Thfursday, July 13; 1974
Makarios blames Greece
in instigating Cyprus junta
end walkout,
accept contract
A three-week-old University trade-
workers' strike ended yesterday as mem-
bers of the Washtenaw Building and Con-
struction Trades Council "unanimously'
ratified a new contract.
"WITh THE ratification, union mem-
bers are expected back to work this
morning," said University Personnel Di-
rector Russel Reister.
The new contract, which runs until
July 31, 1977, grants an immediate
across the board wage hike of 52 cents
an hour. Of that, 50 cents an hour is
retroactive to April 1.
An additional 53 cents per hour in-
crease will take effect July 1, 1975 and
there will be a final increase of 55 cents
on Aug. 1, 1976.
Under the new contract, tradesmen
in pay grade five-the majority of work-
ers involved--will be making $6.79 per
There is no cost of living provision in
the contract.
The striking tradesmen had demanded
first-year salary increases of 11 per cent
or roughly 69 cents per hour.
Such an increase would have been in
line with rates being paid in the local
construction trades by private contrac-
tors and was endorsed by state fact
finder Alan Walt.
The University, however, contended
that the union's demand, which included
a second-year hike of 8.75 per cent and
a third-year hike of 7 per cent, was
The 290 University electricians, plumb-
ers and carpenters represented by the
Council have been striking since June
27 for higher wages, although it is tech-
nically illegal under state law for public
employes to walk off the job.
University spokesmen said that a com-
parison to rates paid by private con-
tractors was unfair because University
tradesmen are provided with year-round
employment white outside workers are
dependent upon the seasonal availability
of jobs.
The original contract with the trades-
men expired March 31.
Negotiations had been on-going since
January and involved some 30 bargain-
ing sessions and the intervention of a
state labor mediator and fact finder,
< y The Assniated Pres
Archbishop Makarios charged yester-
day that the "abominable jontA" in
Greece engineered his ouster a-' presi-
dent of Cyprus and vowed that Cypriotz
will resist until the Athens mil' ry gov-
ernment is overthrown.
el itAddressing cheerin Greek demons'tr-
tors from his third-floor hotel window in
London, M akarios said: "I ape the day
will soon come when the people of
Greece will themselves get rid of the
hated dictat rinhip oppressii them."
THE ESTIMATED 3,000 d'monstraturs
responded: "Resistance! Resitance!"
The Makarios goymernmient was toied
Monday by a rebellion if the 10.000-ui
Cyprus national guard, the Mc herran-
ean island nation's armis hi: is led by
Greek officers.
Turkish Prime Mliniter Iiiit Ecv1
atso arrived in Itondn yesterdiv for ur-
gent consultations with Primet Minister
Hmro hWilson and other Irimius memder --
Makarios said tie had no plm om miec
ECEVIT ALSO blimed iw G r e e k
government for the commiti' Makar-
ios, but said he was "after a imeacefmil
Reports fron 'turkey said Ecevi had
ordered 90,000 troops to. the Mediterrain-
ean shore close to Cyprus before leaving
for London.
Turkey's troop movements and station-
ing of warships in the area emphasized
that country's concern for the independ-
ence of Cyprus and the protection oh its
Turkish minority. The island nation has
about 490,000 Greeks and 115,000 Turks.
AP Photo THE MILITARY officers who over-
BRITISH PRIME Minister Harold Wilson (right) and Archbishop Makarios, threw Makarios are believed committed
deposed president of Cyprus, pose for photographers outside No. 10 Downing to enosis, or union with Greece, which
Street in London yesterday. They met for talks after Makarios escaped from a Turkey firmly opposes.
military coup in Cyprus. See ATHENS, Page 8
ostalover a ulcauses
34 employe
A massive overhaul in local postal
operations, which will move the regional
mail processing center from Ann Arbor
to Dearborn, has resulted in the termi-
nation of 34 part-time positions.
According to several city letter car-
riers, the new mail sorting system will
also result in delivery delays with out-
of-town dispatches.
AT THE HEART of the postal revamp
is a nationwide program to save money
Ypsi council fails to
show at hash meeting
Some 150 dope smokers congregated
in Ypsilanti yesterday for a special city
council meeting to discuss a judge's
recent ruling overturning the city's pot
But, the meeting failed to take place
when not enough council members show-
ed up to fill a quorum.
LAST THURSDAY, 14th District Court
Judge Thomas Shea declared the city's
five dollar fine for possession of mari-
juana approved by voters in last April's
election, invalid,
The move prompted two Ypsilanti
HRPI councilmen to call last night's
special meeting.
The "hash bash" held at city hal to
coincide with the meeting, was intended
to demonstrate support of the dope ordi-
nance and test Shea's ruling.
NO ARRESTS were made of those
smoking marijuana in and around city
Only three of the 11 council members
showed at the meeting. Six are deeded
for a quorum. HRP members Harold
Baize and Eric Jackson were in attend-
ance as was Democrat Susan Lindsay.
Baize said "the rest of council just
doesn't give a damn" in reference to
the no-quorum meeting. Jackson added
"the lie (of working within the system)
has been exposed."
MEMBERS OF the audience sat in
vacant council chairs smoking and pass-
ing joints while Baize and Jackson
moved to put the Shea issue on the next
See YPSI, Page 8
through personnel cutbacks and more
centralized letter processing.
"Responsible government calls for us-
ing as few peopleas possible," said Ann
Arbor Postmaster Richard Schneeberger.
The 34 postal assistants, all of whom
are students, were sent notices of termi-
nation yesterday, although they were
aware of the impending discharges for
more than two weeks.
HIRED AS part of a nationwide pro-
gram inititated during the Kennedy ad-
ministration, the students were required
to show financial need before they could
qualify for the year-long, part-time po-
"I really think we got a bad deal,"
said one postal assistant. "We were
guaranteed a year of employment, and
now we're all out of jobs."
The students, who are paid $4.54 per
hour and restricted to 16 hours per
week, could not qualify for union pro-
tection because of their part-time status.
Many of them depend on their job in-
come for meeting tuition fees.
"MOST OF THE postal assistants are
pretty upset," said a clerical super-
visor. "Some of them don't know if
they'll be able to go to school in the
fall now."
Presently, the Ann Arbor post office
serves as the "Sectional Center Facil-
ity," for Ypsilanti and 15 neighboring
"satellite" communities. For the past
three years, the city has processed all
regional mail and sent it directly to
Detroit Metro Airport for dispatch.
Under the new letter sorting system,
which will take effect Aug. 3, all mail
being sent out of Ann Arbor will be re-
routed through Dearborn for sorting and
then transported to Detroit for dispatch-
ALTHOUGH Schneeberger emphasizes
that the mails "will keep moving at the
same rate," postal employes remain
highly skeptical of the new system.
"They claim it won't effect delivery,
but I don't really believe that," said
one postal clerk. "Service is our biggest
commodity and that's exactly what's
being destroyed."
According to Schneeberger, Ann Ar-
bor's function as the regional letter pro-
cessing center was intended to be only
a temporary measure.
THlE VOL.UME of letters being; pro-
cessed by time city's pool office does not
"justify the use of amitomaed expensive
equipment," he continued.
The re-routing system has drawn wide-
spread criticis from ('ongremsiona
hopeful IRmt Egnor tii sources within
the postal unions.
"At the heart of this innovation is a
postal service desire to cut back on
personnel to save money, whether or
not service suffers in the process," Eg-
nor said.
According to a source within one of
the city's two postal unions, the new
sorting system will "considerably delay
An article published in the Detroit
News July 11 reported the Dearborn post
office, which will serve as the new re-
gional headquarters, has been picketed
by disgruntled employes protesting the
heavy work loads and poor service to
According to Schneeberger, however,
all local mails sent to Dearborn will be
promptly processed and no delays will