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June 29, 1979 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-29

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The Michigan Doily--Friddy, June 29, 1979-Page 15
Phil Pistons''Hub' now
(Continued from Page 1)
assistant basketball coach Bill Frieder. him on the bench all the time, it's not
Frieder said he maintained "close con- going to help matters."
tact" with his pivotman for the past two In the two years prior to his injury,
weeks, in hopes that Hubbard would Hubbard was considered one of the
remain at Michigan another year. nation's most promising players. He
"I think the Pistons got a steal on this had averaged 15 points and 11 rebounds
deal," Frieder said. "Apparently the per game his freshman year, then im-
money was good enough that he really proved to a 19.6 scoring average and
wanted to sign." 13.0 rebounding clip as a sophomore.
During the past year, speculation was IN ADDITION, the Canton, Ohio
raised concerning a knee injury Hub- native was a 1976-77 consensus All-
bard suffered at the U.S. World Games American, as well as a member of the
in 1977, the summer following his U.S. Olympic team which won the gold
sophomore year. That injury sidelined medal at Montreal in 1976.
Hubbard for the entire 1977-78 season, Now that Hubbard's Michigan career
thus leaving him with a fifth year of has ended, the Wolverines face the dif-
eligibility under the NCAA's "red ficult task of building a team that can
shirt" rule. be a contender in what many experts
LAST SEASON, Hubbard averaged call the nation's most competitive
14.8 points per game as he slowly basketball conference.
worked his knee into shape. But many ,,"NO QUESTION about it," he said,
NBA scouts shrugged off the possibility when you lose an outstanding player
of drafting him as "too much of a gam- like Hubbard it's a jolt to your
ble." The Pistons apparently program. But we'll bounce back. When
disagreed. Campy (Russell) signed, people didn't
"There's no doubt his knee needs think we'd be that good of a ballclub.
some playing time," said Frieder. "The But then we signed a guy named John
more they play him, the faster his knee Robinson. We came back and went to
is going to come along. But if they have the NCAA playoffs."

Vilas finished off
in second round
WIMBLEDON, England (AP) - Tim Wilkison, an athletic 19-year-old
from Shelby, N.C., conquered Guillermo Vilas 5-7, 6-2, 6-1, 7-6 yesterday as
the slaughter of seeded players continued at the Wimbledon tennis cham-
With the second round of the men's singles completed, only nine of the
original 16 seeds were left in contention.
To throw the tournament even more open, defending champion Bjorn
Borg was troubled by a thigh injury and had doubts about going through with
his third-round match Friday.
The Swedish star said in the morninglbe had only a 25 per cent chance of
playing, Buthe practiced later and was reported to be moving well about the
Also eliminated was Manuel Orentes of Spain. Gilles Moretton of France
outlasted him 7-6, 3-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-1. C
Meanwhile, in the women's draw, 16-year-old AmericartTracy Austin
overcame South Africa's Brigitte Cuypers 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 in the second round.
It was a patchy encounter with a lot of errors by both players, but Austin
showed no ill effects'from the-groin muscle injury that forced her to pull out
of a warm-up tournament at Eastbourne last week.
Seeds previously put out were Vitas Gerulaitis, Arthur Ashe, Corrado
Barazzutti, Jose Higueras and Wojtek Fibak.
Jimmy Connors, warming up after a sluggish start, downed Marty
Riessen 6-7, 6-3, 7-6, 6-0 for a place in the third round.
The upset results have left Connors with no seeded players in his way un-
til he reaches the quarterfinals. If play continues according to form, he then
would play Victor Pecci, the tall, big-hitting Paraguayan, who defeated
Australia's Phil Dent 6-4, 7-6, 6-3.
Pecci, who was little known until earlier this month, defeated Connors in
the semi-finals of the French Open.
VISA 406 E. Liberty-2 blocks off State St.

Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
PHIL HUBBARD demonstrates the style which earned him a contract with the
Detroit Pistons yesterday. Although the Pistons have high hopes for the ex-
Michigan center, that tightly wrapped knee of his may prove troublesome in the

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