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July 10, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-07-10

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Tuesday, July 10, 1973


Page Three


Tuesday, July 10, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Three

Highs and ows o city dope aw
By GORDON ATCHESON expected as much. They saw the small and use at 25 cents but found that such a asking for an $11 fine for use but not sale.
Just a little more than a year after its fine as a symbol-an educational tool penalty could not be legally enacted. "We FINALLY AFTER several weeks in
highly publicized birth, the city's five dol- which would show the country how lightly wanted the law to look as silly as possible committee the five dollar fine for sale
lar marijuana law has been laid to rest the marijuana issue should be treated. to show how absurd the whole issue is," and use of marijuana emerged as a com-
by the votes of seven united Republicans. A coalition of Human Rights Party and comments council member Jerry DeGrieck promise proposal. The Dems and HRP
When passed originally in May, 1972, Democratic council members was respon- (HRP-First Ward). council members teamed up to approve
the law left Ann Arbor with the most lib- sible for the bill's passage. Both parties While interested in seeing the penal- the ordinance despite strong objections
eral dope law anywhere in the United . had advocated legalization of marijuana ties reduced the Democrats were not pre- from the Republicans on council.
States. People everywhere were curious in their April election campaigns. pared to go quite as far. Former mayor Police Chief Walter Krasny was per-
to see what effect the law would have on and Democratic party leader Robert Har- sonally unhappy about the law, according
the city's lifestyle. Still the law did not become a reality ris explains that too many people feared to Harris, but went along with it after
IN RETROSPECT many observers would without something of a struggle between marijuana, consequently the law "could lengthy discussions with other city offic-
agree that the city experienced virtually the Dems and Humans. not be treated with levity." ials.
no change. The sponsors of the law had HRP WANTED to set the fine for sale The Democrats came up with a proposal See DOPE, Page 10


releases planeload


Peace Corps volunteers

Happy Birthday, Mrs. S.
Mary Samuelson, Student Govern-
ment Council's administrative assistant for
nearly a decade, is celebrating her birth-
day today. Mrs. S., as she is fondly known
to SGC people, has served the student
government nobly through thick and thin.
All of us who have ever attended an SGC
meeting shall never forget the inspiring
sight of Mrs. S. sitting and taking notes
with placid, silver haired maturity amidst
the frivolous and profane exchanges tht
plagued SGC under Bill Jacobs' admin-
istration. Souitrces close to the dignitod
lady say she places her age at 29; oh-
servers maintain that she is tot) wise
to be just 29", but astSGC people k . ,
Mrs. S. always has the last word. -ipp %
I irthiday, Mrs. S.
New buses
The Southeistern Michigan Traspoxx<-
tion Authority (SNvITA) announced yester-
dy that a new express bus service be-
to-een Ann Arbor and the Ford Comples
in Dearborn is being instituted. Begin-
ning today city commuters can catch
buses at 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. at the
Hilton Hotel parking lot located on souih
State Road and I-94. Return buses will
leave the Ford complex at approximately
4:45 and 5:00 in the evening. Monthly
passes are available for $45.
Waterbug humor
WASHINGTON - A firm calling itself
the "Off-White House" is now selling
"Enemy of Richard Nixon Certificates"
for those who were disappointed when they
learned they had not been included on
the original enemies list. For only a
dollar, you can purchase a certificate that
says the omission of your name was only
the result of a bureaucratic bungle. As a
bonus the firm offers to include a blade
of grass reputed to be worth more than
$67.95 in taxpayers money - if the import
arrangements can be made with S a n
Clemente and or Key Biscayne.
Happenings ...
. there will be an Outreach Mass
Meeting tonite at 7:30 in the Natural
Science Auditorium . . . the Commission
for Women is sponsoring a film called
"Turnabout" - a portrayal of male-fe-
male role reversals - today and for the
rest of the week. Those interested can
see the presentation today at 12:10 p.m.
and 12:40 p.m. at Frieze Building,'Wash-
ington Entrance, Auditorium 2065, School
of Public Health, 109 S. Observatory,
Room 3042 and at the Children's Psychia-
tric Hospital, N. Hosp. Dr., Aud.
A2's weather
Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain-
showers. There will be scattered showers
in the area as a storm system finds its
way across the state. Highs today be-
tween 83-88 with lows tonite 60-65.

NAIROBI, Kenya P-U.S. Peace
Corps volunteers detained by the
Ugandan army for two days were
released last night after the presi-
dent of the nearby country of Zaire
vouched for them. He said the 112
volunteers were welcome in his coun-
try and were neither mercenaries
nor Israeli agents.
A chartered jetliner carried the young
Americans from Entebbe, Uganda, where
they were held, to Kinshasa, the capital
of Zaire, the former Congo. Most of them
will teach in the eastern highlands of
PRESIDENT IDI AMIN, the burly, un-
predictable leader of Uganda, detained the
Americans Saturday after their jet made a
ref teling stop. According to one account,
he saw the plane taking off from Entebbe
and after learning who was aboard or-
dered it back under threat of interception
by Ugandan fighters.
Radio Uganda said Amin held the group
on suspicion they were mercenaries or
Zionist agents. lie ordered their release,
a later broadast said, after assurances
foinPresident nbtux Sex Sekt oo Zaire.
U.S. diplomats had asked Mobutu's in-
tervention after unsuccessful round-the-
clock talks with Ugandan authorities in an
effort to get the corpsmen freed.
IN WASHINGTON, press officer Paul
hare said the State Department was
gratified that the corps members were
"But we remain deeply concerned that
they were detained . . . and will be con-
sidering the implications this situation has
for us," he said.
American relations with Uganda have
been gradually deteriorating of late.
criticized Amin last week for a Fourth
of July message in which he accused
President Nixon of murder in Cambodia
and wished him a speedy recovery from
See AMIN, Page 10

More phases to come
Secretary of Commerce Frederick Dent tells a meeting of New York stockbrokers
about the administration future plans for the economy. Dent stated that a "Phase 5"
will mark the end of broad controls on prices and wages.

Florida sues major oil firms

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. OP)-The State of
Florida filed suit yesterday in federal
court against 15 major U.S. oil companies,
charging them with conspiring to con-
trive the current fuel shortage.
"There is no gas shortage," Florida's
Attorney General Robert Shevin told a
news conference before filing the suit.
"Our position is that the gas shortage is
a direct result of anticompetitive prac-
tices manipulated by the major oil com-
panies to protect their profits."
The suit filed in federal court here
alleges that the oil companies have en-
gaged in an illegal monopoly and un-
reasonable restraint of interstate com-
merce and trade.
SPOKESMEN FOR a number of com-

panies said they would have no com-
ment until they had read the suit. A
spokesman for Mobil Oil Corp., one of
those accused, said, "We have no com-
plaints or subpoenas from the state of
Florida and we don't know what we are
being accused of. We can say categorically
that we have not conspired with anyone
to perform any act in violation of the
antitrust laws."
The Florida suit asks that the oil com-
panies be forced out of the crude oil
exploration and production business,
"The basic problem is in the crude oil
business," Shevin said. "That's where
the anticompetitivd nature of the industry
brought about the results we have today."

OIL COMPANIES should not be allowed
to control oil from the ground to the gas
pumps, he said. Shevin labeled the cur-
rent situation a "megalopoly."
Asst. Atty. Gen. Dan Dearing said the
suit could be the biggest trustbusting at-
tempt since the breakup of the Standard
Oil Co. in the'1900's.
"We're talking about the reorientation
of a $100-billion-a-year industry," Dearing
THE SUIT CHARGES that prices of
gasoline have risen steadily since mid-
1972 along with efforts by major oil com-
panies to- cut off supplies to independent
and private brand dealers, jobbers and

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