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August 10, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-08-10

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Summer Daily
Summer Fdilion of
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Friday, August 10, 1 973 News Phone: 764-0552
Open Ilists to publi1c
WITH HIS RECENT ruling on salary lists, Frank Kelley}
may have finally forced the administrators of this
University to make such information a matter of public
Of course the University has not yet consented to
the release. More litigation may still be necessary to ac-
complish that end.
But the combination of Kelley's announcement and
the statement by Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Livonia) in
support of that move indicate that the University may
be at the end of its holdout.
AND IT HAS been an impressive holdout indeed.
Despite a court ruling that forced Saginaw Valley
College to release its lists and a voluntary release at
Michigan State, the big 'U' has continued to cling to its
The reasons for the secrecy are apparent. If the in-
formation becomes public, the University's whole salary
system will come under close scrutiny for the first time.
Instances of racial or sexual discrimination, if they do
exist, will be revealed - with fireworks likely to follow.
With memories of HEW pressure still fresh in its
mind, the University is understandably in no mood to go
through another bout with angry minority groups.
C ALARY LISTS are by no means an isolated instance of
University secrecy, however. Closed regents meeting,
classified research projects, paper shredders and anony-
mous tenure committees are all reflections of the Univer-
sity's desire to keep as much information about its pri-
vate workings away from the public.
A small group of peonle make the decisions that af-
fect the entire University community, and because of
their monopoly on information, their policies are often
impossible to challenge.
Such secrecy might be understandable at the Penta-
gon, but at a public University supported by public funds
it is simply indefensible.
THE PUBLIC FUNDING of the University was at the
heart of Kelley's ruling. We hope the administrators
of this University heed Kelley's advice and begin dis-
mantling the network of secrecy they have worked so
hard to develop.
If they do not, we can once again turn to the courts
to force them to do so.
Summer Slaff
GORDON ATCHESON . ... ............ Night Editor
DANIEL BIDDLE........Night Editor
EBORAR OOD................ ..itant Night ditar
JACK KNOST ....... ... sitrat Niht Editor
JOSEPHINE MARCOTTI ..Assistant Night Editor
DAvID STOLL. . .... .. . ....................Assistant Night Editor
oEBA THAL........... .......................Night Editor
REBECCA WARNER ............................... . .Night Editor

The compelling saga of Cathleen
O'Houlihan's consumer revolution

T STARTED on a M o n d a y
morning in the third month
of Richard Nixon's latest exercise
in economic management. A wo-
man named Cathleen O'Houlihan,
35, wife of an unemployed iron-
worker, and mother of four boys,
walked into a Bohack in Kew
Gardens and started filling h e r
shopping cart. There was, of
course, no bread, and flour was
selling at $14 a pound, but 4'Houl-
ihan ignored the prices.
She loaded up-with bacon at $3.47
a pound, and looked carefully at
the ground round, which had been
taken from the untouched parts of
cancerous cows and was selling at
a flat $12 a pound. The store was
crowded with shoppers, united in
'their hollow-eyed, hesitant atti-
tudes, and in front of the canned
foods department, she met Bridget
Reilly. As O'Houlihan filled the cart
with Del Monte peaches ($13.20),
Green Giant peas ($4.3S, two for
$8.50) and Campbell's tomato soup
($1.19 a can), Reilly said that she
had just come from morning mass.
"I prayed to God," she said,
"that the President makes the deal
with the Chinamen for the rice,
to save those poor starving people
in Connecticut."
THEY TALKED a bit more about
the President. The day before, des-
pite the indictment of 47 men in
his Administration, the increased

unauthorized bombing of Cam-
bodia, Laos, Australia and Burma,
and the collapse of the economy,
Nixon said any talk of resignation
was "poppycock."
"Well," Reilly said. "He's the
President, and he knows better
than we do. He's got the facts."
O'Houlihan looked at her friend
coldly. Her cart was full now and
she moved away quickly to the pay-
out counter. The man added up the
goods, a strange look in his eye,
while the packer placed them in
bans. The total was $781.39.
"Thanks," O'Houlihan said, grab-
bine for her packages.
"Wait a minute," the clerk shout-
ed. "You haven't paid for this..."
The can of Del Monte fruit cock-
tail hit the clerk between the eyes
and he went down as if Cathleen
had hit him with a safe. There
were shouts from other shoppers,
and still others started belting
out the clerks, until the manager
climbed onto the counter and start-
ed shouting hysterically: "Stop!
Stop! Stop!" Goods were piling off
the shelves now, and someone
heaved a can through the windows.
Hungry passersby ran in. The cops
arrived, gaunt and hungry, but
instead of aresting anyone, they
joined in, tearing food off t h e
shelves. In 12 minutes, the market
was cleaned out.
The word spread throughout the
city. Everywhere the starving


masses rose as if one, hitting the
supermarkets, cleaning out t h e
food. The cops, firemen and sanita-
tionmen joined in. Gov. Rockefeller
called up the New York elements
of the National Guard, but they
immediately defected. Mobs of
working people, black and white to-
gether, roamed the city. They burn-
ed Rockefeller's apartment house,
the World Trade Center and the
Pan Am building. Nixon went on
TV to ask the 'peace forces" to
suppress this 'criminal anar-
"New York is not America," the
President said. "And God bless
But it was too late for rhetoric.
Soldiers from Fort Dix drove in
convoy to New York, but were turn-
ed back at the bridges and tunnels
by the combined guns of the Na-
tional Guard and the New York
police. The Mayor resigned along
with the City Council, and Cath-
leen O'Houlihan rose on the steps
of the old City Hall, before the
largest gathering in the history of
the city, to declare the New York
"We are a Republic at last," she
shouted. "Long live the Republic."
The police and National G u a r d
seized $20 billion in gold at the
Treasury Building and negotiations
for food were immediately opened
with Canada and the Common
Market. Ireland canceled its meat
sales with England and started
shining to the Republic of New
York. Meanwhile, the New Y o r k
Commune, with two representatives
for each New York neighborhood
announced that all debts and mort-
gages were nowncanceled,t h e
banks had been nationalized, all
medical and dental services w e r e
now free, the subway fare had been
A CEILING of $15 a room was
placed on rents, and a three-
month program for abolishing wel-
fare was placed in motion, featur-
ing day care centers on every
block, and a massive housing pro-
gram to start the following Mon-
day. All intellectuals, students and
white collar workers pledged one
week a month to help rebuild the
slums. Drug addicts were given one
month to register for treatment,
and mandatory life sentences were
applied to pushers. Ireland, China,
Canada and Australia recognized
the New Republic.
On Dec. 7, after announcing the
indictment of Sam Ervin, Lowell
Weicker and Archibald Cox, Pres-
ident Nixon declared war. The New
Yorkers waited, armed and de-
fiant, prepared to fight to the last
sacred brick, and at midnight they
heard the distant murmur of the
Pete Hamill is a writer for the
New York Post. Copyright New
York Post Corp. 1973.

Letters to
Bank blasted
To The Daily:
I AM A married student return-
ing to the University to complete
my education after a short ab-
sence. Like many other students,
the tuition hike was more than I
had anticipated. I sought for the
solution in an education loan.
I contacted the Ann Arbor Bank,
where my husband and I have had
an account for two years. I was
informed by the loan manager at
our friendly local bank that their
policy was to issue these loans
". . . to the children of their reg-
ular customers." The fact that my
husband and myself are "regular
customers" and that I have been
financialy independent of my par-
ents for several years was irrele-
The Ann Arbor Bank thrives on
University-related business. It
handles large accounts for the 'U'
and actively solicits the accounts
of the student and faculty popula-
tion through advertisements a n d
"conveniently located" b r a n c h
Despite this broad base of depos-
its, this arbitrary lending rule was
designed to discriminate against
the students, regardless of their
age, sex, residency, marital status

The Daily
or employment status. I, for one,
refuse to do further business with
such a bigoted establishment.
-Patricia Shadle
Yard wanted
To The Daily:
The 1973 Ann Arbor Blues and
Jazz Festival, scheduled for the
weekend of September 7, 8, and 9,
is expected to attract hundreds of
out-of-towners to the city. Since
camping is not allowed at the fes-
tival site, many of these people
will need places to stay.
We need your help! If you have
any sleeping or camping space
available, whether indoor, outdor,
bed, backyard or even floor space,
please volunteer its use.
Send your name, address, tele-
phone number, the number of pea-
ple you can put up, and what ac-
commodations you are offering to:
Colette Michalski
321 N. Thayer, No. 2
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
All information received will be
used at the information stand at
the festival.
Thank you.
-Colette Michalski
Information Coordination
Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz
Festival 1973



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