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August 06, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-08-06

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Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 56-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 6, 1974 Ten Cents Twelve Pages






Backers abandon President

WASHINGTON UP) -- President
Nixon admitted yesterday that he
withheld Watergate evidence from
Congress and his own lawyers. The
new evidence that Nixon made
public shows that he authorized an
attempt to thwart an FBI Water-
gate investigation.
Nixon also acknowledged that his
impeachment by the House is "vir-
tually a foregone conclusion" and
that he will stand trial in the Sen-
REFERRING to his failure to turn
over the evidence, Nixon said it was a
"serious act of omission for which I
take full responsibility and which I deep-
ly regret."
Nixon's statement and the disclosure
of three new transcripts evoked strong
negative reactions and calls for resigna-
tion or impeachment from members of
Congress, including some of those hither-
to most steadfast in the President's de-
Tape excerpts, Page 10
One transcript shows that within a
week after the June 17, 1972, Watergate
breakin-, Nixon okayed a plan by his
top aide to use the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) to blunt the FBI's inves-
THE TRANSCRIPT also shows that
White House chief of staff H. R. :'Bob"
Haldeman then told Nixon that his cam-
paign director, John Mitchell, may have
had some general prior knowledge of the
wiretapping and break-in.
He said Mitchell and White House
Counsel John Dean had suggested get-
ting top CIA officials to tell acting FBI
director Patrick Gray to "Stay the hell
out of this." Nixon concurred.
The latest developments were sur-
rounded by strong reaction's from de-
fenders of the President.
! Rep. Charles Wiggins, (R-Calif.)
who led the President's defense on the
House Judiciary Committee, called for
Nixon's impeachment.
. Rep. Wiley Mayne, (R-Iowa) anoth-
er supporter on the committee, said he is
reversing his previous position and also
will vote for impeachment.

WiGGIS: . .I. is a time tor wte
President, the Vice President, the
Chief Justice and the leaders of the
House and Senate, to gather in the
White House to discuss the orderly
transition of power from Richard
Nixon to Gerald Ford.
* Sen. Robert Griffin, (R-Mich.) the
Republican whip in the Senate, called for
Nixon to resign. Griffin made his state-
ment before Nixon revealed the latest
* Vice President Gerald Ford, pre-
viously a vocal candidate of of Presi-
dent's innocence, said he would no long-
er discuss impeachment in public "until
the facts are more fully available."
NIXON SAID in a written statement:
"In order to insure that no other sig-
nificant relevant materials are withheld,
I shall voluntarily furnish to the Senate
everything" from 64 tapes, ordered sur-
rendered by the Supreme Court, which
U. S. District Judge John Sirica "rules
should go to the special prosecutor."
Nixon said that last May he listened to
two of the three June 23 conversations.
See NIXON, Page 8

AP Photo
BEFORE PRESIDENT Nixon's announcement yesterday, Sen. Robert Griffin
(R-Mich.) called for him to resign. "We have arrived at a point where both
the national interest and his own interest will be served by resignation,"
he said.

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