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June 22, 1973 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-06-22

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Friday, June 22, 1973


FPoge Three

Skylab astronauts prepare
for splash in Pacific today

SPACE CENTER, Houston om - Astro-
nauts Charles Conrad Jr., Dr. Joseph Ker-
win and Paul Weitz return to earth at 9:50
a.m. EDT today. Splashdown is in the
Pacific Ocean, 830 miles southwest of
San Diego.
The spacemen, up early yesterday,
worked to put their space station in shape
for the Skylab 2 crew that will occupy the
118-foot long orbiting laboratory for 56
days starting next month.
Conrad, Kerwin and Weitz loaded film,
tapes, biological samples and other equip-
ment ahoard the Apollo command ship,
which is attached to one end of the space

THE ASTRONAUTS planned a five-hour
sleep yesterday, resting for the precise
and difficult job of flying their spaceship
to earth.
They cast off from the space station
aboard the Apollo command ship at 4:45
a.m. today.
After spending an hour circling and
photographing the orbiting laboratory, the
astronauts will perform a series of rocket
firings to slow their ferry ship and send
it speeding out of orbit toward splash-
CONRAD, KERWIN and Weitz perform-
ed their housekeeping chores yesterday
swiftly and with little conversation with

Mission Control. They were running two
hours ahead of schedule at one point and
officials said they were trying to gain
extra time for rest.
Work was slowed when the astronauts
foind that a canister stuck when they
tried to dispose of it through an airlock
into a trash tank.
Mission Control worried that the trash
airlock could become so jammed by the
cannister that future crews could not use
it. But the "fix anything guys" of Sky-
l 'b 1 liter said they solved the problem.
"WITH A judicious application of force
we got it out and freed," said Weitz.
"Boy, is that good news," said Mission

591 and 575...
are this wveek's sinmom Michigain
Lottery numbers
Bus fares cut ยข
The Ann Arbor Transportation Author
ity has cut all bus fares on the city s Dial
A-Ride and regular buses to 25 cents. It
also set a special rate of $1.25 for 10 rides
foi semor citizens and those with low m-
comes. lIhe fare reductions are consider-
ed the first step toward Ann Arbor's Tel-
tra system, approved by the voters in
April, and will become effective on July 1.
CREEP extortion? - -
WASHINGTON -The special Watergate
prosecution team is investigating whether
extortion was used by President Nixon's e
camtpaign fund-raisers, it was disclosed
yesterday. Among those complaints being
probed are reports that Nixon fund-rais-
ers smlicited money vigorously from cot
mr tittus atnd imdisvidials whom were in-
tilt-ed in tax problems, contract disputes,
securitiis inestigations or other sensi-
time deli gs with the government.
! ~ z
Happenings ...
are miostly cinematic today. Ny-
by's The Thing from Another World is at
Angell Hall Aud. A at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
. . . Hawk's Twentieth Century is at the
Architecture Auditorium at 8 and 10 p..
. . . The Wizard of Oz and 200 Motels will
both be shown at the Modern Language
Building Auditoriums 3 and 4 at 8:15 p.m.,
a single feature at 10 p.m. . . . theatre
goers, check out The Banana from Outer
Space at the Residential College Auditor-
ium at 8 p.m. 4
A2's weather Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Partly cloudy with scattered light rain- *
showers. A cold front to the north will
cause clouds to develop in our area as it Cherries, Peaches, Apples and Oranges. Campus dwellers now have their own
heads emst. High temps between 73-78 with fruit vendor. He's Neil Shaffer and he keeps his fresh fruit stand in the shade
lows from 60-65. at the corner of State and North U.
Waking upbehind bar:Lf
1in Washtenaw County Ji

Control. "You can hear the sighs of relief
down here."
"You oughta hear them up here,"
Weitz replied. Conrad, asked as one point
if a task was completed, replied "you bet
your sweet bippy we did."
"YOU GUYS are really moving fast,"
observed Mission Control. The prime re-
covery ship, the USS Ticonderoga, was on
station in the Pacific Ocean, awaiting the
return of the astronauts. The ship's crew
practiced the recovery operation using a
simulated splashdown 4%t miles from the
carrier. The practice, from splash to
spacecraft hatch opening, took 33 minutes.
with Veep
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William Mil-
liken agrees he has a lot more in com-
mon philosophically with Vice President
Spiro Agnew than he used to, but he says
Agnew has been the one who has done
the shifting of views.
"The fact is, he's not taking as hard
and strident a tone in his speeches as he
was before," Milliken said. "I like the
fact he seems to be taking broader views
and more statesmanlike positions. Ile is
less partisan and less divisive.'
The relationship between the two men
has changed popreciably since 1970, when
part of Millikess cttpain strategy was
to keen both Agnew and President Nixon
out of Michigan completely. Agnew nmade
only one appeo-rnce in the state that year
and Milliken moned to be vdear on the
other side of the state when that hap-
WASHINGTON ut' - President Nix-
on and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev
agreed late last night to hold another
summit in Moscow next year, a meet-
ing which could provide the forum for
a treaty to permanently curb offensive
nuclear weapons.
The agreement to hold the third
summit in three years was disclosed
during a dinner at the Soviet Embassy.
BUT LAST WEEK Milliken introduced
Agnew to a Lansing audience by saying
"I have a warm personal friendship with
the vice president and appreciate all he
has done to help the Republican party in
Michigan. I respect hint."
Milliken said a series of tennis matches
between himself and Agnew at the last
three national governor's conferences
have helped build their friendship.
"IT'S MADE a difference," the gover-
nor said. "We've had a chance on the
tennis courts to joke and relax under
pleasant circumstances."
But, Milliken says, "even in the per-
iod when I didn't agree with him, I had a
pretty good personal relationship with
him. I recall one meeting - a dinner -
where we were seated next to each other
and we frankly acknowledged a difference
of opinion. I think he respects 'me and I
respect him. I said I respected him for
his forthrightness and candor and I do.
He certainly has gone out of his way to
be gracious to me. And after all, you can
disagree with someone but still have a
friendship - that's a better state of hu-
man affairs anyway."
THE GOVERNOR is quick to add that
the new friendship shouldn't be taken as
any sign the governor favors Agnew for
the Presidency the next time around,
"That doesn't mean any commitment
on my part for 1976, either implied or out-
right," he said. "He's the front runner
now, I suppose. But for me or any gover-
nor to choose up sides now would be sto.
pid, at least silly."

i Edtorm's note: Time tfitlmwing is the conclmi-
siosofai tee artseie on tw daysii
Daily wiil feature a story on the rehabilita-
mhe Wasitenaw County [Jii. Next Tuesday's
imn prograim at the jilt amid sme plaits
for its tuture.
When ycu wake up in the morning your
bed feels fuzzy-then you remember where
you are and look into the corridor. There's
a woman with grey hair standing right
there and you try to remember if any of
the women had grey hafr last night. But
they didn't.
The food man is at the door with the
tray so you pull your dress on quickly.

There are only three chairs for seven in- as she reaches for her bowl and spoon.
mates and since you sat on one last night Suddenly she screams, "Help, I'm gonna
for dinner, you take your breakfast and pass out," and she tries to stand up, but
falls to the floor.

THERE'S A LOT of c h a t t e r during
breakfast. Rebecca is telling the new wo-
men who came in during the night that
they'll probably go to court about 8:30
a.m. That makes you think about the
time-the clock says it's 6:45, and you
wonder what you'll do all day.
Someone calls over to Louise to eat her
food before they come for the plates.
She starts moaning that.her head hurts

THE WOMEN rush over and help her
back to her cot. Rebecca yells, "The
turnkey, call the turnkey."' So you take
your hairbrush and bang like hell on the
door, screaming, "Turnkey, there's some-
one sick in her. T u r n k e y, turnkey,
You bang until your arm aches and
See TWO, Page 8

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