Friday, August 10, 1971
Page Three
Douglas slams cot
Tom Terrific
Former University law Prof. Thomas
Ic auper made the news yesterday when
ha announced two anti-trust suits against
the nation's two biggest tire manufac-
turers - Goodyear and Firestone. The
two companies were accused of attempt-
ilg to monopolize the $2 billion consumer
tire market. C get 'em To n
Not responsible
The State Police are refusing to issue
press credentials to the Ann Arbor Sun,
according to Mary Wreford, editor of The
Sun. Col. John Plants, director of the State
Police, said he turned down the request
because the paper is "not responsible,"
although he admits he doesn't read the
Balloon bust
"Ie ran into severe updrafts and severe
dowpdrafts," said Capt. Bill Whitehead of
the Illsifax Coast Guard Station. He was
referring, of course, to balloonist Robert
Sparks, who only yesterday tried to be
the first man to cross the Atlantic in a
balloon. Sparks only got 100 miles north-
east of Nova Scotia before he issued his
S:oe Our Ship.
Lottery numbers
This week's winning lottery numbers are
512 and 6W.
Happenings. . .
. .. are led by the International Rodeo
Championships being held at Washtenaw
Farm Council Grounds at 10 pm, tonight,
Yahoo . . . For the less bucolic . . . Curtis'
Casablanca will be shown in Aud. A An-
gell, 7:30, 9:30 pm. ..Clair's And Then
There Were None, Arch. Atd. 8, 10 pm.
. . . the 'U' Players' production of The
Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the
Crowd, Power 8 pm. . . . Genesis V, Nat.
Sci. 7, 8:30, 10 pm. . . . the Summer Ses-
sion Choir, Thomas Hilbish, conductor,
Hill, 8 pm. . . . and a cup of tea at the
Lighthouse Coffeehouse, 1432 Washtenaw,
the First Presbyterian Church at 8 pm.
A2 weather
Partly sunny today with a chance of
showers. The lows will be in the 70's and
the high will be in the mid 80's. More of
the same for the weekend.
irt ruling
WASHINGTON P --Supreme Court Jus-
tice WiUiam Douglas says his eight col-
leagues went beyond the law and the
custom of the high court by overturning
his decision on U.S. bombing of Cam-
Douglas' dissent attacks the legality of
the decision to allow continued bombing
that was reached by Justice Thorgood
Marshall, with the endorsement of the
seven other justices.
"THE COURT has unquestioned power
to reverse me; and although I disagree
with the court's action on the merits, that
is not the point of this dissent," Douglas
wrote in a dissent dated Aug. 4.
He accused the other members of the
court of resorting to "a Gallup poll" type
of inquiry to overrule him illegally.
Last month, a U.S. District Court judge
n Net'York roled the Cambodia bombing
unconstitutional and ordered it halted.
The U.S. Circuit Court in New York
blocked the effect of that decision until
it could hear a government appeal.
OPPONENTS OF the bombing then went
to Marshall asking him to reinstate the
district court order. Marshall refused.
They then moved on to Douglas who was
vacationing at his Goose Prairie, Wash.,
retreat. On last Saturday morning, Doug-
las reinstated the district court order, in
edest ordering a halt to the bombing.
,That order stood for less than seven
hours, The government hastily fashioned
a counterotion td olt Soordav after-
noon Marshall blocked the effect of the
district court order. While Marshall acted
alone, lte noted that all the other justices
save Douglas, agreed with him.
Douglas said at least six members of the
AP Photo court must sit to overturn the affirmative
aciton of a single justice.
"WHATEVER MAY BE said ton the
ptain John merits, I am firmly convinced that the
ris of New telephonic disposition of this grave and
e dg ,th- crucial constitutional issue is not per-
ue a bath- missible, "Douglas said in reference to
Marshal's contact with the other justices.
The central question turned on just what
Douglas did Saturday morning.
For one thing, he removed the stay
which the circuit court had placed on the
lower court order. But more importantly,
in his eyes, he had also issued an order
specifically reinstating the judgment of
n the district court.
jtHUS, DOUGLAS maintained, the court
took an illegal shortcut to overrule him.
's credit of- "A Gallup poll type of inquiry of widely
tion by the scattered justices is I thik a subversion of
but a denis- the regime under which I thought we
wo or three lived," Douglas said.
The legal tangle began with a suit
would make filed by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D-N.Y.
S to receive and three Air Force officers who sought
OTC courses, to stop the bombing. On Wednesday, the
and Princi- U.S. Circuit Court in New York ruled 2-I
resently LSA in favor of the bombing which is scheduled
TC's Aerody to end Aug. 15 by congressional mandate.
MEANWHILE, military sources disclos-
ed that American warplanes killed Cam-
" about bodian government soldiers and civilians
e's delibera- in at least five separate bombing acci-
ge 10 dents in the past two weeks.
Safe but tired
Old Slugger, a wise and experienced dog, gets a welcome from Fire Ca
McLaughlin yesterday, after the Slugger was pulled alive from the deb
York's old Broadway Central lotel, which collapsed last Friday. Th
second to be found alive under the rubble, was reportedly saved becau
room sink toppled over him and provided him with air space.
'U' Ai*r Force RO
proposes expans
Reduced in enrollment and prestige dur-
ing the campus anti-war movement, the
University's Reserve Officers Training
Corps (ROTC) program may regain some
lost ground this year.
In the works, according to Air Force
ROTC chairman Marvin Grunzke, are pro-
posals to re-extend credit to LSA students
for several ROTC courses here. The Air
Force branch is also pushing to begin an
ROTC program at the University's Flint
campus, Grunzke. says.
PRESENTLY FEW of the University's
schools give credit for ROTC courses: The
plan to extend the program
ferings is under considera
LSA curriculum committee,
ion may be as much as t
weeks away, Grunzke says.
Approval of the proposal
it possible for tSA student
tredit for two Air Force RI
Concepts of Leadership 401
pIes of Management 402. Pi
students. can take only RO'
namics 403 for credit.
Grunzke says he is "hopeful
the LSA curriculum committe
Opinion poll
reveals split
on issue of
pay toilets
Daily Roving Reporter
Daily Photos by Ken Fink
.inua Kyman
"I don't know why
people have to pay to
go to the john -- unless
it helps the city."
"Public facilities
should be available so
people can drop t h e i r
turds for free."
Carol Jones
"I think they're atroc-
ious. No one should
have to pay to perform
a natural act. I crawl
under all the time and
would urge everyone to
crawl under."
"I think they should
be allowed, as a rule
they're a little cleaner.
You pay your dime,
and who knows: You
may get fooled."
Fran Stofflet
"They never really
bothered me, though
they could be inconven-
lent. I mean, even some
one with a lot of money
might riot have a
"I'd like to go on re-
cord as being against
pay toilets. Why should
I have to pay? I could
just as easily go behind
a bush."
Bul Scott
Power Co,
David Mussey