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June 01, 1974 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-01

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Page Ten


Saturday, June 1, 1974

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DMI~Y Saturday, June 1, 1974

(Conrinm Id frn Page 1)
and hi. idinitr ti n" [ hotlty
after Ntxon ttiok office in 1969.
The report rlso said the cam-
paign pledge was reaffirmed
and restated at the time of the
federal price support increase
in March 1971 and a method
was worked out by which three
dairy-farmer cooperatives were
to donate monthtv nstltlments
Women picket
local bank,
protest bias
President F. . owtler e'plarn-
ed this prIctice has been adopt-
ed because loansH arc e dOnl
the person's ability to pir back
the loan aitd we must tAke mto
account the possibility of the
person becoming uneai t'loye
for one reason or another'
However, Fowter wos t a Io
critical of NOW's prite corn-
msenting, "They have e everV
right to express their nonnIns.

Courtagrees to
hearing on Nixon
of $90,000 through dummy com ' staff, H. R. Haldeman, may
mittees to conceatl the source of have discussed it with then-Atty.
the money Gen. John Mitchell, who later
The money was to come from turned down repeated requests
Associated Milk Producers, Inc. by antitrust lawyers to convene
(AMPI), the nation's largest a grand jury investigation of
d a i r y cooperative; Dairymen, the milk producers. Mitchell
Inc., and Mid-American Dairy- told his subordinates to file a
men, Inc. Together they. control civil suit rather than seek crimi-
uboit one-fourth of the nation's nal prosecution.
TIlE REPORTI soid the dat y-
TTIESE CAMPAIGN pledges men also supported Democratic
were "apparently directly link- presidential candidates in 1972,
ed to a favorable mitk price and said this was sometimes
support decision by the Presi- done through secret use of the
dent worth hundreds of millions cooperative's corporatio'n iunds
of dollars to the industry-and "in part to avoid the enmity of
costing the same amount to the the Nixon administration,"
"overnment a n d consuiers," These candidates are known
the report said. to include Rep. Wilbur Mills of
Although the dairymen gave Arkansas and Sen. Hubert Ilum-
less than half the promised $2 phrey of Minnesota.

Parties ask amendments

(Continuee fromPage 3)
have their second choices for
mayor tallied. The remaining
candidates' vote totals would be
adjusted to reflect those second
The process-dropping candi-
dates and redistributing the sec-
ond choice votes - would con-
tinue until one contender re-
ceived over 50 per cent of the
first and second choice votes
being counted.
Both parties plan to put their
charter amendment proposals
on the November ballot by cir-
culating petitions. The petitions
must be signed by five per cent
of the city's registered voters
and be subimtted 90 days before
the election date.
Democrats until Aug. 5 to ob-
tain the required 3,600 signa-
Local Democrats p 1 a n on
launching their petition drive
HRP will "go any place where
there are large numbers of seo-
ple," according to Councilwo-
man Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-
Second Ward). Another HRdP5
spokesperson a a i d yesterday
that the party hopes to get 6,01)0
signatures but anticipated some
difficulty because most students
are not in town now.
BOTH CITY Charter amend-
tnent proposals attempt to solve
a recurring "problem" when
more than two parties run in
an election: candidates may win

with less than 50 per cent o~f
the vote.
The HRP spokesman stressed
that Mayor James Stevenson, a
Republican, was elected with 47
per cent of the vote. Kozachenko
added that the HRP proposal
was "the best way to prevent a
mayor beiing elected with less
than 50 per cent" of the vote.
Democrats stressed the "de-
sirability ..- of attaining the
consensus of a majority of vot-
ers in electing governing offi-
cials" saying that run-off elec-
tions were the best way to en-
sure this.
IRP HAS charged that the
Democratic attempt at run-off
elections is "a selfish power-
grab that this city can ill-
afford" and an attempt to "kill
off" HRP.
An HRP spokesperson said
the party's proposal would "tend
to elect the person in the mid-
die" with HRP conceding.
"This will probably insure a
Democratic victory."
Though this may be the case,
there seems to be little chance
Democrats will help with the
IIIP proposal. Party Chairwo-
taun Marjorie Brazer stated, "I
doubt very much we Will be
working with HRP."
Claiming that to extend pre-
ferential balloting to council
elections as well as the may-
oral race would elect 10 Demo-
cratic council members, IIRP
has been unable to negotiate
with the Democrats, who want
to include council in any pro-

million, the report said that the
donations continued t h r o u g h
1972 "partly to honor the earlier
commitment and partly to seek
a favorable resolution of a Jus-
tice Department antitrust suit'
against AMPI.
The report cited evidence of
possible White Mouse influence
on the course of that lawsuit,
including a document indicating
that Nixon's former chief of

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Film benefit
called illegal
Consequently, "prior to the
spending of any of the money"
Eckstein will meet with his staff
and legal advisors to determine
the implications of the statute.
If they decide that the Milhouse
revenues can legally be used for
on-campus campaign activities,
"that's what we'll do with the
money," Eckstein stated.
Otherwise, the funds would
be donated to some cause close-
ly associated with Eckstein's
political philosophy, such as po-
licing of polluters. Exactly
where the money went "would
be a decision we'd have to face
later on," Eckstein said.
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Peace accord signed

(Continued from Pge 3)
is a "step toward just and dur-
able peace."
A KEY provision of the ac-
cord, spelled out in an accom-
panying protocol, was the sta-
tioning of a 1,250-man United
Nations Disengagement Observ-
er Force in a buffer zone sepa-
rating the two forces, with an
area of reduced troops and ar-
maments on each side.
At United Nations headquar-
ters in New York the Soviet
Union joined the United States
in sponsoring a resolution set-
ting up the observer force for
an initial period of six nionths.
U. N. Emergency Force com-
mander Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo of
Finland, who chaired the sign-
ing ceremony in Geneva, de-
scribed the pact as a "giant and
courageous step" toward peace
in the Middle East.
WITHOUT naming Secretary
of State Kissinger, he praised
the "enormous energy" which
produced "an exceptiongl feat
of diplomacy, unparalled in the
annals of international rela-
Kissinger returned to Wash-
ington early yesterday and re-
ceived congratuations from
President Nixon, Vice President
Gerald Ford and congressional
On the flight home senior
American officials told accom-
panying reporters that Kissin-
ger had been on the verge of go-
ing home three times during the
33 days of negotiations. An of-
ficial, who asked not to be nam-
ed, said all three crises came
in Damascus and were followed
by break-throughs which led to
the final accord.
NIXON WAS scheduled to fol-
low up Kissinger's Middle East
diplomacy with a visit in June
to Egypt, Israel and Saudi Ara-
bia. Washington sources said
he would probably also visit
Jordan and perhaps Syria.

Ditplomatic relations between
Syria and the United States
were broken off during the 1967
Mideast war, but the Beirut
newspaper An Nahar reported
yesterday that the two countries
have now agreed to resume re-
After his Middle East tour
Nixon is scheduled to visit the-
Soviet Union on June 27 for a
THE TRICKY road still ahead
to a final peace settlement was
illustrated by strict separation
of the Israeli and Arab mili-
tary representatives in a pen-
tagonal arrangement of five ta-
bles at the signing ceremony.
The U. N. organizers initially
planned to bathe the ceremony
in publicity to draw attention to
their Mideast peace - seeking
role and 200 reporters watched
Siilasvuo make his opening
The Israelis immediately aft-
erwards started signing their
copies of the accord, but the
Syrians, unwilling to focus pub-
licity on their presence in the
same chamber with the Israelis,
sat unmovingly until Siilasvua
called a t5-minute recess and
cleared out the reporters.
REASSEMBLING later behind
closed doors, both sides com-
pleted the task of initialing each
page of the four-page accord
and its accompanying, two-page
Palestinian guerrilla leaders
and politicians tackle another
obstacle on the way to peace at
a meeting in Cairo today. There
the Palestinian National Coun-
cil, a parliament in exile, will
try to resolve the dispute be-
tween moderates and radicals
on whether Palestinians should
take part in the future Arab-
Israeli peace talks.
The moderates favor partici-
pation, while radicals see any
deal with the Israelis as a sell

a revue of american musical theater
benefit fo rthe John Reid Klein
Scholarship Fund
JUNE 2-5......... . 10 A.M.-5 P.
JUNE 6-8 .... ........ 10 A.M.-8 P.M
Makram Joubron, Director/Choreographer
Bradley Bloom, Musical Di rector/Jerrold
Vander Schaaf/Constance Avsharian
Robert Chapel/Irene Connors/Jerry DePuit
Judy Manos/Willis Patterson/Don Giflis
June 6, 7, 8/POWER CENTER/8 p.m.
All tickets tax deductible/$5-4-3/$25 Patron Seat
Tickets ovenbe/Grinnell's/Liberty Music


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