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June 14, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-14

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Thursday, June 14,


Page Nine

Thursday. June 14, THE SUMMER DAILY Page Nine

War on heroin cuts codeine
By ALTON BLAKESLEE opium poppies. The opium can be turned cant difference in the activities of the un- it is
Associated Press Science Writer into morphine, and then either into co- derworld and their .illicit importation and sharp
war against growing deine, or heroin. sale of heroin," they write in the publi- COI
NEW YORK - A argastrwngcation, Internal Medicine News. mode
poppies that yield heroin threatens to The shortage looms because the Nixon ' fluen
boomerang into a harvest of pain for administration is paying Turkey $35 mil- Much heroin comes from the so-called rtis,
millions of people, drug experts are lion not to grow poppies at all, even for Golden Triangle of Southeapt Asia, the kidne
warning. legal, medical use. Turkey has been one countries of Burma, Thailand, and Laos, tions.
The reason is those same poppies sup- source of legal opium, but also a source Reed says. The
ply the morphine and codeine to kill or of heroin finding its way to the United These countries are not signatories to May
diminish pains ranging from cancer to States. an international agreement to produce tain
aching joints. The poppy curb is "an example of well- legal opium under controlled conditions, about
A WORLDWIDE SHORTAGE of codeine meant hut disputahle political action" to as is India, and as Turkey was. India small
could come as early as this fall, says cut off a source of heroin, says Drs. Lin- produces about 80 per cent of the opium up th
Phillip Reed, president of S. B. Penick wood Tice and John Moyer of Philadel- used legally, but the loss of Turkey's 20 needs
Co., one of three U. S. firms licensed to phia. per cent is enough to initiate a threatened pies,
make codeine from opium obtained from "IT WILL PROBABLY make no signifi- critical shortage, particularly of codeine, Merc

explained. Consumption has risen
ly in recent years, and is still rising.
DEINE IS USED to relieve mild to
rate pain, such as accompanies in-
za, inflammations, bursitis, osteoarth-
postsurgical and postchildbirth pain,
y stones, burns, and tooth extrac-
Penick company ran out of opium
9. Merck & Co. has enough to main-
present production of codeine for
nine months. "But we are the
er of the producers and cannot pick
heir slack and meet the country's
. If Indian doesn't plant more pop-
there will truly be a shortage," a
k official said.

Nixon tries to control and
conceal info-Press Club
WASHINGTON (R) - The Nixon administration has been charged
with trying to control and conceal information in a study conducted
by the National Press Club and American University.
"The administration appears unwilling to accept the traditional
role of an independent press in a free society," said the study. It as-
serted that the Nixon administration is the most closed in recent
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about black people produced to date."
-SUSAN STARK, Detroit Free Press


AP Photo
BUDDIES IN THE SADDLE. Mark Phillips and Princess Anne
have decided to hold their wedding on November 14. Here they
are shown at the Rhine Army Summer Show in Germany where
Phillips serves with the Queen's Dragoon Guards. Both Anne and
Mark are expert equestrians.
Mark and Anne to
wed November 14

LONDON (UPI) - Princess
Anne will marry Lt. Mark Phil-
lips in Westminster Abbey Nov.
14, Buckingham Palace announ-
ced yesterday. Palace sources
said invitations have been sent
out for what is expected to be
one of the most splendid royal
marriages of the century.
The brief palace announce-
ment gave only the place and
date for the wedding of the 22-
year-old daughter of Queen
Elizabeth and the 24-year-old
cavalry officer and the fact it
would he solemnized hy. the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Pri-
mate of the Church of England.
WHAT IT DID not say was that
the Queen and Prince Philip are
anxious that the many royal fi-
gores-who found themselves busy
elsewhere when Princess Marga-
ret married another commoner,
Anthony Armstrong - Jones, in
1960 should be present. Thus the
date was set for Anne's wedding
months ahead.
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The Secretary of the Duchess
of Windsor said today in Paris
the Duchess has not received an
invitation to Princess Anne's
wedding but will consider going
if she gets one.

SOON: James Bond 007 in "LIVE & LET DIE"

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