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May 09, 1974 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1974

Ann Arbor
Monday is the last day for
residents of the Ann Arbor
school district to register o run
for school board. So get down
to the City Clerk's office in City
Hall and sign up, today and to-
morrow, 8 am. to 5 p.m. or
Monday 8 am. to 8 p.m.
Project Outreach holds i t s
mass meetings today at 7.31
p.m. in Angell Hall's Ild. A.
Otreach (Psych. 201) offers
"experimental learning" in 16
institotional settings.
Cinema Guild offers James
Dean in Giant tonight at 4 p.ro,
Architecture Aud., and the New
World Film Co-op shows P a t
Garret and Billy the Kid at
7 and 9 p.m., MLB And. 3.
Volume LXXXIV, Number 2-S
Thursday, May 9, 1974
Is edtted and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 40.
Published d at t y Tuesday tthruough
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.50 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $7.00 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).

In the news this morning

WASHINGTON - William Simon took of-
fice as President Nixon's fourth Treasury
secretary and called for a new political will
to fight rising inflation. Simon, 46, urged great-
er cooperation between the White House and
Congress to control the rapid price rise. At the
swearing-in ceremony at the White House,
Nixon said Simon already has demonstrated
his ability to cope with crises duirng his five
months as Federal Energy Office chief.
HILLSBOROUGH, Calif. - Calling his
daughter's abductors "a bunch of criminals,"
Randolph Hearst posted a $50,000 reward and
said he would do anything in his power to
secure her release. "I think they have pretty
well proven they're not too interested in the
people," the father of Patricia Hearst said at
his home. In her latest taped message, the
newspaper heiress said she had joined the
terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army and had
willingly joined its members in robbing a bank
on April 15.
WASHINGTON - Senator Lowell Weicker
(R-Conn.) has bought John Dean's house on
the Potomac in Alexandria, Va. Weicker paid
$135,000 plus $15,004 for furnishings for the

dwelling. Dean had paid $72,000 for thel
two years ago.
DEARBORN - Ford Motor Co. said it
raising prices of its 1974 model cars and t
an average of $163. Within moments of th
nouncement, the price hikes were denoi
as unjustified by the head of the Cost of
ing Council. Council Director John Dunlop
a telegram to Ford board chairman I
Ford It saying the increases "are unwat
ed and violate the council's understandi
the soluntary commitment made by
firm." The company, however, blamed
price hike in part on "unprecedented co
creases experienced by the company in r
Clear those skies up! As a high pre
ridge moves in from the north and yester
storm moves to the east of us we'll
rain ending in the early morning follows
slow clearing for the rest of the day.
and colder at night. Maximum tempera
today 48 to 53 with minimums tonight 321

house 6:0002 4 7 113 News
9Andy Griffith--Consedy
20Voyage to the.Sottome,
the Sea-Adventure
24 ABC News-Smith/essouer
20 Your Future is Now
50 Star Trek
6:30 2 11 CBS News-Walte
4 13 N C News-Johb
was chancellor
rucks 7 ABC News-Smith/Reasomne
9 1Dreamnof Jeannie
e an- 24 Dick Van Dyke-Comedy
unced 30 Lias, Yoga and You
Stanley Cup Ptay-off
Liv- A final game, if necessary,
3 sent will be telecast tonight on
Henry CCpre-empting regular
'rant- 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
agof 4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
your 9 Beverly Hillbillies
I the 11 To Tell the Truth
st in- 13 What's My Line?
20 Rifleman--Western
ecent 24 nowling for Dolars
30 Impressions
50 Mission: Inpossible
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked for it
7 New Treasure stunt
9 Nesa-David Compton
11 Hollywood Squares
13 Troth or Soysequences
20 Denny MeLain--Variety
ssure 24 Let's Make a Deal
day's 30 Voter's Choice
have 8:00 2 11 The Waitons-Drama
4 13 Flip Wilson
ed by 7 24 Chopper One-Crime
Fair Drama
S To Be Announced
tures 30 Advocates
ta oHogan's Heroes
to 37- 56 Auction Continues
8:30 t 24 Firehouse-Drama
20 Happy Though Married
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 2 11 Movie--To Be
4 13 Ironside
7 24 Kung Fu
20 Wrestling
30 University Forum
9:30 9 To Be Announced
30 Theater In America
10:00 4 13 Music Country U.S.A.
7 24 Streets of San Fran-
cisco-Crime Drama
20 Seven Hundred Club
50 Perry Mason
10:30 9 CDC Newsmagazine
i1:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News
9CstC News--Lloyd Roertson
So Night Gallery
54 Auction Continues
11:30 2 Movie-Adventure
"The Proud and the
Damned" (1972)
Chuck Connors, Cesar Romero
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 Play It Again, oge.
9 News
11 Movie-Science Fiction
"1X the Unknown" (1936)
5 Movie-Comedy
"Little Giane." (1933)
Edward G. Robinson
Mary Astor
I :6

Just about the cheapest way to see
Europe outside of hitching.
Unlimited second-class rail travel
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You buy your Student-Railpass here-
you can't buy it in Europe. And the $165.
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currency fluctuations. What's more, train
schedules are as
frequent as ever,
while getting about by
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Any full-time student under 26
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You spend two whole months seeing
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It can mean the Summer tripof your life, so don't
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See if you don'tagree. The day of the thumb
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It shows you Europe as the Europeans see It,

8:30 $2.50
lead guitar for Cash,
Corter, Dylan,
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I4U WiITll?=


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