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May 09, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1974


Pae Thee

ThrdaMa , 94 H ICI )IY aeKhe

Probe says Mitchell 0

K'd bug
WASHINGTON tr- The weight of
evidence tends to establish that former
Atty. Gen. JohnMitchell approved the
intelligence - gathering plin that led to
the Watergate brek-in, the Senate Wat-
ergate cominittee has concluded in its
draft report.
Meanwhile, the chief counsel for the
dlouse impeachment inquiry said the
White Douse has "definitely not' given
the tHouse Judiciary Committee the full
Watergate story and that he would re-
commend issuing ditional subpoenas
to obtain eviden.
The Senate Watergate report, which
is only a rough draft end is to he dis-
cussed and possih asodified in execu-
it sesion tiod:. i tdicates the comiit
tee hIn apta e tco seito diseliese
sworn testimto yi Mtchel dening that
he was inv.l1 in the Watergate break-
"Thesom itter finS ltat tte weight of
the evidence tends to est'ibish that Mit-
chell id apjove thi I iidy intelligence
pl<t it with a quarter mi.on;d!1ar budget
in Key Biscayne n Maitr i30, 1972,"
the draft, which was mAe available by
sources clos to the committee, read.
The report also- rejects any national
security justification for the White House
plumber tunt .brIt-ik I at the offices of
Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, and fur-
ther concludes that ioney paid to the
original Witvrgate defendants was in-
tended as hush monev rather than as
support funds.
In the other house of Congress,
charges that the President still had not
released the fhll Watergate story came
as the chief' counsel for the Ilouse Judic-
iary Committee, which is investigating
impeachment, said he would press for
further subpoenas.
COUNSEL JOHN Doar made the state-
toent when asked at a news conference
about Tuesday's statement by White
House lawyer James St. Clair that "as
far as Watergate is concerned, the Pres-
ident has concluded . . . that the full
story is now out."
St. Clair had also tnnounced the Pres-
ident's decision to give no more Water-
gate tapes or documents to the Judiciary
Committee or to Special Watergate Pro-
secutor Leon Jaworski, who also said
he needed additional material.
IN OTHER Watergate developments,
the White House acknowledged yester-
day there may be gaps in some of the
Watergate tapes transcribed and made
public last week, but insisted that "all
the words which could be heard are re-
flected in the transcripts." The White
House said the gaps might be due to
lapses in the conversation or the "lack
of sophistication" in the recording de-
Dr. John McLaughlin, a Jesuit priest
on Nixon's staff, stood behind the Pres-
ident yesterday and charged that sug-
gestions that the Administration was im-
moral "contained elements of hypoc-
risy." McLaughlin said Nixon's role in
seeking world peace show him as a man
of great moral leadership.

HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Chairman Peter Rqdino (D-N.J.), above,
spells out procedure yesterday for his panel's upcoming inquiry on the impeach-
ment of President Nixon. At right, Dr. John McLaughlin, a-Jesuit priest on the
White House staff, chats with reporters after announcing he opposed the origi-
nal release of tapes to the Watergate grand juries because he knew it would
lead to continuing demands for presidential materials.
AFSGME meets
with 'U' clericals

Competition between two unions vying
to represent University clerical, tech-
nical, professional and administrative
workers and licensed practical nurses
entered a new stage yesterday as dis-
satisfied employes met with representa-
tives from the union which lost the
Cun s
board approv
tax proposals
In a special session last night City
Council approved a resolution placing a
1.7 mill property tax increase on the June
10 election ballot.
The proposed 1.7 mill hike was intro-
luced by Mayor James Stephenson, who
said the increase would be necessary to
help reduce the city debt, which pres-
ently tops the $1 million mark.
ALSO LAST NIGHT the school -board
voted to ask voters for an additional 1.3
mill increase for a five-year period to
help meet rising operating expensesd
According to School Superintendent
Harry Howard, inflation and imbalances
in revenue and expenditure, make the
hike necessary. Howard termed the hike
"reasonable," and said, "We hope we
can keep the faith of the electorate."
Stephenson told the council , meeting
the increase was needed to cover the
city's debt and prevent "further reduc-
tions in city employes and services."
HOWEVER, Stephenson warned that
even if the voters pass the 1.7 mill in-
See CITY, Page 9

ratification elections.
The American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) and the United Auto Workers
(UAW) are currently engaged in a "jur-
isdictional dispute" over who will repre-
sent University employes sesking organ-
LAST MONTH 27 authorized represent-
atives of the Concerned Clericals for Ac-
tion, voted to have the UAW represent
them. AFSCME supporters contend that
a general election should have been held
although it is doubtful that the economic
resources were available for such a
general election.
The major dispute arose over the fact
that the UAW is traditionally a bar-
gaining unit for private sector employes
whereas AFSCME deals with the public
domain, under which the organizing
workers fall.
AFSCME spokesman Art Underwood
told assembled workers that AFSCME
is "the only union solely dedicated to
public employes."
CURRENTLY, AFSCME has organized
several university clerical unions around'
the state. The UAW has only one uni-
versity local, at Wayne State University.
The UAW, however, contends that as
a major, established union it has the
legal knowledge and ability to deal with
the top labor law arbitrators it says
University employes will encounter.
AFSCME organizer Margaret Thomas
said she feels that the union would draw
power'from the six years of experience
of the other AFSCME local on campus,
which organized campus maintenance
BOth unions are currently trying to
obtain 30 per cent of a "show of in-
terest" vote which will put them on a
ballot for a general vote supervised by
the Michigan Employes Relations Com-

Gays'bump. heads

with psyciatrists
By CHERYL PILATE problems lesbians and homosexua
The local gay community's week-long in straight society.
spring conference, which featured work- A recent APA ruling had recla
shops and informal rap sessions, cull- homosexuality as a "sexual orie
minated Tuesday night in a head-on disturbance" instead of a patho
confrontation with the American Psy- disorder.
chiatric Association (APA). Local gays, however, were not
The conference, which focused on the fied with being taken off the "sic
"straight. world's homophobic views of Lesbians, in particular, felt malig
gays," drew lesbians and homosexuals the APA. They felt that it was imf
from all over the country. to air feminist issues before the
Meanwhile, in Detroit, the APA was "because psychiatrists have dea
holding their annual convention. Among with men when studying the probl
the featured p a n e 1 discussions was homosexuality."
"Homosexuality-Where do we go from
here?" CONSEQUENTLY, the organiz
THE APA HAD scheduled five people the gays' spring conference resert
-two straight men, two gay men, and final 'day to confront the APA
one gay woman-to speak about the See GAYS, Page 10

Ls face
t satis-
k list."
ned by
lt only
ems of
ers of
ved the

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