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August 21, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-21

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Tuesday, August 21, 1973


Page Three

White House cautions GOP
leaders on support of Agnew

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The Nixon administra-
tion cautioned some key Republican mem-
bers of Congress against making hasty
public statements about Vice President
Agnew's culpability after it was revealed
that criminal charges were being consid-
ered against him, government sources said
It was understandable that such calls
would be made, one government official
said, "because some congressmen some-
times have a tendency to jump the gun."
MEANWHILE in Baltimore, the U. S.
attorney investigating contract kickbacks
said he was not sure the government
wanted to meet again with Agnew, whom
Time magazine said yesterday will be
indicted in the case next month.
Administration officials said Melvin
Laird, President Nixon's chief White
House advisor, called Rep. John Ander-
son (R-Ill.), chairman of the House GOP
conference, with an admonition to avoid
public comment after the investigation was
confirmed by Agnew himself.
It was learned that Sen. Robert Griffin
(R-Mich.), the assistant GOP minority
leader, also received a call but it could
not be learned whether it came from Laird
or some other individual.
AGNEW REVEALED August 6 that he
had been informed that he was under in-
vestigation for possible conspiracy, brib-
ery, extortion and tax fraud in connection
AP Photo with alleged kickbacks by construction and
engineering firms in Maryland. Agnew,
who served as Baltimore County's chief
able roost executive and later as Maryland gover-
nor before becoming vice president, has
denied any wrongdoing.
Laird's call to Anderson was first re-
ported by news columnists Rowland Evans
and Robert Novak, who said the White
House advisor had warned him "not to
go all out in defense" of Agnew.
News leaks about the federal investiga-
tion have been a matter of contention, par-
ticularly among Agnew aides who are an-
gry over the continuing disclosures. Ag-
new, in a speech in rural Centerville, Md.,
mptuous" to referred to the leaks, saying, "they call
d a pivotal themselves informed sources close to the
inbow Multi- investigation . . . and they don't have
ws yesterday any hesitancy about violating my civil
responsible" rights . . . I intend to fight to establish
had acted my innocence of any wrongdoing."
TIME MAGAZINE quoted a Justice De-
partment official as saying, "The evidence
capegoated," is so strong that the case must be taken
Drug Help to trial." A federal grand jury, according
to the magazine, "is expected to vote an
that "the indictment next month charging Agnew
as poor." with, among other things, bribery and
)w was writ- Time also reported this week that Allen
r Drug Help Green, president of an engineering firm,
their reser- has told investigators he gave kickbacks
t saidthey to Agnew a-oout five Ames a year while
because it Agnew was governor and on a reduced
e 5 scale after he became vice president.

"Flying" over Fremont
Three boys appear to be gliding across the sky as they enjoy the closing days of summer from a comfort
atop a baseball backstop at a park in Fremont, Ohio.
Ban on alcohol sale al
jazz fes t brews troubki

Shades of Hoffman
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - U. S. District
Court Judge Winston Arnow told one of
the Gainesville Eight defendants yester-
day that if he didn't stop speaking with-
out permission he would be gagged or re-
moved from the courtroom. The action
came after defendant William Patterson,
who is acting as his own attorney, joined
in numerous objections by lawyers for the
eight veterans Who are charged with plot-
ting violence at the 1972 Republican Na-
tional Convention,
Coup crushed
VIENTIANE, Laos - Laotian govern-
ment forces pursued rebel stragglers in
the Vientiane area yesterday after crush-
ing a rightist coup aimed at the govern-
ment of Premier Souvanna Phouma. The
invaders were led by Gen. Thao Ma, an
exiled military strong man. He was pro-
nounced dead after government forces
shot down one of four light bombers that
the small rebel force had pirated from
the Laotian air force.
Happenings ...
. . . are light on this Tuesday. Woody
Allen's Everything You Always to Know
About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask will
be shown in Angell Aud. A at 7:00, 8:45
and 10:30 p.m. The Gay Liberation Front
will hold a meeting in the 3rd floor con-
ference room of the Union at 8:00 p.m.
A2's weather
Skies should be clear and cool this after-
noon with high reaching up into the upper
70s. Lows tonight in mid-50s.

Friction between Drug Help and the
Rainbow Multi-Media Corporation over the
sale of beer and wine at this year's Ann
Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival spilled into
the open after the city announced Friday
that it would not permit the alcohol sales.
The controversy stems from Drug Help
co-ordinator Gary Rogow's letter to the
city last Tuesday protesting the Rainbow
corporation's plan to sell alcohol inside
the festival gates. Rogow demanded a
"re-evaluation" of the city's original de-
cision to allow the sales.
the festival, has contracted Drug Help
to handle drug- and alcohol-related crisis
situations at the event as it did last year.
Although Drug Help opposition apparently
prevented alcohol from being sold at last
year's festival, until last week the organi-
zation went along with plans for this year.
While Rogow did not consult with either
fellow Drug Help coordinators or Rainbow
Multi-Media b e f o r e sending the letter,
other coordinators indicated that they
agreed with the substance of his position
and said they would stand with him in
the dispute.
Rainbow Multi-Media's application to
the State Liquor Control Commission for
a temporary license was effectively killed
Friday when the city announced that it
was withdrawing earlier approval of the
alcohol concession granted three weeks
SALES WERE quashed, said Assistant
City Administrator Mike Rogers, because
it would have been "almost an impossi-
bility" to stop the flow of "brown-bag"
liquor through the festival gates.
Sales; plus brown-bagging, he continued,
would "result in a more intoxicated audi-
ence and increase the possibility of crowd
Although Rogers said yesterday it would

be "unfair and quite presun
assume Rogow's letter playe
role in the city's decision, Ra
Media President Peter Andrew
called Rogow's action "very ir
and charged that Drug Help
"behind our backs."
"I THINK we're being si
replied Matt Lampe, another
Lampe conceded, however
way the letter was handled w
At the same time that Rogc
log the letter to the city, othe
spokespersons were expressing
vations about the sales,bu
were "not strongly opposed"

Dems and GOP revise
tenant rights handbook

The tenants' rights issue again con-
fronted City Council during last night's
meeting, as the Democrats and Republi-
cans gave the go-ahead to revisions in a
booklet published by the city explaining
renters' legal powers and obligations,
The council session also marked the be-
ginning of Sylvester Murray's tenure as
city administrator.- Murray, the former
city manager of Inkster, Mich., was ap-
pointed to the post here in July. Both the
Republicans and Democrats have hailed
Murray as far and away the best of over
75 candidates considered for the position.
THE RELATIVELY minor changes in
the tenant rights booklet were approved
by a 6-2 tally. Carol Jones (D-Second
Ward) sided with the five GOP council
members present at the meeting while
the Human Rights Party (HRP) repre-

sentatives accounted for the negative
Squabbles over the tenants rights book-
let have beset council since the leaflet
was first approved in early April. Passed
by the former Dem-HRP dominated coun-
cil, the booklet originated as a compro-
mise between those parties.
The Republicans have steadfastly op-
posed the leaflet and have tried to change
the text on several occasions. Two weks
ago they introduced a revised version
which "significantly modified" the origi-
nal, according to former City Attorney
Jerold Lax who co-authorea toe mxt along
with Legal Aid lawyer Jonathan Rose.
THE NEW TEXT caused a public out-
cry and the Republicans entered into
See GOP, Page 5

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