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June 26, 1974 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-26

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Page Twelve


Wednesday, June 26, 1974

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 26, 1974

Lolich shuts off Orioles

Solid Tag
Chicago White Sox third baseman Ron Santo tags out and then falls on top of Kansas City's Jim Wolford as Wolford tried to
steal third in last night's action.
Trac0k and wrestling Michigan aily
acquire new coaches
ANN ARBOR (UPI)-Univer- Sports
sity of Michigan Athletic Direc-

,t 2-0
Mickey Lolich hurled his 11th
straight complete game for the
Detroit Tigers and beat the
Orioles 2-0 last night, snapping
Baltimore hurler Mike Cuel-
lar's nine-game winning streak.
Lolich, the portly left-hander,
struck out nine and allowed
seven hits while running his
record to 10-7. He has won nine
of 11 since May 14, including his
last five in a row.
Designated hitter Al Kaline
tagged Cuellar, 9-4, for a two-
ont triple in the third inning.
Then Willie Horton, out of the
starting lineup for a week with
a sore right knee, celebrated
his return with a single that
knocked in Detroit's first run.
Cellar then yielded a ground
rule d'oble to Bill Freehan, and
walked both Aurelio Rodriguez
and Jim Northrup to force in
the Tigers' other run.
After disputing the call on one
of the pitches to Northrup,
Cuellar continued arguing as he
left the mound following the
third out, and was ejected from
the game by home plate umpire
Russ Goetz. Baltimore Manager
Earl Weaver joined the dispute
and also was tossed out.
Lolich left two Baltimore run-
ners stranded in the fifth, sixth
and seventh innings. He fanned
Earl Williams and retired Don
Baylor on a foul pop in the
sixth with runners at second
and third.
The victory enabled Detroit
to maintain its runner-up posi-
tion in the American League
East and dropped Baltimore
into fourth place behind the
Cleveland Indians.
Lolich, who lost to the Orioles
on opening day, has more vic-
tories against Baltimore than
any active pitcher and a 24-15
lifetime record.
He allowed two hits in the
fifth, a hit and a walk in the
sixth, and two more hits in the
Cuellar,.19-S since last Aug. 9.
struggled through the first two
innings w h i 1 e issuing three
walks and then suddenly col-
lapsed after retiring the first
two batters in the third.

AP Poto

tar Don Canham Monday ight
a >announced the appointments of
r' two new coaches and an assist-
ant director.
Jack Harvey, 28, an assistant
U-M track coach since 1968 was
appointed head track coach to
replace Dixon Farmer, who re-
signed prior to the 1974 Big Ten
track meet.
B i l l Johannesen, 30, was
named head wrestling coach.
Johannesen has been assistant
coach since 1971 and replaces
Rick Bay, who left U-M to enter
private business.
Charles Harris, 25, a former
staff member of Newsweek
magazine who is working on a
masters degree in journalism
at U-M, was appointed assistant
to the athletic director.
The appointments w e r e ap-
proved by the Michigan Board
Jack Harvey in Control of tntercollegiate
M~or Leoeffue Standings
East East
w L Pet. Gn w L Pet. GR
Boston 40 28 .588 - St. Louis 37 32 .536-
Detroit 36 32 .528 4 Philadelphia 38 33 .535 -
Cleveland 34 33 .507 5% Montreal 32 31 .508 2
Baltimore 35 34 .507 5 Chicago 28 38 .424 7I
New York 35 36 .493 6' Pittsburgh 28 40 .412 81
Milwaukee 32 33 .492 6% New York 28 41 .406 9
west West
Oakland 38 32 .543 - Los Angeles 47 24 .662 -
Chicago 33 32 .508 2t Cincinnati 40 29 .580 6
Texas 36 35 .507 2% Atlanta 40 30 .571 6!
Kansas City 33 34 .493 3 tHouston 36 36 .500 il%
Minnesota 28 39 .418 81 San Francisco 33 40 .452 15
California 30 42 .417 9 San Diego 31 44 .413 18
Results Results
Detroit 2, Baltimore 0 New York 5, Chicago 1
Milwaukee at Boston, postponed Montreal 5, Pittsburgh 0
Cleveland at New York, postponed St. Louis 8, Pittsburgh 7
Chicago at Kansas City, inc. Cincinnati 3, Houston 2
Minnesota at Texas, ine. Atlanta at Los Angeles, in.
California at Oakland, lie. Today's games
Today's games New York at Chicago
Cleveland at New York Atlanta at Los Angeles
Milwaukee at Boston Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 2,
California at Oakland twi-night
Detroit at Baltimore, night Philadelphia at Montreal, night
Chicago at Kansas City, night Cincinnati at Houston, night
Minnesota at Texas, night San Francisco at San Diego, night

No Surprise, Connors wins
Jimmy Connors lunges for a shot in yesterday's first-round action at Wimbledon. Connors was
forced to go to four sets to beat Ove Bengtsson of Sweden, 6-1, 7-9, 6-2, 64, in an afternoon in
which upsets were not the order of the day.

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