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Michigan Daily '
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Thursday, July 18, 1974,
News -Phone :764-0552
Cyprus coup reveals
international muddle
4 GAIN IN A DISTANT portion of the globe where the
British Empire once 'muddled through,' a crisis
erupts. Like turbulent Northern Ireland, Cyprus's recent
coup has secular undertones, but unlike the Emerald Isle,
prospects for an international confrontation coopting the
needs of the island's inhabitants are greater.
Overrun by successive waves of Greek, Egyptian, o-
man, Turkish, and British colonizers who sought to con-
trol this strategic corner of the Mediterranean, until its
independence in 1960, the rugged, embarrassingly hospit-
able islanders have had little chance to enjoy their inde-
pendence, which has been marred by civil strife often
instigated by outside forces.
The ethnic Greeks who comprise 77 per cent of the
island's inhabitants revere their Greek Orthodox clergy
as spiritual as well as political leaders of all Cyprus.
However, the Church continues to espouse 'enosis', unifi-
cation with the Greek mainland. Blinded by thousands
of years of tradition, the people comply.
Moslem. Turks, 18 per cent of the islanders, have been
less vocal, but when confronted by enosis, they threaten
to secede.
To shove enosis-motivated guerrilla warfare-which
burgeoned since WWII-under the rung, the paternalis-
tic powers -Britain, Greece, and Turkey - granted Cy-
prus independence. The subsequent government, which
proportionally represented both ethnic groups at all lev-
els, headed by Archbishop Makarios III, failed as a re-
sult of ignoring enosis. More civil disorder.
NOT EVEN THE U.N. 1964 and 1967 interventions, nor
Makarios' call for talks have answered the enosis
question, though he was on the right track until recently
What is so unsettling about the recent coup is that
President Makarios claims that his overthrow is a pre-
lude to enosis. The fact that the coup was directed by
650 Greek officers, despite Greece's official "hands off"
policy, substantiate his claim.
Nevertheless, the Rebels, led by Nicos Sampson, re-
main ominously silent, only announcing its new govern-
ment of "national salvation." Salvation for Whom? The
Greek majority?
We urge Turkey, Greece, and other nations not to
intervene materially or diplomatically, for the islanders
must come to terms themselves with enosis and other
separatist movements. Shall Cyprus be partitioned like
Korea and Vietnam? Or become a Greek or Turkish col-
ony. Or shall it remain a sovereign nation with these
two strange ethnic bedfellows?
WHATEVER THE CASE, both populations must be repre-
sented in the planning. A step in the right direction
would be reinstating Makarios - who has lent some sta-
bility to the island in recent years-for the time being.
Sony instructors protest
inequitable hiring policy
By MARK LAVELLE tars only, and double the number of men over
Editor's note: This is the first in a series on the wmen. When the Union asked Sony why the
Sony LL Workers' unionstrgle and 'international' corporation refuses to visit Howard University
'ssNPRECEDENTED! A Labor First! Ameri- or utilize University minority affairs offices,
can Teachers' Union! SONY's Modern-day Black Student Unions, American Indian Move-
'SWEAT SHOPS"' blared the three-inch high ment (A.M.), Women, and Chicano Advocate
headline of the February 1, 1974 issue of the Shu- programs, Sony LL Direct - or, Katsumi Kurita
kan Ashai magazine, a national mass-circulation responded, "What's a Chicano? Sony doesn't
weekly. The Japanese press seemed to relish the want any strange English!* This is the same
opportunity to take up the cause of the tiny union Sony representative who has conducted job In-
of American (and later Japanese) teachers who terviews on major U. S. campuses over the
dared to challenge the giant multinational cor- years
poration, Sony and its world-renowned president, "' _ _.. " '. "'' '' a:- ..: °"' ""^ '
Akio Morita, board member for IBM and the "Whenthe Union asked SONY
Morgan-affiliated business groups. wh corpUn on o
And small wonder, for the issues that the why the corporaion refuses to
teachers' union was raising were virtually un- visit Howard University or uti-
heard of in the history of the Japanese Labor
movement. Labor experts and TV news com- lize University minority affairs
mentators, while nearly unanimously forecasting offices ... and Chicano Advo-
that Sony would quickly crush the bold unioniza- cate rograms . . Kurita re-
tion attempt, made no effort to hide their sym-
pathy for the underdog More important to the sponded, 'W hat's a Chicano?
Sony LL Workers' Union members, however, S O N Y doesn't want any
were the public declarations of support against strange English'!"
Sony by the established Japanese Sony main
corporation and subsidiary labor unions, as well ' :. ,..s''.s'c,, ."'s e a 'as >:?.._::><s:
as a growing wave of warnings against Sony's PATIENTLY, THE American teachers explain-
traditional union-busting tactics from Japanese ed to Sony that Japanese students ask many seri-
labor leaders of the powerful General Council of ous and difficult questions, often involving com-
Trade Unions (Sohyo). A telegram received plex political, sociological, and racial issues. The
from Mr. A. Ttasuo, Chairman of the Sony Auto- Union noted that the Sony 'White Teachers Only"
Slide Workers' Union was particularly encour- policy tends to give students a biased and non-
aging to the American teachers. It read: "In 1962, representative American viewpoint, and that true
we formed a labor union in order to improve our education is not merely a matter of memorizing
own working conditions. However, Sony consid- English vocabulary, but of communication of
ers unions to be enemies. Therefore, Sony plot- iEas.
ted to eliminate the Sony Auto-Slide Enterprises, hereoe sesheisrcoslere.hto
which Morita (current President of Sony) headed Marho,197 heAribiro Struto Preearnd thton
at that time. Sony went all out to smash our Enterprises, stated, "Under no circumstances
union." It continued, "As comrades in the strug- will Sony hire American Blacks or other minor-
gle with the same Sony capitalists, the Sony Auto- ity group teachers per the Union demand.", they
Slide Workers' Union supports all of the Sony de
LL Workers' Union demands, and declares that of official Sony policy. To date, none has been
we will fight together with you in solidarity." made. Sony adamantly refuses to meet the
ON THE OTHER hand, when the union turned Union requirement of a concrete program for
to such 'People's' organizations as John Sinclair affirmative action in hiring.
of the Rainbow Peoples' Party, the Human President Robben Fleming, and the Regents
Rights Party, and Pete Andrews of UAC-Daystar have been asked to ban Sony from recruiting
for encouragement and support, it was greeted at the University until the corporation formally
with stony silence. This naturally led to feelings and publicly agrees to employ non-white teach-
of isolation (nearly 1/4 of the teachers are ers. Furthermore, Mr. Adis of the University
Michigan graduates) and the Americans turned Minority Advocates program is conducting an
to their Japanese co-workers for help in the la- investigation into why Sony has been allowed to
bor struggle recruit on this campus while ignoring the Affirm-
The first major demand that the Sony LL ative Action hiring policy over the years. The
Workers' Union placed before the Sony manage- question at issue is whether or not the Univer-
ment was "an end to race and sex descrimination sity accepts Sony's contention that "Since Sony
in hiring practices; Implementation of an Affirm- is-a Japanese corporation, it does not have to
ative Action Hiring Program of American minor- follow American law or hiring practices".
ity group and women teachers of English." NEXT: Sony's treatment of women
In spite of the, fact that Sony hts come to the
University for the past five years to recruit Mark Lavelle is Director of the Institute of
English teachers for the Sony Language Labora- Multinational R'search and a Sony English in-
tory, Sony has consistently hired white instruc- strcrtor.