election
Bullard faces opposition from
Washtenaw County Commission-
er Elizabeth Taylor in today's
primary election.
As of June 30, Bullard had
spent some $6,000 in state funds
to dispense information to his
constituents. This compares to
about $2,000 each for G a r y
Owen (D-Ypsilanti), Raymond
Smith (R-Ann Arbor), and
Thomas Sharpe (R-Howell).
None of these representatives is
in a primary contest.
The top spender in the House
during the past six months was
Warren O'Brien (D-Warren) who
mailed out nearly $9,000 in let-
ters at government expense.
Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday, August 6
Day Calendar
WUOM: Dick Gregory, civil rights
activist & comedian, at Univ. of
Denver. 10:00 am.
A-V Ctr.: In Search of Ancient
Astronauts, Aud. 3, MLB, 7 pm.
Repertory '74: Wilson's "The Boy-
lriend," Power Cler, 18pm.
Volume LXXXIV, No. 56-S
Tuesday, August 6, 1974
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a iil y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 ilocal mail (Michigan and Ohio);
412 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Soturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $0.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
1:00 4 Tomorrow
7 13 News
1:30 2 Movie
"Northwest Trail" (594)
11 News
2:00 4 Shadows on the Wall
2:30 4 News
3:00 2 News

Help Elect our First Congresswoman . . .
Marl Lansing
It's not easy for women to go to Congress. Of 435 House members, 16 are women,
and four of the most experienced women are retiring this year. As a former New
England Coordinator for the Henry Wallace peace campaign, former Research In-
vestigator for the U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee, former Field Consultant for the
National Federation of Business and Professional Women, former Chairman of the
Eastern Michigan University Political Science Department, First President of the Ann
Arbor Democratic Women's Club, member of the Founding Committee of the UM
Center for the Continuing Education of Women, teacher of the first women's studies
course at EMU, nationally recognized authority on the politics of women, and former
Chairwoman of the Ann Arbor Township Committee and Washtenaw County Demo-
cratic Committee (the list goes on . . .) Marj Lansing is an unusually well qualified
candidate for Congress. Yet she is one of the few women in the country, and the only
woman in Michigan, with a good chance to go to Congress this year.
The impeachment of Nixon and the discrediting of his administration will provide
Congress with certain opportunities. Marl wants Congress to reassert its powers, par-
ticularly in control of the military. She will fight for an end to U.S. funding for the
continuing war in Southeast Asia, Congressional control of the Pentagon and the
C.I.A., drastic cuts in the military budget, and go to Saigon to help end American
complicity in political imprisonment and torture by the Thieu regime.
Mari has called Esch a "fair-weather friend of education." She has been ranked
"most qualified" by the Michigan Education Association, and received the EMU Student
Senate Excellent Teacher Award in 1972. She was narrowly defeated for UM Regent
in 1972. She supports federal programs to reduce or defer tuition and to improve the
quality of higher education. She would be a highly effective advocate for education
at alllevels.
Students for Lansing
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Don't Just Stand There, Help
(con be moiled to your congressmen
30c 4 for $1
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