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May 17, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-17

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LXISuimner Daily
VolLX XIII, No. 7-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 17, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Cook resigns as SEC

chief; linked to


Watergate hearings to begin today

WASHINGTON (P)-G. Bradford Cook,
under fire for discussing an SEC suit with
officials of the Nixon re-election campaign
committee, resigned yesterday as chair-
man of the Securities and Exchange Com-
Top campaign officials have been in-
dicted in New York .on charges of inter-
fering with the SEC suit and the investiga-
tion that led up to it.
COOK, at 36 the youngest chairman in
SEC history, said in his letter of resigna-
tion he had done nothing improper but had
been caught in a "web of circumstance"
involving the case.
In the SEC suit, filed last Nov.,27, all
references were dropped concerning $250,-
000 delivered from the Bahamas the pre-
vious April to the office of New Jersey
financier Robert Vesco.
All of the money eventually was donated
to the Nixon campaign, but SEC officials
say they were not aware of that when
they filed the suit. The money was later
returned to Vesco.
COOK HXS told a Senate appropriations
subcommittee he had several conversa-
tions regarding the suit, both before and
after it was filed, with former Commerce
Secretary Maurice Stans, then the, Nixon
campaign's top fund-raiser.
Stans and former Atty. Gren. John W.
Mitchell aere indicted by a New York
grand jury last week for conspiracy to
"influence, obstruct and impede" the
SE' proceedings against Vesco.
Vesco and 41 others were accused in the
SE s it of conspiring to loot $224 million
from a foreign-based mutual fund, In-
vetors O erseas Services.
Meanwhil-, televised Watergate hearings
bginning today promise to be more than
a cops-and-robburs show. The probe bids
to shape American government and poli-
tics for a generation or more.
SOME CHANGES are already evident.
Sweeping election reforms are being dis-
cussed. Congress is reclaiming power from
the White House. Once-mighty presidential
See COOK, Page 5

AP Photo
WORKMAN INSTALL lights and ether equipment in the Caucus Room of the Old Senate Office Building for the start of to-
day's hearings by the Senate Watergate.committee. The Senators will sit at the table in the foreground._

Jo-b scene brighter for grads
By KATHLEEN RICKE good for those majoring in health care, "UP UNTIL just one year ago we could tive policies towards civil rights.
The job outlook for recent college grad- banking, marketing, retailing, accounting, place almost everyone in a position in JEAN KESSLER of the College Place-
uates is the brightest in three years, ac- and engineering. their field and in the geographic location ment Council in Bethlehem, Pa. says that
cording to University Placement Director For those receiving their Ph.D.'s and they wanted," she said. more women graduates could haie landed
William Audas. desiring positions. in an academic setting, The Carnegie Commission on higher edu- good jobs in business and industry this
Depending on the field, job offerings the job situation is getting a little tougher. cation reports that within the next ten year if the recruiters could have found
are up 20 to 80 per cent from last year, Grace Oerther works in the Placement years the demand for psychologists, econo- them.
with 3 to 4 per cent average salary in- office, specializing in advanced degree mists, mathematicians, college teachers, The trouble, according to Kessler, is that
creases. Audas said that ten thousand stu- graduates. She claims that the Ph.D. out- scientists, and teachers will decrease while many college women still do not want
dents graduated from the University this look is "dismal". the need for physicians, accountants and those types of jobs. "More than half of
year, and many are having success in "I have lots of openings in Special Ed dentists is predicted to increase. them want to teach," she said, "a n d
finding jobs. and Early Childhood Training became of Two 1972 trends are continuing this year that's exactly where job openings are few-
Tre A ACEMENT OiCiznr e , othatn entfeal find in those areasBt - manv companies are hirine more wo- est."

IrIn rLLiLr jVIriN 1 Ur r 1%-r.4 oayb UIC'L
employment_ possibilities look especially

1 GS:ctiL icuci al auisuuiS iii l1IVO%.i cai "O. Av'"L
those are the only ones.

men and blacks to demonstrate affirma-

See JOB, Page _5

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